python 描述符专项

  1. 这个文章不错

  2. Clean Code in Python中的描述符类学习

# 具有当前城市的旅行者在程序运行期间跟踪用户访问过的所有城市
class HistoryTracedAttribute:
    def __init__(self, trace_attribute_name) :
        self.trace_attribute_name = trace_attribute_name  # 需要跟踪的属性 # cities_visited
        self._name = None

    def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
        # print(owner, name)  # class Traveller , current_city  # 初始化才调用
        self._name = name

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        if instance is None:
            return self
        # print('__get__',instance.__dict__,self._name)   # {'name': 'the traveller name', 'cities_visited': ['a', 'b', 'd'], 'current_city': 'd'} current_city
        return instance.__dict__[self._name]

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        print('set start')
        # print('__set__',instance,value)  # <__main__.Traveller object at 0x00000289A33634C8> a  # b # d
        self._track_change_in_value_for_instance(instance, value)
        instance.__dict__[self._name] = value    # current_city = a # b # d
        print('set end')

    def _track_change_in_value_for_instance(self, instance, value):
        self._set_default(instance)  # 设置需要跟踪的属性的默认值 'cities_visited': []
        if self._needs_to_track_change(instance, value):
            instance.__dict__[self.trace_attribute_name].append(value)  # 'cities_visited': [] 列表append

    def _needs_to_track_change(self, instance, value) -> bool:  # 很巧妙,初始化的时候,字典对应的key current_city不存在:直接添加
            # print('_needs_to_track_change:', instance.__dict__)
            current_value = instance.__dict__[self._name]
        except KeyError:
            print('_needs_to_track_change:', instance.__dict__)
            return True
        return value != current_value

    def _set_default(self, instance):
        # print(self.trace_attribute_name)  # cities_visited
        instance.__dict__.setdefault(self.trace_attribute_name, [])  # 设置默认值 'cities_visited': []
        # print(instance.__dict__)

class Traveller:    # 所有者类
    # 调用 __set_name__ , 这里current_city是一个类的实例
    # t.current_city = 'b' 后current_city就是字符串了
    current_city = HistoryTracedAttribute("cities_visited")  # 是类的属性,20210420

    def __init__(self, name, current_city): = name
        # print(self.current_city)  # 报错,__get__ 中 instance.__dict__[self._name],KeyError: 'current_city'
        self.current_city = current_city     # 调用 __set__  #注意这里就算不设置self.current_city,外面也是可以t.current_city访问的

t = Traveller('the traveller name','a')

t.current_city = 'b'
t.current_city = 'd'
t.current_city = 'b'  # ['a', 'b', 'd', 'b']
t.current_city = 'b'  # 不增加

# HistoryTracedAttribute 类给Traveller对象添加的
print(t.cities_visited)  # ['a', 'b', 'd']   # 不会调用 __get__
# print(t.__dict__)

# Traveller类自带的
print(           # the traveller name  # 不会调用 __get__
print(t.current_city)   # d  #访问的时候会调用 __get__ ,只有访问描述符才会调用

  1. robot中testsuite相关代码中,描述符类装饰器比较难以理解,简化源码方便理解如下

#  描述符类, 描述符是作为类的属性而不是实例属性存在的
#  将一个类中的方法装饰成类中的属性
class setter(object):

    def __init__(self, method):
        self.method = method
        self.attr_name = '_setter__' + method.__name__
        self.__doc__ = method.__doc__
        print('setter: __init__:' ,method)

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):  # instance:TestSuite object ;owner:class TestSuite
        if instance is None:
            return self
        print('setter: __get__:', instance, owner)
        return getattr(instance, self.attr_name)    # 返回的是TestSuite的attr_name
        # try:
        #     print('setter: __get__:', instance, owner)
        #     return getattr(instance, self.attr_name)
        # except AttributeError:
        #     raise AttributeError(self.method.__name__)

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if instance is None:
        print('setter: __set__:', instance,value )
        # 相当于TestSuite 执行 test(self, Keyword)
        setattr(instance, self.attr_name, self.method(instance, value))

class SetterAwareType(type):

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        slots = dct.get('__slots__')
        if slots is not None:
            for item in dct.values():
                if isinstance(item, setter):
        return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)

def with_metaclass(meta, *bases):
    """Create a base class with a metaclass."""
    # This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a
    # dummy metaclass for one level of class instantiation that replaces
    # itself with the actual metaclass.
    class metaclass(type):
        def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d):
            return meta(name, bases, d)
    return type.__new__(metaclass, 'temporary_class', (), {})

class ModelObject(with_metaclass(SetterAwareType, object)):

