众所周知Nginx是分成一个个模块的,比如core模块,gzip模块,proxy模块,每个模块负责不同的功能,除了基本的模块,有些模块可以选择编译或不编译进Nginx。官网文档中的Modules reference部分列出了nginx源码包的所有模块。我们可以按照自己服务器的需要来定制出一个最适合自己的Nginx服务器。

前面我们已经讲过安装nginx,我们在执行./configure 指定相关模块,只是指定了安装位置,下面我们来在已有的nginx上来启用http_random_index_module模块

下面列出了 那个模块可以被启用,哪些模块已经默认启用了,你可以禁止启用他。--with-***表示可以被启用,没有默认启用的模块,--without-***表示已经默认被启用,你可以禁止启用的模块

[root@bogon nginx-1.18.0]# ./configure --help

  --help                             print this message

  --prefix=PATH                      set installation prefix
  --sbin-path=PATH                   set nginx binary pathname
  --modules-path=PATH                set modules path
  --conf-path=PATH                   set nginx.conf pathname
  --error-log-path=PATH              set error log pathname
  --pid-path=PATH                    set nginx.pid pathname
  --lock-path=PATH                   set nginx.lock pathname

  --user=USER                        set non-privileged user for
                                     worker processes
  --group=GROUP                      set non-privileged group for
                                     worker processes

  --build=NAME                       set build name
  --builddir=DIR                     set build directory

  --with-select_module               enable select module
  --without-select_module            disable select module
  --with-poll_module                 enable poll module
  --without-poll_module              disable poll module

  --with-threads                     enable thread pool support

  --with-file-aio                    enable file AIO support

  --with-http_ssl_module             enable ngx_http_ssl_module
  --with-http_v2_module              enable ngx_http_v2_module
  --with-http_realip_module          enable ngx_http_realip_module
  --with-http_addition_module        enable ngx_http_addition_module
  --with-http_xslt_module            enable ngx_http_xslt_module
  --with-http_xslt_module=dynamic    enable dynamic ngx_http_xslt_module
  --with-http_image_filter_module    enable ngx_http_image_filter_module
                                     enable dynamic ngx_http_image_filter_module
  --with-http_geoip_module           enable ngx_http_geoip_module
  --with-http_geoip_module=dynamic   enable dynamic ngx_http_geoip_module
  --with-http_sub_module             enable ngx_http_sub_module
  --with-http_dav_module             enable ngx_http_dav_module
  --with-http_flv_module             enable ngx_http_flv_module
  --with-http_mp4_module             enable ngx_http_mp4_module
  --with-http_gunzip_module          enable ngx_http_gunzip_module
  --with-http_gzip_static_module     enable ngx_http_gzip_static_module
  --with-http_auth_request_module    enable ngx_http_auth_request_module
  --with-http_random_index_module    enable ngx_http_random_index_module
  --with-http_secure_link_module     enable ngx_http_secure_link_module
  --with-http_degradation_module     enable ngx_http_degradation_module
  --with-http_slice_module           enable ngx_http_slice_module
  --with-http_stub_status_module     enable ngx_http_stub_status_module

  --without-http_charset_module      disable ngx_http_charset_module
  --without-http_gzip_module         disable ngx_http_gzip_module
  --without-http_ssi_module          disable ngx_http_ssi_module
  --without-http_userid_module       disable ngx_http_userid_module
  --without-http_access_module       disable ngx_http_access_module
  --without-http_auth_basic_module   disable ngx_http_auth_basic_module
  --without-http_mirror_module       disable ngx_http_mirror_module
  --without-http_autoindex_module    disable ngx_http_autoindex_module
  --without-http_geo_module          disable ngx_http_geo_module
  --without-http_map_module          disable ngx_http_map_module
  --without-http_split_clients_module disable ngx_http_split_clients_module
  --without-http_referer_module      disable ngx_http_referer_module
  --without-http_rewrite_module      disable ngx_http_rewrite_module
  --without-http_proxy_module        disable ngx_http_proxy_module
  --without-http_fastcgi_module      disable ngx_http_fastcgi_module
  --without-http_uwsgi_module        disable ngx_http_uwsgi_module
  --without-http_scgi_module         disable ngx_http_scgi_module
  --without-http_grpc_module         disable ngx_http_grpc_module
  --without-http_memcached_module    disable ngx_http_memcached_module
  --without-http_limit_conn_module   disable ngx_http_limit_conn_module
  --without-http_limit_req_module    disable ngx_http_limit_req_module
  --without-http_empty_gif_module    disable ngx_http_empty_gif_module
  --without-http_browser_module      disable ngx_http_browser_module
                                     disable ngx_http_upstream_hash_module
                                     disable ngx_http_upstream_ip_hash_module
                                     disable ngx_http_upstream_least_conn_module
                                     disable ngx_http_upstream_random_module
                                     disable ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_module
                                     disable ngx_http_upstream_zone_module

