

class Person{


    String id;


    String name;


    int age;


    public String getId() {



    public void setId(String id) { = id;


    public String getName() {



    public void setName(String name) { = name;


    public int getAge() {



    public void setAge(int age) {

       this.age = age;











          * The collection name used for the specifiedclass by this template.


          * @param entityClass must not be {@literalnull}.

          * @return


       StringgetCollectionName(Class<?> entityClass);
String personName=mongoTemplate.getCollectionName(Person.class);





          * Execute the a MongoDB command expressed as aJSON string. This will call the method JSON.parse that is part of the

          * MongoDB driver to convert the JSON string toa DBObject. Any errors that result from executing this command will be

          * converted into Spring's DAO exceptionhierarchy.


          * @param jsonCommand a MongoDB commandexpressed as a JSON string.


       CommandResultexecuteCommand(String jsonCommand);

    String jsonSql="{distinct:'person', key:'name'}";

       CommandResult  commandResult=mongoTemplate.executeCommand(jsonSql);


        BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)commandResult.get("values"); 

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++) { 







          * Execute a MongoDB command. Any errors thatresult from executing this command will be converted into Spring's DAO

          * exception hierarchy.


          * @param command a MongoDB command


       CommandResultexecuteCommand(DBObject command);
    String jsonSql="{distinct:'person', key:'name'}";

       CommandResult  commandResult=mongoTemplate.executeCommand((DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonSql));


        BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)commandResult.get("values"); 

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++) { 








          * Execute a MongoDB command. Any errors thatresult from executing this command will be converted into Spring's DAO

          * exception hierarchy.


          * @param command a MongoDB command

          * @param options query options to use


       CommandResultexecuteCommand(DBObject command, int options);
    String jsonSql="{distinct:'person', key:'name'}";

       CommandResult  commandResult=mongoTemplate.executeCommand((DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonSql),Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);


        BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)commandResult.get("values"); 

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++) { 






          * Execute a MongoDB query and iterate over thequery results on a per-document basis with a DocumentCallbackHandler.


          * @param query the query class that specifiesthe criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields

          *         specification

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto retrieve the objects from

          * @param dch the handler that will extractresults, one document at a time


       void executeQuery(Queryquery, String collectionName, DocumentCallbackHandler dch);
final Query query =new Query();

       Criteria criteria =new Criteria();


       mongoTemplate.executeQuery(query,"person",new DocumentCallbackHandler() {


           public void processDocument(DBObject dbObject) throws MongoException,

                  DataAccessException {

              mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, Update.update("name","houchangren"),"person");





          * Executes a {@link DbCallback} translatingany exceptions as necessary.

          * <p/>

          * Allows for returning a result object, thatis a domain object or a collection of domain objects.


          * @param <T> return type

          * @param action callback object that specifiesthe MongoDB actions to perform on the passed in DB instance.

          * @return a result object returned by theaction or <tt>null</tt>


       <T> Texecute(DbCallback<T> action);
Person person=mongoTemplate.execute(new DbCallback<Person>() {

           public Person doInDB(DB db)throws MongoException, DataAccessException {

              Person p=new Person();


//            p.setAge(age);

              return p;





          * Executes the given {@linkCollectionCallback} on the entity collection of the specified class.

          * <p/>

          * Allows for returning a result object, thatis a domain object or a collection of domain objects.


          * @param entityClass class that determines thecollection to use

          * @param <T> return type

          * @param action callback object that specifiesthe MongoDB action

          * @return a result object returned by theaction or <tt>null</tt>


       <T> Texecute(Class<?> entityClass, CollectionCallback<T> action);
Person person=mongoTemplate.execute(Person.class,new CollectionCallback<Person>() {


           public Person doInCollection(DBCollection collection)

                  throws MongoException, DataAccessException {

              Person p=new Person();

              //自己取值然后处理返回对应的处理  collection.find();

              return  p;






          * Executes the given {@linkCollectionCallback} on the collection of the given name.

          * <p/>

          * Allows for returning a result object, thatis a domain object or a collection of domain objects.


          * @param <T> return type

          * @param collectionName the name of thecollection that specifies which DBCollection instance will be passed into

          * @param action callback object that specifiesthe MongoDB action the callback action.