    __slots__ = []    # __slots__变量,来限制该class实例能添加的属性

    def copy(self, **attributes):

class Keyword(ModelObject):

    def parent(self, parent):
        """Parent test suite, test case or keyword."""
        if parent and parent is not self.parent:
            self._sort_key = getattr(parent, '_child_sort_key', -1)
        return parent

    def tags(self, tags):
        """Keyword tags as a :class:`~.model.tags.Tags` object."""
        return tags

class TestSuite(ModelObject):

    def __init__(self, name='', doc='', metadata=None, source=None):
        self.parent = None  #: Parent suite. ``None`` with the root suite.
        self._name = name

    # test = setter(test) , setter是描述符类,描述符是作为类的属性而不是实例属性存在的
    def test(self, Keyword):
        print('TestSuite: test: 赋值的时候调用',Keyword)
        return Keyword

    # _setter__test = 'amize'

    # 源码中都是如下的suites,tests,keywords等
    # @setter
    # def suites(self, suites):
    #     """Child suites as a :class:`~.TestSuites` object."""
    #     return TestSuites(self.__class__, self, suites)
    # @setter
    # def tests(self, tests):
    #     """Tests as a :class:`~.TestCases` object."""
    #     return TestCases(self.test_class, self, tests)
    # @setter
    # def keywords(self, keywords):
    #     """Suite setup and teardown as a :class:`~.Keywords` object."""
    #     return Keywords(self.keyword_class, self, keywords)

''' 以下不实例化也会打印
setter: __init__: <function Keyword.parent at 0x0000020B824D7E58>
setter: __init__: <function Keyword.tags at 0x0000020B824D7EE8>
setter: __init__: <function TestSuite.test at 0x0000020B82520048>'''

# 不执行下面的语句也会打印上面的
suite = TestSuite('name')

keyword = Keyword()

#  @setter 保证suite.test必须赋值后才能运用,因为__get__ 返回的是__init__里面的值
#  这里会报错:'TestSuite' object has no attribute '_setter__test'
# print(suite.test)
# 同上,报错:'TestSuite' object has no attribute '_setter__test'
# print(suite._setter__test)

suite.test = keyword  # 【1. setter: __set__:函数】 ,【2. TestSuite: test: 函数被调用】

# 已经赋值了 suite.test = keyword ,不能看class setter中的 __init__了,这里会报错:'Keyword' object has no attribute 'method'
# print(type(suite.test.method))

# _setter__test == suite.test ,区别是 print(suite.test)还要调用__get__
print(suite.test)        # 【1. setter: __get__ 调用】

print(suite.__dict__)      # {'parent': None, '_name': 'name', '_setter__test': <__main__.Keyword object at 0x0000026458EF11C8>}

  1. robot中testsuite相关代码中,描述符类装饰器比较难以理解,简化源码2方便理解如下
#  将一个类中的方法装饰成类中的属性

import copy

class setter(object):

    def __init__(self, method):
        self.method = method
        self.attr_name = '_setter__' + method.__name__
        self.__doc__ = method.__doc__

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        if instance is None:
            return self
            return getattr(instance, self.attr_name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError(self.method.__name__)

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if instance is None:
        setattr(instance, self.attr_name, self.method(instance, value))

def with_metaclass(meta, *bases):   # 虚拟元类,参数元类meta,返回元类metaclass
    """Create a base class with a metaclass."""
    # This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a
    # dummy metaclass for one level of class instantiation that replaces
    # itself with the actual metaclass.
    class metaclass(type):
        def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d):
            return meta(name, bases, d)  # 常规的return type(name, bases, attr)
    return type.__new__(metaclass, 'temporary_class', (), {})  # return __new__的情况 , 返回【类】,【参数:当前准备创建的类的对象,类的名字,类继承的父类集合,类的方法集合】

class SetterAwareType(type):    # 元类

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        slots = dct.get('__slots__')
        if slots is not None:
            for item in dct.values():
                if isinstance(item, setter):
        return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)

class ModelObject(with_metaclass(SetterAwareType, object)):  # 还是元类

    def copy(self, **attributes):
        copied = copy.copy(self)
        for name in attributes:
            setattr(copied, name, attributes[name])
        return copied

class Message(ModelObject):
    """A message created during the test execution.

    Can be a log message triggered by a keyword, or a warning or an error
    that occurred during parsing or test execution.

    def parent(self, parent):
        if parent and parent is not getattr(self, 'parent', None):
            self._sort_key = getattr(parent, '_child_sort_key', -1)
        return parent
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