  --with-http_perl_module            enable ngx_http_perl_module
  --with-http_perl_module=dynamic    enable dynamic ngx_http_perl_module
  --with-perl_modules_path=PATH      set Perl modules path
  --with-perl=PATH                   set perl binary pathname

  --http-log-path=PATH               set http access log pathname
  --http-client-body-temp-path=PATH  set path to store
                                     http client request body temporary files
  --http-proxy-temp-path=PATH        set path to store
                                     http proxy temporary files
  --http-fastcgi-temp-path=PATH      set path to store
                                     http fastcgi temporary files
  --http-uwsgi-temp-path=PATH        set path to store
                                     http uwsgi temporary files
  --http-scgi-temp-path=PATH         set path to store
                                     http scgi temporary files

  --without-http                     disable HTTP server
  --without-http-cache               disable HTTP cache

  --with-mail                        enable POP3/IMAP4/SMTP proxy module
  --with-mail=dynamic                enable dynamic POP3/IMAP4/SMTP proxy module
  --with-mail_ssl_module             enable ngx_mail_ssl_module
  --without-mail_pop3_module         disable ngx_mail_pop3_module
  --without-mail_imap_module         disable ngx_mail_imap_module
  --without-mail_smtp_module         disable ngx_mail_smtp_module

  --with-stream                      enable TCP/UDP proxy module
  --with-stream=dynamic              enable dynamic TCP/UDP proxy module
  --with-stream_ssl_module           enable ngx_stream_ssl_module
  --with-stream_realip_module        enable ngx_stream_realip_module
  --with-stream_geoip_module         enable ngx_stream_geoip_module
  --with-stream_geoip_module=dynamic enable dynamic ngx_stream_geoip_module
  --with-stream_ssl_preread_module   enable ngx_stream_ssl_preread_module
  --without-stream_limit_conn_module disable ngx_stream_limit_conn_module
  --without-stream_access_module     disable ngx_stream_access_module
  --without-stream_geo_module        disable ngx_stream_geo_module
  --without-stream_map_module        disable ngx_stream_map_module
                                     disable ngx_stream_split_clients_module
  --without-stream_return_module     disable ngx_stream_return_module
                                     disable ngx_stream_upstream_hash_module
                                     disable ngx_stream_upstream_least_conn_module
                                     disable ngx_stream_upstream_random_module
                                     disable ngx_stream_upstream_zone_module

  --with-google_perftools_module     enable ngx_google_perftools_module
  --with-cpp_test_module             enable ngx_cpp_test_module

  --add-module=PATH                  enable external module
  --add-dynamic-module=PATH          enable dynamic external module

  --with-compat                      dynamic modules compatibility

  --with-cc=PATH                     set C compiler pathname
  --with-cpp=PATH                    set C preprocessor pathname
  --with-cc-opt=OPTIONS              set additional C compiler options
  --with-ld-opt=OPTIONS              set additional linker options
  --with-cpu-opt=CPU                 build for the specified CPU, valid values:
                                     pentium, pentiumpro, pentium3, pentium4,
                                     athlon, opteron, sparc32, sparc64, ppc64

  --without-pcre                     disable PCRE library usage
  --with-pcre                        force PCRE library usage
  --with-pcre=DIR                    set path to PCRE library sources
  --with-pcre-opt=OPTIONS            set additional build options for PCRE
  --with-pcre-jit                    build PCRE with JIT compilation support

  --with-zlib=DIR                    set path to zlib library sources
  --with-zlib-opt=OPTIONS            set additional build options for zlib
  --with-zlib-asm=CPU                use zlib assembler sources optimized
                                     for the specified CPU, valid values:
                                     pentium, pentiumpro

  --with-libatomic                   force libatomic_ops library usage
  --with-libatomic=DIR               set path to libatomic_ops library sources

  --with-openssl=DIR                 set path to OpenSSL library sources
  --with-openssl-opt=OPTIONS         set additional build options for OpenSSL

