Python Mac Address Changer Script

# # =======================================+SCRIPT BY Alexander +======================================= # # ==========================================+date : 2020/12/12 +=============================================== # # ============================================================================================================= import sys import os import time print( """ XX MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMss""" """ssMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMMMMMMyy'' ''yyMMMMMMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMMyy'' ''yyMMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMy'' ''yMMMMM XX XX MMMy' 'yMMM XX XX Mh' 'hM XX XX - - XX XX XX XX :: :: XX XX MMhh. ..hhhhhh.. ..hhhhhh.. .hhMM XX XX MMMMMh ..hhMMMMMMMMMMhh. .hhMMMMMMMMMMhh.. hMMMMM XX XX ---MMM .hMMMMdd:::dMMMMMMMhh.. ..hhMMMMMMMd:::ddMMMMh. MMM--- XX XX MMMMMM MMmm'' 'mmMMMMMMMMyy. .yyMMMMMMMMmm' ''mmMM MMMMMM XX XX ---mMM '' 'mmMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMmm' '' MMm--- XX XX yyyym' . 'mMMMMm' 'mMMMMm' . 'myyyy XX XX mm'' .y' ..yyyyy.. """ " " """ ..yyyyy.. 'y. ''mm XX XX MN .sMMMMMMMMMss. . . .ssMMMMMMMMMs. NM XX XX N` MMMMMMMMMMMMMN M M NMMMMMMMMMMMMM `N XX XX + .sMNNNNNMMMMMN+ `N N` +NMMMMMNNNNNMs. + XX XX o+++ ++++Mo M M oM++++ +++o XX XX oo oo XX XX oM oo oo Mo XX XX oMMo M M oMMo XX XX +MMMM s s MMMM+ XX XX +MMMMM+ +++NNNN+ +NNNN+++ +MMMMM+ XX XX +MMMMMMM+ ++NNMMMMMMMMN+ +NMMMMMMMMNN++ +MMMMMMM+ XX XX MMMMMMMMMNN+++NNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN+++NNMMMMMMMMM XX XX yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy XX XX m yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy m XX XX MMm yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy mMM XX XX MMMm .yyMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMyy. mMMM XX XX MMMMd """ "hhhhh odddo obbbo hhhh" """ dMMMM XX XX MMMMMd 'hMMMMMMMMMMddddddMMMMMMMMMMh' dMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMd 'hMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMh' dMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMM- ''ddMMMMMMMMMMMMMMdd'' -MMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMM '::dddddddd::' MMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMM- -MMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMMMy yMMMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMMMMy. .yMMMMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMMMMMMy. .yMMMMMMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMMMMMMMMy. .yMMMMMMMMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMs. .sMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMss. .... .ssMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM XX XX MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNo oNNNNo oNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM XX """ ) def slowprint(s): for c in s + "\n": sys.stdout.write(c) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(10.0 / 100) slowprint("[!] Starting : ") time.sleep(5) os.system("clear") def slowprint(s): for c in s + "\n": sys.stdout.write(c) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(4.0 / 100) slowprint(" \033[91mThe Easy") def slowprint(s): for c in s + "\n": sys.stdout.write(c) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.0 / 100) slowprint( """\033[1;31m \033[91m __ ___ ________ / |/ /___ ______ / ____/ /_ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ / /|_/ / __ `/ ___/_____/ / / __ \/ __ `/ __ \/ __ `/ _ \/ ___/ / / / / /_/ / /__/_____/ /___/ / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / __/ / /_/ /_/\__,_/\___/ \____/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/\__, /\___/_/ /____/\033[97m """ ) def slowprint(s): for c in s + "\n": sys.stdout.write(c) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(3.0 / 100) slowprint( "\t\t \033[93mBy :Lamani Hani VEGETA-LFH\033[97m" ) print(" ") print("1- show the current MAC-ADDRESS") print("") print("2- change your MAC-ADDRESS Randomly") print("") print("3- change your MAC-ADDRESS Customly") print("") print("4- reset the original MAC-ADDRESS") print(" ") print("5- why change MAC-ADDRESS") print("") mohamed = input("\033[92m[?] \033[96mmake your choise ==>") if mohamed == ("1"): print(" ") print("\033[94m1 \033[97m- \033[91mwlan0 \033[97m( WIFI connexion)") print("\033[94m2 \033[97m- \033[91meth0 \033[97m( CABLE connection)") print(" ") lawla = input(" \033[95m[?] \033[97menter your \033[91mconnection type \033[97m:") if lawla == ("1"): slowprint("\033[97m") os.system("macchanger -s wlan0") print(" ") alla = input("press any key to cuntinue") os.system("clear") os.system("python3") if lawla == ("2"): slowprint("\033[97m") os.system("macchanger -s eth0") print(" ") allah = input("press any key to cuntinue") os.system("clear") os.system("python3") if mohamed == ("2"): print(" ") print("\033[94m1 \033[97m- \033[91mwlan0 \033[97m( WIFI connexion)") print("\033[94m2 \033[97m- \033[91meth0 \033[97m( CABLE connection)") print(" ") deuxs = input(" \033[95m[?] \033[97menter your \033[91mconnection type \033[97m:") if deuxs == ("2"): slowprint("") os.system("ifconfig eth0 down") os.system("macchanger -r eth0") os.system("ifconfig eth0 up") print(" ") hoho = input("press any key to cuntinue") os.system("clear") os.system("python3") if deuxs == ("1"): slowprint("") os.system("ifconfig wlan0 down") os.system("macchanger -r wlan0") os.system("ifconfig wlan0 up") print(" ") hoho = input("press any key to cuntinue") os.system("clear") os.system("python3") if mohamed == ("4"): print(" ") print("\033[94m1 \033[97m- \033[91mwlan0 \033[97m( WIFI connexion)") print("\033[94m2 \033[97m- \033[91meth0 \033[97m( CABLE connection)") print(" ") talta = input(" \033[95m[?] \033[97menter your \033[91mconnection type \033[97m:") if talta == ("2"): print(" ") slowprint("\033[97m") os.system("macchanger -p eth0") print(" ") lopa = input("press any key to cuntinue ") os.system("clear") os.system("python3") if talta == ("1"): print(" ") slowprint("\033[97m") os.system("ifconfig wlan0 down") os.system("macchanger -p wlan0") os.system("ifconfig wlan0 up") print(" ") lopa = input("press any key to cuntinue ") os.system("clear") os.system("python3") def slowprint(s): for c in s + "\n": sys.stdout.write(c) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(8.0 / 100) if mohamed == ("5"): print("\033[97m") slowprint( """ [*] Static IP Assignment: Routers allow you to assign static IP addresses to your computers. When a device connects, it always receives a specific IP address if it has a matching MAC address [*] MAC Address Filtering: Networks can use MAC address filtering, only allowing devices with specific MAC addresses to connect to a network. This isn’t a great security tool because people can spoof their MAC addresses. [*] MAC Authentication: Some Internet service providers may require authentication with a MAC address and only allow a device with that MAC address to connect to the Internet. You may need to change your router or computer’s MAC address to connect. [*] Device Identification: Many airport Wi-Fi networks and other public Wi-Fi networks use a device’s MAC address to identify it. For example, an airport Wi-Fi network might offer a free 30 minutes and then ban your MAC address from receiving more Wi-Fi. Change your MAC address and you could get more Wi-Fi. (Free, limited Wi-Fi may also be tracked using browser cookies or an account system.) [*] Device Tracking: Because they’re unique, MAC addresses can be used to track you. When you walk around, your smartphone scans for nearby Wi-Fi networks and broadcasts its MAC address. A company named Renew London used trash bins in the city of London to track people’s movements around the city based on their MAC addresses. Apple’s iOS 8 will use a random MAC address each time it scans for nearby Wi-Fi networks to prevent this sort of tracking. Lamani-Hani """ ) def slowprint(s): for c in s + "\n": sys.stdout.write(c) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(3.0 / 100) if mohamed == ("3"): print(" ") print("\033[94m1 \033[97m- \033[91mwlan0 \033[97m( WIFI connexion)") print("\033[94m2 \033[97m- \033[91meth0 \033[97m( CABLE connection)") print(" ") rabaa = input(" \033[95m[?] \033[97menter your \033[91mconnection type \033[97m:") if rabaa == ("2"): print(" ") os.system("ifconfig eth0 down") dire = input("\033[95m[?] \033[97menter THE NEW \033[92mMAC-ADDRESS \033[97m: ") os.system("ifconfig eth0 down") os.system("macchanger -m" + (dire) + " eth0") os.system("ifconfig eth0 up") print("done") if rabaa == ("1"): os.system("ifconfig wlan0 down") print(" ") dire = input("\033[95m[?] \033[97menter THE NEW \033[92mMAC-ADDRESS \033[97m: ") os.system("ifconfig wlan0 down") os.system("macchanger -m" + (dire) + " wlan0") os.system("ifconfig wlan0 up") print("done")


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