Custom Draw不是一个通用控件,而是一个许多控件提供的服务。用于定制控件的外观。


通常以下控件支持Custom Draw功能


  • Header controls
  • List-view controls
  • Rebar controls
  • Toolbar controls
  • ToolTip controls
  • Trackbar controls
  • Tree-view controls
  • (杯具,我是查找修改CSliderCtrl的办法找到的)





控件绘制或者删除自己的过程叫做paint cycle。

支持custom draw 的控件在每个paint cycle 周期性地发送NM_CUSTOMDRAW通知消息,这个消息一般伴随在



NMCUSTOMDRAW结构体的一个成员dwDrawStage代表paint cycle的当前状态。



Global draw stage values Description
CDDS_PREPAINT           Before the paint cycle begins.

CDDS_POSTPAINT        After the paint cycle is complete.

CDDS_PREERASE           Before the erase cycle begins.

CDDS_POSTERASE        After the erase cycle is complete.



Item-specific                   draw stage values Description
CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT        Before an item is drawn.

CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT      After an item has been drawn.

CDDS_ITEMPREERASE        Before an item is erased.

CDDS_ITEMPOSTERASE      After an item has been erased.

CDDS_SUBITEM               Shell and Common Controls Versions 4.71. Flag combined with CDDS_ITEMPREPAINTor CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT if a subitem is                                         being drawn. This will only be set if CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW is returned from CDDS_PREPAINT.



每个paint cycle开始后,控件发送NM_CUSTOMDRAW通知消息,此时NMCUSTOMDRAW结构体


paint cycle后续的绘制消息。你的应用程序可以发送下面标志位的组合:


Return value Effect
CDRF_DODEFAULT                  The control will draw itself. It will not send additional NM_CUSTOMDRAW notifications for this paint cycle. This flag cannot                                              be used with any other flag.

CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW         The control will notify the parent of any item-specific drawing operations. It will send NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification                                                     messages before and after it draws items.

CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT         The control will send an NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification when the painting cycle for the entire control is complete.

CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT                 The control will not perform any painting at all.

CDRF_DOERASE                      The control will only draw the background.

CDRF_SKIPPOSTPAINT             The control will not draw the focus rectangle around an item.


如果你的应用程序为custom draw 的首个prepaint返回CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW,控件会为paint cycle中他绘制的每个item发送通知,这些通知将NMCUSTOMDRAW结构体的dwDrawStage成员设置为CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT。



