
  1. 代码

#  wraps的参数是原来的函数,修饰返回的函数

def _implicit_lookup(self, subroutine, arg_name):  # feed 里面查找 animal

    replacer = ArgumentReplacer(subroutine, arg_name)

    @wraps(subroutine)  # 换汤不换药,不认识了subroutine
    def lookup_closure(*args, **kwargs):
        with replacer.replace_and_call(args, kwargs) as replaced:    # 【注意】不是*args, **kwargs
            if self._should_be_replaced(replaced.value):
        return replaced.returned_value
    return lookup_closure
  1. 对比
def a_new_decorator(a_func):
    def wrapTheFunction(*args, **kwargs):
        print("I am doing some boring work before executing a_func()")

        a_func(*args, **kwargs)   # 【注意】不是 a_func(args, kwargs)
        print("I am doing some boring work after executing a_func()")
    return wrapTheFunction

  1. 另一个不常见

import functools

def value_dispatch(func):
    """Like singledispatch() but dispatches by value of the first arg.
      def eat(fruit):
          return f"I don't want a {fruit}..."
      def _eat_apple(fruit):
          return "I love apples!"
      def _eat_what(fruit):
          return f"I didn't know {fruit} is a fruit!"
    An alternative to applying multuple `register` decorators is to
    use the `register_for_all` helper:
      @eat.register_for_all({'eggplant', 'squash'})
      def _eat_what(fruit):
          return f"I didn't know {fruit} is a fruit!"

    registry = {}

    def wrapper(arg0, *args, **kwargs):
            delegate = registry[arg0]
        except KeyError:
            return delegate(arg0, *args, **kwargs)

        return func(arg0, *args, **kwargs)

    def register(value):
        def wrap(func):
            if value in registry:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'@value_dispatch: there is already a handler '
                    f'registered for {value!r}'
            registry[value] = func
            return func
        return wrap

    wrapper.register = register

    return wrapper

def eat(fruit):
    return f"I don't want a {fruit}..."

def _eat_apple(fruit):
    return "I love apples!"

def _eat_what(fruit):
    return f"I didn't know {fruit} is a fruit!"

res = _eat_apple('eggplant')
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