          * @return a result object returned by theaction or <tt>null</tt>


       <T> Texecute(String collectionName, CollectionCallback<T> action);
Person person=mongoTemplate.execute(“person”,new CollectionCallback<Person>() {


           public Person doInCollection(DBCollection collection)

                  throws MongoException, DataAccessException {

               Person p=new Person();

              //自己取值然后处理返回对应的处理  collection.find();

              return  p;





          * Executes the given {@link DbCallback} withinthe same connection to the database so as to ensure consistency in a

          * write heavy environment where you may readthe data that you wrote. See the comments on {@see <a

          *href=>Java DriverConcurrency</a>}

          * <p/>

          * Allows for returning a result object, thatis a domain object or a collection of domain objects.


          * @param <T> return type

          * @param action callback that specified theMongoDB actions to perform on the DB instance

          * @return a result object returned by theaction or <tt>null</tt>


       <T> T executeInSession(DbCallback<T>action);
Person person=mongoTemplate.executeInSession(new DbCallback<Person>() {

           public Person doInDB(DB db)throws MongoException, DataAccessException {


              return null;





          * Create an uncapped collection with a namebased on the provided entity class.


          * @param entityClass class that determines thecollection to create

          * @return the created collection


       <T>DBCollection createCollection(Class<T> entityClass);




          * Create a collect with a name based on theprovided entity class using the options.


          * @param entityClass class that determines thecollection to create

          * @param collectionOptions options to use whencreating the collection.

          * @return the created collection


       <T>DBCollection createCollection(Class<T> entityClass, CollectionOptionscollectionOptions);




          * Create an uncapped collection with theprovided name.


          * @param collectionName name of the collection

          * @return the created collection


       DBCollectioncreateCollection(String collectionName);


          * Create a collect with the provided name andoptions.


          * @param collectionName name of the collection

          * @param collectionOptions options to use whencreating the collection.

          * @return the created collection


       DBCollectioncreateCollection(String collectionName, CollectionOptions collectionOptions);


          * A set of collection names.


          * @return list of collection names


Set<String> collectionNames=mongoTemplate.getCollectionNames();



          * Get a collection by name, creating it if itdoesn't exist.

          * <p/>

          * Translate any exceptions as necessary.


          * @param collectionName name of the collection

          * @return an existing collection or a newlycreated one.


       DBCollectiongetCollection(String collectionName);

    DBCollection collection=mongoTemplate.getCollection("person");




          * Check to see if a collection with a nameindicated by the entity class exists.

          * <p/>

          * Translate any exceptions as necessary.


          * @param entityClass class that determines thename of the collection

          * @return true if a collection with the givenname is found, false otherwise.


       <T>boolean collectionExists(Class<T> entityClass);





          * Check to see if a collection with a givenname exists.

          * <p/>

          * Translate any exceptions as necessary.


          * @param collectionName name of the collection

          * @return true if a collection with the givenname is found, false otherwise.


       booleancollectionExists(String collectionName);






          * Drop the collection with the name indicatedby the entity class.

          * <p/>

          * Translate any exceptions as necessary.


          * @param entityClass class that determines thecollection to drop/delete.


       <T> voiddropCollection(Class<T> entityClass);


          * Drop the collection with the given name.

          * <p/>

          * Translate any exceptions as necessary.


          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto drop/delete.


       voiddropCollection(String collectionName);





          * Returns the operations that can be performedon indexes


          * @return index operations on the namedcollection


       IndexOperationsindexOps(String collectionName);
    IndexOperations io=mongoTemplate.indexOps("person");


       Index index =new Index();

       index.on("name",Order.ASCENDING); //为name属性加上 索引





          * Returns the operations that can be performedon indexes


          * @return index operations on the namedcollection associated with the given entity class


       IndexOperationsindexOps(Class<?> entityClass);

    IndexOperations io=mongoTemplate.indexOps(Person.class);


//     Index index =new Index();

//     index.on("name",Order.ASCENDING);

//     index.unique();

//     index.named("name_1");

//     io.ensureIndex(index);





          * Query for a list of objects of type T fromthe collection used by the entity class.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted from the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless

          * configured otherwise, an instance of SimpleMongoConverterwill be used.

