robot 源码解读4【时间相关】
- robot中的timestamp的概念
20210406-104142.897 字符串类型
- 源码
import time
import sys
IRONPYTHON = sys.platform == 'cli'
def is_number(item):
return isinstance(item, (int, float))
# 传入秒时间格式, 返回带毫秒的时间元祖格式
# 1. time.time() # 1617677501.859291
def _get_timetuple(epoch_secs=None):
if epoch_secs is None: # can also be 0 (at least in unit tests)
epoch_secs = time.time()
secs, millis = _float_secs_to_secs_and_millis(epoch_secs)
timetuple = time.localtime(secs)[:6] # from year to secs # (2021, 4, 6, 10, 54, 4)
# print(timetuple) # (2021, 4, 6, 10, 42, 31)
# print((millis,)) # (719,)
# print(timetuple + (millis,)) # (2021, 4, 6, 10, 42, 31, 719)
return timetuple + (millis,)
def _float_secs_to_secs_and_millis(secs):
isecs = int(secs)
millis = roundup((secs - isecs) * 1000)
return (isecs, millis) if millis < 1000 else (isecs+1, 0)
def roundup(number, ndigits=0, return_type=None):
"""Rounds number to the given number of digits.
Numbers equally close to a certain precision are always rounded away from
zero. By default return value is float when ``ndigits`` is positive and
int otherwise, but that can be controlled with ``return_type``.
With the built-in ``round()`` rounding equally close numbers as well as
the return type depends on the Python version.
sign = 1 if number >= 0 else -1
precision = 10 ** (-1 * ndigits) # 10 ** (-1 * 1) =0.1 ; 10 ** (-1 * 2)=0.01
if not return_type:
return_type = float if ndigits > 0 else int
quotient, remainder = divmod(abs(number), precision)
if (not (IRONPYTHON and (quotient * precision + remainder > abs(number)))
and remainder >= precision / 2):
quotient += 1
return sign * return_type(quotient * precision)
# 添加时区 GMT8+09:00
def _diff_to_gmt(sep):
if not sep:
return ''
if time.altzone == 0:
sign = ''
elif time.altzone > 0:
sign = '-'
sign = '+'
minutes = abs(time.altzone) / 60.0 # time.altzone = -32400
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
return '%sGMT%s%s%02d:%02d' % (sep, sep, sign, hours, minutes)
# Timetuple is (year, month, day, hour, min, sec[, millis])
def format_time(timetuple_or_epochsecs, daysep='', daytimesep=' ', timesep=':',
millissep=None, gmtsep=None):
"""Returns a timestamp formatted from given time using separators.
Time can be given either as a timetuple or seconds after epoch.
Timetuple is (year, month, day, hour, min, sec[, millis]), where parts must
be integers and millis is required only when millissep is not None.
Notice that this is not 100% compatible with standard Python timetuples
which do not have millis.
Seconds after epoch can be either an integer or a float.
if is_number(timetuple_or_epochsecs):
timetuple = _get_timetuple(timetuple_or_epochsecs)
timetuple = timetuple_or_epochsecs
daytimeparts = ['%02d' % t for t in timetuple[:6]] # 单数值不足2位
day = daysep.join(daytimeparts[:3])
time_ = timesep.join(daytimeparts[3:6])
millis = millissep and '%s%03d' % (millissep, timetuple[6]) or '' # millis保留3位
return day + daytimesep + time_ + millis + _diff_to_gmt(gmtsep)
# format_time理解
start_timestamp = format_time((2021, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13,22), '', '-', '',millissep='.',gmtsep=0) # 20211212-121213.022
start_timestamp = format_time(time.time(), '', '-', '',millissep='.',gmtsep='amize') # 20210406-104142.897
start_timestamp = format_time(time.time(), '', '-', ':') # 20210413-10:01:49
# 函数中的一些数学用法
# print(10 ** (-1 * 1)) # 0.1
# print(10 ** (-1 * 2)) # 0.01
# print(divmod(3, 2)) # (1, 1)
# print(divmod(3, 0.1)) # (29.0, 0.09999999999999984)
quotient, remainder = divmod(abs(3), 0.1)
print(quotient * 0.1 + remainder )
# time的使用
# print(time.localtime(time.time())) # time.struct_time(tm_year=2021, tm_mon=4, tm_mday=6, tm_hour=10, tm_min=48, tm_sec=39, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=96, tm_isdst=0)
# print(time.localtime(time.time()).tm_year) # 2021
# print(tuple(time.localtime(time.time()))) # (2021, 4, 6, 10, 48, 39, 1, 96, 0)
# r = isinstance(time.localtime(time.time()),(tuple,)) #True
# print(r)
# print(time.localtime(time.time())[:6])
r= ['%02d' % t for t in time.localtime(time.time())[:6]]