configtx.yaml是Hyperledger Fabric区块链网络运维工具configtxgen用于生成通道创世块或通道交易的配置文件,configtx.yaml的内容直接决定了所生成的创世区块的内容。本文将给出configtx.yaml的详细中文说明。
- 生成启动Orderer 需要的初始区块,并支持检查区块内容
- 生成创建应用通道需要的配置交易,并支持检查交易内容
- 生成锚点Peer 的更新配置交易
configtx.yaml 配置文件一般包括四个部分: Profiles 、Organizations 、Orderer 和Application
1 Organizations: 2 - &OrdererOrg 3 Name: OrdererOrg 4 ID: OrdererMSP 5 MSPDir: crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/ 6 - &Org1 7 Name: Org1MSP 8 ID: Org1MSP 9 MSPDir: crypto-config/peerOrganizations/ 10 AnchorPeers: 11 - Host: 12 Port: 7051 13 - &Org2 14 Name: Org2MSP 15 ID: Org2MSP 16 MSPDir: crypto-config/peerOrganizations/ 17 AnchorPeers: 18 - Host: 19 Port: 7051 20 - &Org3 21 Name: Org3MSP 22 ID: Org3MSP 23 MSPDir: crypto-config/peerOrganizations/ 24 AnchorPeers: 25 - Host: 26 Port: 7051 27 - &Org4 28 Name: Org4MSP 29 ID: Org4MSP 30 MSPDir: crypto-config/peerOrganizations/ 31 AnchorPeers: 32 - Host: 33 Port: 7051 34 35 Orderer: &OrdererDefaults 36 OrdererType: solo 37 Addresses: 38 - 39 BatchTimeout: 2s 40 BatchSize: 41 MaxMessageCount: 10 42 AbsoluteMaxBytes: 98 MB 43 PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB 44 Kafka: 45 Brokers: 46 - 47 Organizations: 48 Application: &ApplicationDefaults 49 Organizations: 50 Profiles: 51 FourOrgsOrdererGenesis: 52 Orderer: 53 <<: *OrdererDefaults 54 Organizations: 55 - *OrdererOrg 56 Consortiums: 57 SampleConsortium: 58 Organizations: 59 - *Org1 60 - *Org2 61 - *Org3 62 - *Org4 63 FourOrgsChannel: 64 Consortium: SampleConsortium 65 Application: 66 <<: *ApplicationDefaults 67 Organizations: 68 - *Org1 69 - *Org2 70 - *Org3 71 - *Org4
Orderer 系统通道模板必须包括Orderer 、Consortiurns 信息:
- Orderer :指定Orderer 系统通道自身的配置信息。包括Ordering 服务配置(包括类型、地址、批处理限制、Kafka 信息、最大应用通道数目等),参与到此Orderer 的组织信息。网络启动时,必须首先创Orderer 系统通道
- Consortiums : Orderer 所服务的联盟列表。每个联盟中组织彼此使用相同的通道创建策略,可以彼此创建应用通道
Profiles: # SampleInsecureSolo定义了一个使用Solo排序节点的简单配置 SampleInsecureSolo: <<: *ChannelDefaults Orderer: <<: *OrdererDefaults Organizations: - *ExampleCom Capabilities: <<: *OrdererCapabilities Application: <<: *ApplicationDefaults Organizations: - *ExampleCom Capabilities: <<: *ApplicationCapabilities Policies: Readers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Readers Writers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Writers Admins: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: MAJORITY Admins LifecycleEndorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement Endorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement Consortiums: SampleConsortium: Organizations: - *Org1ExampleCom - *Org2ExampleCom # SampleInsecureKafka定义了一个使用Kfaka排序节点的配置 SampleInsecureKafka: <<: *ChannelDefaults Orderer: <<: *OrdererDefaults OrdererType: kafka Addresses: - - - Organizations: - *ExampleCom Capabilities: <<: *OrdererCapabilities Application: <<: *ApplicationDefaults Organizations: - *ExampleCom Capabilities: <<: *ApplicationCapabilities Policies: Readers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Readers Writers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Writers Admins: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: MAJORITY Admins LifecycleEndorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement Endorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement Consortiums: SampleConsortium: Organizations: - *ExampleCom - *Org1ExampleCom - *Org2ExampleCom # SampleSingleMSPSolo定义了一个使用Solo排序节点、包含单一MSP的配置 SampleSingleMSPSolo: Orderer: <<: *OrdererDefaults Organizations: - *ExampleCom Capabilities: <<: *OrdererCapabilities Application: <<: *ApplicationDefaults Organizations: - *ExampleCom Capabilities: <<: *ApplicationCapabilities Policies: Readers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Readers Writers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Writers Admins: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: MAJORITY Admins LifecycleEndorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement Endorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement Consortiums: SampleConsortium: Organizations: - *ExampleCom - *Org1ExampleCom - *Org2ExampleCom # SampleEmptyInsecureChannel定义了一个不包含成员与访问控制策略的通道 SampleEmptyInsecureChannel: Capabilities: <<: *ChannelCapabilities Consortium: SampleConsortium Application: Organizations: - *ExampleCom Capabilities: <<: *ApplicationCapabilities Policies: Readers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Readers Writers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Writers Admins: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: MAJORITY Admins LifecycleEndorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement Endorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement # SysTestChannel定义了一个用于测试的通道 SysTestChannel: <<: *ChannelDefaults Capabilities: <<: *ChannelCapabilities Consortium: SampleConsortium Application: <<: *ApplicationDefaults Organizations: - *Org1ExampleCom - *Org2ExampleCom Capabilities: <<: *ApplicationCapabilities Policies: Readers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Readers Writers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Writers Admins: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: MAJORITY Admins LifecycleEndorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement Endorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement # SampleSingleMSPChannel定义了一个仅包含单一成员机构的通道。 # 该配置通常与SampleSingleMSPSolo或SampleSingleMSPKafka同时使用 SampleSingleMSPChannel: <<: *ChannelDefaults Capabilities: <<: *ChannelCapabilities Consortium: SampleConsortium Application: <<: *ApplicationDefaults Organizations: - *Org1ExampleCom - *Org2ExampleCom Capabilities: <<: *ApplicationCapabilities Policies: Readers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Readers Writers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Writers Admins: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: MAJORITY Admins LifecycleEndorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement Endorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Endorsement
2>Organizations 部分
Organizations: - &ExampleCom Name: ExampleCom ID: AdminPrincipal: Role.ADMIN MSPDir: ./ordererOrganizations/ Policies: Readers: Type: Signature Rule: OR('') Writers: Type: Signature Rule: OR('') Admins: Type: Signature Rule: OR('') Endorsement: Type: Signature Rule: OR('') - &Org1ExampleCom Name: Org1ExampleCom ID: MSPDir: ./peerOrganizations/ AdminPrincipal: Role.ADMIN AnchorPeers: - Host: Port: 7051 Policies: Readers: Type: Signature Rule: OR('') Writers: Type: Signature Rule: OR('') Admins: Type: Signature Rule: OR('') Endorsement: Type: Signature Rule: OR('') - &Org2ExampleCom Name: Org2ExampleCom ID: MSPDir: ./peerOrganizations/ AdminPrincipal: Role.ADMIN AnchorPeers: - Host: Port: 7051 Policies: Readers: Type: Signature Rule: OR('') Writers: Type: Signature Rule: OR('') Admins: Type: Signature Rule: OR('') Endorsement: Type: Signature Rule: OR('')
Orderer: &OrdererDefaults # 排序节点类型用来指定要启用的排序节点实现,不同的实现对应不同的共识算法。 # 目前可用的类型为:solo和kafka OrdererType: solo Addresses: - BatchTimeout: 2s BatchSize: MaxMessageCount: 10 AbsoluteMaxBytes: 98 MB PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB MaxChannels: 0 Kafka: Brokers: - kafka0:9092 - kafka1:9092 - kafka2:9092 - kafka3:9092 Organizations: # 定义本层级的排序节点策略,其权威路径为 /Channel/Orderer/<PolicyName> Policies: Readers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Readers Writers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Writers Admins: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: MAJORITY Admins # BlockValidation配置项指定了哪些签名必须包含在区块中,以便对等节点进行验证 BlockValidation: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: ANY Writers # Capabilities配置描述排序节点层级的能力需求,这里直接引用 # 前面Capabilities配置段中的OrdererCapabilities配置项 Capabilities: <<: *OrdererCapabilities