          * <p/>

          * If your collection does not contain ahomogeneous collection of types, this operation will not be an efficient way

          * to map objects since the test for class typeis done in the client and not on the server.


          * @param entityClass the parameterized type ofthe returned list

          * @return the converted collection


       <T>List<T> findAll(Class<T> entityClass);




          * Query for a list of objects of type T fromthe specified collection.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted from the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless

          * configured otherwise, an instance ofSimpleMongoConverter will be used.

          * <p/>

          * If your collection does not contain ahomogeneous collection of types, this operation will not be an efficient way

          * to map objects since the test for class typeis done in the client and not on the server.


          * @param entityClass the parameterized type ofthe returned list.

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto retrieve the objects from

          * @return the converted collection


       <T>List<T> findAll(Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName);




          * Execute a group operation over the entirecollection. The group operation entity class should match the 'shape' of

          * the returned object that takes int accountthe initial document structure as well as any finalize functions.


          * @param criteria The criteria that restrictsthe row that are considered for grouping. If not specified all rows are

          *         considered.

          * @param inputCollectionName the collectionwhere the group operation will read from

          * @param groupBy the conditions under whichthe group operation will be performed, e.g. keys, initial document,

          *         reduce function.

          * @param entityClass The parameterized type ofthe returned list

          * @return The results of the group operation


   <T> GroupByResults<T>group(String inputCollectionName, GroupBy groupBy, Class<T> entityClass);

          GroupBy groupBy = GroupBy.key("name").initialDocument("{allAgeTotal:0,count:0}") 

            .reduceFunction("function(key, values){values.count+=1;}");


          //.reduceFunction("function(key, values){var x=0;values.forEach(function(v){x+=v;});return x;}"); 


            GroupByResults<Person> r ="person", groupBy, Person.class); 

            BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)r.getRawResults().get("retval"); 

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++) { 

                BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject)list.get(i); 






















            GroupBy groupBy = GroupBy.key("age").initialDocument("{allAgeTotal:0,count:0,avg:0}") 

            .reduceFunction("function(doc, prev){if(prev.age>=16){prev.allAgeTotal+=prev.age;prev.count+=1;}}");

//          .finalizeFunction("function(prev){prev.avg=prev.allAgeTotal/prev.count;}");

            GroupByResults<Person> r ="person", groupBy, Person.class);

            BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)r.getRawResults().get("retval"); 

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++) { 

                BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject)list.get(i); 













          * Execute a group operation restricting therows to those which match the provided Criteria. The group operation

          * entity class should match the 'shape' of thereturned object that takes int account the initial document structure

          * as well as any finalize functions.


          * @param criteria The criteria that restrictsthe row that are considered for grouping. If not specified all rows are

          *         considered.

          * @param inputCollectionName the collectionwhere the group operation will read from

          * @param groupBy the conditions under whichthe group operation will be performed, e.g. keys, initial document,

          *         reduce function.

          * @param entityClass The parameterized type ofthe returned list

          * @return The results of the group operation


       <T>GroupByResults<T> group(Criteria criteria, String inputCollectionName,GroupBy groupBy, Class<T> entityClass);


//        //大于16以上的查询年龄总和是多少,和数量是是多少?

        GroupBy groupBy = GroupBy.key("age").initialDocument("{allAgeTotal:0,count:0,avg:0}") 

        .reduceFunction("function(doc, prev){if(prev.age>=16){prev.allAgeTotal+=prev.age;prev.count+=1;}}");

//        .finalizeFunction("function(prev){prev.avg=prev.allAgeTotal/prev.count;}");

        Criteria criteria =new Criteria();


        GroupByResults<Person> r =,"person", groupBy, Person.class);

        BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)r.getRawResults().get("retval"); 

        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++) { 

            BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject)list.get(i); 







          * Execute a map-reduce operation. Themap-reduce operation will be formed with an output type of INLINE