  --with-debug                       enable debug logging







一,停掉nginx 服务,并备份/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx命令

nginx -s stop
mv /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx.bak





[root@bogon nginx-1.18.0]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-http_random_index_module
checking for OS
 + Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 x86_64
checking for C compiler ... found
 + using GNU C compiler
 + gcc version: 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44) (GCC) 
checking for gcc -pipe switch ... found
checking for -Wl,-E switch ... found
checking for gcc builtin atomic operations ... found
checking for C99 variadic macros ... found
checking for gcc variadic macros ... found
checking for gcc builtin 64 bit byteswap ... found
checking for unistd.h ... found
checking for inttypes.h ... found
checking for limits.h ... found
checking for sys/filio.h ... not found
checking for sys/param.h ... found
checking for sys/mount.h ... found
checking for sys/statvfs.h ... found
checking for crypt.h ... found
checking for Linux specific features
checking for epoll ... found
checking for EPOLLRDHUP ... found
checking for EPOLLEXCLUSIVE ... not found
checking for O_PATH ... found
checking for sendfile() ... found
checking for sendfile64() ... found
checking for sys/prctl.h ... found
checking for prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE) ... found
checking for prctl(PR_SET_KEEPCAPS) ... found
checking for capabilities ... found
checking for crypt_r() ... found
checking for sys/vfs.h ... found
checking for nobody group ... found
checking for poll() ... found
checking for /dev/poll ... not found
checking for kqueue ... not found
checking for crypt() ... not found
checking for crypt() in libcrypt ... found
checking for F_READAHEAD ... not found
checking for posix_fadvise() ... found
checking for O_DIRECT ... found
checking for F_NOCACHE ... not found
checking for directio() ... not found
checking for statfs() ... found
checking for statvfs() ... found
checking for dlopen() ... not found
checking for dlopen() in libdl ... found
checking for sched_yield() ... found
checking for sched_setaffinity() ... found
checking for SO_SETFIB ... not found
checking for SO_REUSEPORT ... found
checking for SO_ACCEPTFILTER ... not found
checking for SO_BINDANY ... not found
checking for IP_TRANSPARENT ... found
checking for IP_BINDANY ... not found
checking for IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT ... found
checking for IP_RECVDSTADDR ... not found
checking for IP_SENDSRCADDR ... not found
checking for IP_PKTINFO ... found
checking for IPV6_RECVPKTINFO ... found
checking for TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT ... found
checking for TCP_KEEPIDLE ... found
checking for TCP_FASTOPEN ... found
checking for TCP_INFO ... found
checking for accept4() ... found
checking for eventfd() ... found
checking for int size ... 4 bytes
checking for long size ... 8 bytes
checking for long long size ... 8 bytes
checking for void * size ... 8 bytes
checking for uint32_t ... found
checking for uint64_t ... found
checking for sig_atomic_t ... found
checking for sig_atomic_t size ... 4 bytes
checking for socklen_t ... found
checking for in_addr_t ... found
checking for in_port_t ... found
checking for rlim_t ... found
checking for uintptr_t ... uintptr_t found
checking for system byte ordering ... little endian
checking for size_t size ... 8 bytes
checking for off_t size ... 8 bytes
checking for time_t size ... 8 bytes
checking for AF_INET6 ... found
checking for setproctitle() ... not found
checking for pread() ... found
checking for pwrite() ... found
checking for pwritev() ... found
checking for sys_nerr ... found
checking for localtime_r() ... found
checking for clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) ... found
checking for posix_memalign() ... found
checking for memalign() ... found
checking for mmap(MAP_ANON|MAP_SHARED) ... found
checking for mmap("/dev/zero", MAP_SHARED) ... found
checking for System V shared memory ... found
checking for POSIX semaphores ... not found
checking for POSIX semaphores in libpthread ... found
checking for struct msghdr.msg_control ... found
checking for ioctl(FIONBIO) ... found
checking for ioctl(FIONREAD) ... found
checking for struct tm.tm_gmtoff ... found
checking for struct dirent.d_namlen ... not found
checking for struct dirent.d_type ... found
checking for sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) ... found
checking for sysconf(_SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE) ... found
checking for openat(), fstatat() ... found
checking for getaddrinfo() ... found
checking for PCRE library ... found
checking for PCRE JIT support ... found
checking for zlib library ... found
creating objs/Makefile

Configuration summary
  + using system PCRE library
  + OpenSSL library is not used
  + using system zlib library

  nginx path prefix: "/usr/local/nginx"
  nginx binary file: "/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx"
  nginx modules path: "/usr/local/nginx/modules"
  nginx configuration prefix: "/usr/local/nginx/conf"
  nginx configuration file: "/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"
  nginx pid file: "/usr/local/nginx/logs/nginx.pid"
  nginx error log file: "/usr/local/nginx/logs/error.log"
  nginx http access log file: "/usr/local/nginx/logs/access.log"
  nginx http client request body temporary files: "client_body_temp"
  nginx http proxy temporary files: "proxy_temp"
  nginx http fastcgi temporary files: "fastcgi_temp"
  nginx http uwsgi temporary files: "uwsgi_temp"
  nginx http scgi temporary files: "scgi_temp"

[root@bogon nginx-1.18.0]# 



注意不是make install,make install 会覆盖之前的安装。很危险


cp /usr/local/nginx-1.18.0/objs/nginx /usr/local/nginx/sbin/


nginx -V
[root@bogon nginx-1.18.0]# nginx -V
nginx version: nginx/1.18.0
built by gcc 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44) (GCC) 
configure arguments: --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-http_random_index_module


这里安装第三方的模块也是同样的步骤,只是跟在./configure 后面的参数有所不同,


--add-module 参数来指定安装的模块的源码路径,后面的步骤都是相同的。






posted on 2020-12-29 18:16  EZgod  阅读(471)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报