Application: &ApplicationDefaults ACLs: &ACLsDefault # ACLs配置段为系统中各种资源提供默认的策略。 # 这里所说的“资源”,可以是系统链码的函数,例如qscc系统链码的GetBlockByNumber方法 # 也可以是其他资源,例如谁可以接收区块事件。 # 这个配置段不是用来定义资源或API,而仅仅是定义资源的访问控制策略 # # 用户可以在通道定义中重写这些默认策略 #---New Lifecycle System Chaincode (_lifecycle) function to policy mapping for access control--# # _lifecycle系统链码CommitChaincodeDefinition函数的ACL定义 _lifecycle/CommitChaincodeDefinition: /Channel/Application/Writers # _lifecycle系统链码的QueryChaincodeDefinition函数的ACL定义 _lifecycle/QueryChaincodeDefinition: /Channel/Application/Readers # _lifecycle系统链码的QueryNamespaceDefinitions函数的ACL定义 _lifecycle/QueryNamespaceDefinitions: /Channel/Application/Readers #---Lifecycle System Chaincode (lscc) function to policy mapping for access control---# # lscc系统链码的getid函数的ACL定义 lscc/ChaincodeExists: /Channel/Application/Readers # lscc系统链码的getdepspec函数的ACL定义 lscc/GetDeploymentSpec: /Channel/Application/Readers # lscc系统链码的getccdata函数的ACL定义 lscc/GetChaincodeData: /Channel/Application/Readers # lscc系统链码的getchaincodes函数的ACL定义 lscc/GetInstantiatedChaincodes: /Channel/Application/Readers #---Query System Chaincode (qscc) function to policy mapping for access control---# # qscc系统链码的GetChainInfo函数的ACL定义 qscc/GetChainInfo: /Channel/Application/Readers # qscc系统链码的GetBlockByNumber函数的ACL定义 qscc/GetBlockByNumber: /Channel/Application/Readers # qscc系统 链码的GetBlockByHash函数的ACL定义 qscc/GetBlockByHash: /Channel/Application/Readers # qscc系统链码的GetTransactionByID函数的ACL定义 qscc/GetTransactionByID: /Channel/Application/Readers # qscc系统链码GetBlockByTxID函数的ACL定义 qscc/GetBlockByTxID: /Channel/Application/Readers #---Configuration System Chaincode (cscc) function to policy mapping for access control---# # cscc系统链码的GetConfigBlock函数的ACl定义 cscc/GetConfigBlock: /Channel/Application/Readers # cscc系统链码的GetConfigTree函数的ACL定义 cscc/GetConfigTree: /Channel/Application/Readers # cscc系统链码的SimulateConfigTreeUpdate函数的ACL定义 cscc/SimulateConfigTreeUpdate: /Channel/Application/Readers #---Miscellanesous peer function to policy mapping for access control---# # 访问对等节点上的链码的ACL策略定义 peer/Propose: /Channel/Application/Writers # 从链码中访问其他链码的ACL策略定义 peer/ChaincodeToChaincode: /Channel/Application/Readers #---Events resource to policy mapping for access control###---# # 发送区块事件的ACL策略定义 event/Block: /Channel/Application/Readers # 发送过滤的区块事件的ACL策略定义 event/FilteredBlock: /Channel/Application/Readers # Organizations配置列出参与到网络中的机构清单 Organizations: # 定义本层级的应用控制策略,其权威路径为 /Channel/Application/<PolicyName> Policies: &ApplicationDefaultPolicies Readers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "ANY Readers" Writers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "ANY Writers" Admins: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "MAJORITY Admins" LifecycleEndorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "ANY Endorsement" Endorsement: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "ANY Endorsement" # Capabilities配置描述应用层级的能力需求,这里直接引用 # 前面Capabilities配置段中的ApplicationCapabilities配置项 Capabilities: <<: *ApplicationCapabilities
Channel: &ChannelDefaults
# 定义本层级的通道访问策略,其权威路径为 /Channel/<PolicyName>
Type: ImplicitMeta
Rule: ANY Readers
# Writes策略定义了调用Broadcast API提交交易的许可规则
Type: ImplicitMeta
Rule: ANY Writers
# Admin策略定义了修改本层级配置的许可规则
Type: ImplicitMeta
Rule: MAJORITY Admins
# Capabilities配置描通道层级的能力需求,这里直接引用
# 前面Capabilities配置段中的ChannelCapabilities配置项
<<: *ChannelCapabilities
# Global配置同时应用于排序节点和对等节点,并且必须被两种节点同时支持。
# 将该配置项设置为ture表明要求节点具备该能力
Global: &ChannelCapabilities
V1_3: true
# Orderer配置仅应用于排序节点,不需考虑对等节点的升级。将该配置项
# 设置为true表明要求排序节点具备该能力
Orderer: &OrdererCapabilities
V1_1: true
# Application配置仅应用于对等网络,不需考虑排序节点的升级。将该配置项
# 设置为true表明要求对等节点具备该能力
Application: &ApplicationCapabilities
V1_3: true