          * @param inputCollectionName the collectionwhere the map-reduce will read from

          * @param mapFunction The JavaScript mapfunction

          * @param reduceFunction The JavaScript reducefunction

          * @param mapReduceOptions Options that specifydetailed map-reduce behavior

          * @param entityClass The parameterized type ofthe returned list

          * @return The results of the map reduceoperation


       <T>MapReduceResults<T> mapReduce(String inputCollectionName, StringmapFunction, String reduceFunction,       Class<T>entityClass);

       String mapFunction="function(){" +

              "emit(this.age,{'name'});" +


       String reduceFunction="function(key, values)" +

              "{var sum = 0;" +

              "var test='';" +

              "for(i in values){" +

              "test+=i;" +

              "}" +

              "" +

              "values.forEach(function(doc){" +

              "sum += 1; }); " +

              "return {persons:sum,test:test,values:values};" +


       //在此之前用的sping -data-mongodb 1.0.1.release版本,存在BUG,现在1.1.0.release没有问题

//         Criteria criteria =new Criteria();

//          criteria.and("age").gt(16);

//          Query query  =new Query(criteria);

       MapReduceResults<Person> mapReduce = mongoTemplate.mapReduce("person", mapFunction, reduceFunction, Person.class);

       BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)mapReduce.getRawResults().get("results"); 

      for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++) { 

          BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject)list.get(i);





          * Execute a map-reduce operation that takesadditional map-reduce options.


          * @param inputCollectionName the collectionwhere the map-reduce will read from

          * @param mapFunction The JavaScript mapfunction

          * @param reduceFunction The JavaScript reducefunction

          * @param mapReduceOptions Options that specifydetailed map-reduce behavior

          * @param entityClass The parameterized type ofthe returned list

          * @return The results of the map reduceoperation


       <T>MapReduceResults<T> mapReduce(String inputCollectionName, StringmapFunction, String reduceFunction,       MapReduceOptionsmapReduceOptions, Class<T> entityClass);



       String mapFunction = "function(){"

              + "emit(this.age,{'name'});" +"}";

       String reduceFunction = "function(key, values)" +"{var sum = 0;"

              + "var test='';" +"for(i in values){" +"test+=i;" +"}" +""

              + "values.forEach(function(doc){" +"sum += 1; }); "

              + "return {persons:sum,test:test,values:values};" +"};";

       // 在此之前用的sping -data-mongodb 1.0.1.release版本,存在BUG,现在1.1.0.release没有问题

        Criteria criteria =new Criteria();


        Query query =new Query(criteria);

        MapReduceOptions mrO=new MapReduceOptions();


       MapReduceResults<Person> mapReduce = mongoTemplate.mapReduce("person",

              mapFunction, reduceFunction,mrO,Person.class);

//     BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList) mapReduce.getRawResults().get(

//            "results");

//     for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

//         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) list.get(i);

//         System.out.println(obj.toString());

//     }




       List<DBObject>  person_results = mongoTemplate.execute("person_result",new CollectionCallback<List<DBObject> >() {

           public List<DBObject> doInCollection(DBCollection collection)

                  throws MongoException, DataAccessException {

           DBCursor dbCursor=collection.find();

           return dbCursor.toArray();




       for (DBObject dbObject : person_results) {






          * Execute a map-reduce operation that takes aquery. The map-reduce operation will be formed with an output type of

          * INLINE


          * @param query The query to use to select thedata for the map phase

          * @param inputCollectionName the collectionwhere the map-reduce will read from

          * @param mapFunction The JavaScript mapfunction

          * @param reduceFunction The JavaScript reducefunction

          * @param mapReduceOptions Options that specifydetailed map-reduce behavior

          * @param entityClass The parameterized type ofthe returned list

          * @return The results of the map reduceoperation


         <T>MapReduceResults<T> mapReduce(Query query, String inputCollectionName,String mapFunction, String reduceFunction,




          * Execute a map-reduce operation that takes aquery and additional map-reduce options


          * @param query The query to use to select thedata for the map phase

          * @param inputCollectionName the collectionwhere the map-reduce will read from

          * @param mapFunction The JavaScript mapfunction

          * @param reduceFunction The JavaScript reducefunction

          * @param mapReduceOptions Options that specifydetailed map-reduce behavior

          * @param entityClass The parameterized type ofthe returned list

          * @return The results of the map reduceoperation


       <T>MapReduceResults<T> mapReduce(Query query, String inputCollectionName,String mapFunction, String reduceFunction,MapReduceOptions mapReduceOptions,Class<T> entityClass);
同上,不过就是加了一个普通的query 作为查询条件之前的过滤




          * Returns {@link GeoResult} for all entitiesmatching the given {@link NearQuery}. Will consider entity mapping

          * information to determine the collection thequery is ran against.


          * @param near must not be {@literal null}.

          * @param entityClass must not be {@literalnull}.

          * @return


       <T>GeoResults<T> geoNear(NearQuery near, Class<T> entityClass);







          * Returns {@link GeoResult} for all entitiesmatching the given {@link NearQuery}.


          * @param near must not be {@literal null}.

          * @param entityClass must not be {@literalnull}.

          * @param collectionName the collection totrigger the query against. If no collection name is given the entity class

          *         will be inspected.

          * @return


       <T>GeoResults<T> geoNear(NearQuery near, Class<T> entityClass, StringcollectionName);



//     IndexOperations io=mongoTemplate.indexOps("person");

//     //io.dropIndex("");

//     GeospatialIndex index =new GeospatialIndex("address");

////       index.named("address_2d");

//     index.withBits(26);

//     index.withMax(900);

//     index.withMin(0);

//     io.ensureIndex(index);


       double x =12,y=32;

       Point point =new Point(x, y);

       NearQuery near =NearQuery.near(point);

//     Query query =new Query();

//     query.limit(20);

//     near.query(query);


       GeoResults<Person>  geoResults = mongoTemplate.geoNear(near, Person.class);

       for (GeoResult<Person> geoResult : geoResults) {






          * Map the results of an ad-hoc query on thecollection for the entity class to a single instance of an object of the

          * specified type.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted from the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless

          * configured otherwise, an instance ofSimpleMongoConverter will be used.

          * <p/>

          * The query is specified as a {@link Query}which can be created either using the {@link BasicQuery} or the more

          * feature rich {@link Query}.


          * @param query the query class that specifiesthe criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields

          *         specification

          * @param entityClass the parameterized type ofthe returned list.

          * @return the converted object


       <T> TfindOne(Query query, Class<T> entityClass);


          * Map the results of an ad-hoc query on thespecified collection to a single instance of an object of the specified

          * type.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted from the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless

          * configured otherwise, an instance ofSimpleMongoConverter will be used.

          * <p/>

          * The query is specified as a {@link Query}which can be created either using the {@link BasicQuery} or the more

          * feature rich {@link Query}.


          * @param query the query class that specifiesthe criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields

          *         specification

          * @param entityClass the parameterized type ofthe returned list.

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto retrieve the objects from


          * @return the converted object


       <T> T findOne(Queryquery, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName);


          * Map the results of an ad-hoc query on thecollection for the entity class to a List of the specified type.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted from the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless

          * configured otherwise, an instance ofSimpleMongoConverter will be used.

          * <p/>

          * The query is specified as a {@link Query}which can be created either using the {@link BasicQuery} or the more

          * feature rich {@link Query}.


          * @param query the query class that specifiesthe criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields

          *         specification

          * @param entityClass the parameterized type ofthe returned list.

          * @return the List of converted objects


       <T>List<T> find(Query query, Class<T> entityClass);


          * Map the results of an ad-hoc query on thespecified collection to a List of the specified type.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted from the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless

          * configured otherwise, an instance ofSimpleMongoConverter will be used.

          * <p/>

          * The query is specified as a {@link Query}which can be created either using the {@link BasicQuery} or the more

          * feature rich {@link Query}.


          * @param query the query class that specifiesthe criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields

          *         specification

          * @param entityClass the parameterized type ofthe returned list.

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto retrieve the objects from


          * @return the List of converted objects


       <T>List<T> find(Query query, Class<T> entityClass, StringcollectionName);


          * Returns a document with the given id mappedonto the given class. The collection the query is ran against will be

          * derived from the given target class as well.


          * @param <T>

          * @param id the id of the document to return.

          * @param entityClass the type the documentshall be converted into.

          * @return the document with the given idmapped onto the given target class.


       <T> TfindById(Object id, Class<T> entityClass);


          * Returns the document with the given id fromthe given collection mapped onto the given target class.


          * @param id the id of the document to return

          * @param entityClass the type to convert thedocument to

          * @param collectionName the collection toquery for the document


          * @param <T>

          * @return


       <T> TfindById(Object id, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName);

       <T> TfindAndModify(Query query, Update update, Class<T> entityClass);

       <T> TfindAndModify(Query query, Update update, Class<T> entityClass, StringcollectionName);

       <T> TfindAndModify(Query query, Update update, FindAndModifyOptions options,Class<T> entityClass);

       <T> TfindAndModify(Query query, Update update, FindAndModifyOptions options,Class<T> entityClass,       StringcollectionName);


          * Map the results of an ad-hoc query on thecollection for the entity type to a single instance of an object of the

          * specified type. The first document thatmatches the query is returned and also removed from the collection in the

          * database.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted from the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}.

          * <p/>

          * The query is specified as a {@link Query}which can be created either using the {@link BasicQuery} or the more

          * feature rich {@link Query}.


          * @param query the query class that specifiesthe criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields

          *         specification

          * @param entityClass the parameterized type ofthe returned list.

          * @return the converted object


       <T> TfindAndRemove(Query query, Class<T> entityClass);


          * Map the results of an ad-hoc query on thespecified collection to a single instance of an object of the specified

          * type. The first document that matches thequery is returned and also removed from the collection in the database.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted from the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless

          * configured otherwise, an instance ofSimpleMongoConverter will be used.

          * <p/>

          * The query is specified as a {@link Query}which can be created either using the {@link BasicQuery} or the more

          * feature rich {@link Query}.


          * @param query the query class that specifiesthe criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields

          *         specification

          * @param entityClass the parameterized type ofthe returned list.

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto retrieve the objects from


          * @return the converted object


       <T> TfindAndRemove(Query query, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName);


          * Returns the number of documents for thegiven {@link Query} by querying the collection of the given entity class.


          * @param query

          * @param entityClass must not be {@literalnull}.

          * @return


         longcount(Query query, Class<?> entityClass);



          * Returns the number of documents for thegiven {@link Query} querying the given collection.


          * @param query

          * @param collectionName must not be {@literalnull} or empty.

          * @return


       longcount(Query query, String collectionName);


          * Insert the object into the collection forthe entity type of the object to save.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted to the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}.

          * <p/>

          * If you object has an "Id' property, itwill be set with the generated Id from MongoDB. If your Id property is a

          * String then MongoDB ObjectId will be used topopulate that string. Otherwise, the conversion from ObjectId to your

          * property type will be handled by Spring'sBeanWrapper class that leverages Spring 3.0's new Type Conversion API.

          * See <ahref="">Spring3 Type

          * Conversion"</a> for more details.

          * <p/>

          * <p/>

          * Insert is used to initially store the objectinto the database. To update an existing object use the save method.


          * @param objectToSave the object to store inthe collection.


       voidinsert(Object objectToSave);
       Person person =new Person();






          * Insert the object into the specifiedcollection.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted to the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless

          * configured otherwise, an instance ofSimpleMongoConverter will be used.

          * <p/>

          * Insert is used to initially store the objectinto the database. To update an existing object use the save method.


          * @param objectToSave the object to store inthe collection

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto store the object in


       voidinsert(Object objectToSave, String collectionName);

       Person person =new Person();



       mongoTemplate.insert(person, "person");





          * Insert a Collection of objects into acollection in a single batch write to the database.


          * @param batchToSave the list of objects tosave.

          * @param entityClass class that determines thecollection to use


       voidinsert(Collection<? extends Object> batchToSave, Class<?>entityClass);
    Person person =new Person();



       Person person2 =new Person();



       List<Person> persons=new ArrayList<Person>();






          * Insert a list of objects into the specifiedcollection in a single batch write to the database.


          * @param batchToSave the list of objects tosave.

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto store the object in


       voidinsert(Collection<? extends Object> batchToSave, String collectionName);

    Person person =new Person();



       Person person2 =new Person();



       List<Person> persons=new ArrayList<Person>();



       mongoTemplate.insert(persons, "person");




          * Insert a mixed Collection of objects into adatabase collection determining the collection name to use based on the

          * class.


          * @param collectionToSave the list of objectsto save.


       voidinsertAll(Collection<? extends Object> objectsToSave);
       Person person =new Person();



       Person person2 =new Person();



       List<Person> persons=new ArrayList<Person>();






          * Save the object to the collection for theentity type of the object to save. This will perform an insert if the

          * object is not already present, that is an'upsert'.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted to the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless

          * configured otherwise, an instance ofSimpleMongoConverter will be used.

          * <p/>

          * If you object has an "Id' property, itwill be set with the generated Id from MongoDB. If your Id property is a

          * String then MongoDB ObjectId will be used topopulate that string. Otherwise, the conversion from ObjectId to your

          * property type will be handled by Spring'sBeanWrapper class that leverages Spring 3.0's new Type Conversion API.

          * See <ahref="">Spring3 Type

          * Conversion"</a> for more details.


          * @param objectToSave the object to store inthe collection


       voidsave(Object objectToSave);
Person person =new Person();






          * Save the object to the specified collection.This will perform an insert if the object is not already present, that

          * is an 'upsert'.

          * <p/>

          * The object is converted to the MongoDBnative representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless

          * configured otherwise, an instance ofSimpleMongoConverter will be used.

          * <p/>

          * If you object has an "Id' property, itwill be set with the generated Id from MongoDB. If your Id property is a

          * String then MongoDB ObjectId will be used topopulate that string. Otherwise, the conversion from ObjectId to your

          * property type will be handled by Spring'sBeanWrapper class that leverages Spring 3.0's new Type Cobnversion API.

          * See <ahref="">Spring3 Type

          * Conversion"</a> for more details.


          * @param objectToSave the object to store inthe collection

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto store the object in


       voidsave(Object objectToSave, String collectionName);

    Person person =new Person();






          * Performs an upsert. If no document is foundthat matches the query, a new document is created and inserted by

          * combining the query document and the updatedocument.


          * @param query the query document thatspecifies the criteria used to select a record to be upserted

          * @param update the update document thatcontains the updated object or $ operators to manipulate the existing object

          * @param entityClass class that determines thecollection to use

          * @return the WriteResult which lets youaccess the results of the previous write.


         WriteResultupsert(Query query, Update update, Class<?> entityClass);



          * Performs an upsert. If no document is foundthat matches the query, a new document is created and inserted by

          * combining the query document and the updatedocument.


          * @param query the query document thatspecifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated

          * @param update the update document thatcontains the updated object or $ operators to manipulate the existing

          *         object.

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto update the object in

          * @return the WriteResult which lets youaccess the results of the previous write.


       WriteResultupsert(Query query, Update update, String collectionName);


          * Updates the first object that is found inthe collection of the entity class that matches the query document with

          * the provided update document.


          * @param query the query document thatspecifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated

          * @param update the update document thatcontains the updated object or $ operators to manipulate the existing

          *         object.

          * @param entityClass class that determines thecollection to use

          * @return the WriteResult which lets youaccess the results of the previous write.


       WriteResultupdateFirst(Query query, Update update, Class<?> entityClass);


          * Updates the first object that is found inthe specified collection that matches the query document criteria with

          * the provided updated document.


          * @param query the query document thatspecifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated

          * @param update the update document thatcontains the updated object or $ operators to manipulate the existing

          *         object.

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto update the object in

          * @return the WriteResult which lets youaccess the results of the previous write.


       WriteResultupdateFirst(Query query, Update update, String collectionName);


          * Updates all objects that are found in thecollection for the entity class that matches the query document criteria

          * with the provided updated document.


          * @param query the query document thatspecifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated

          * @param update the update document thatcontains the updated object or $ operators to manipulate the existing

          *         object.

          * @param entityClass class that determines thecollection to use

          * @return the WriteResult which lets youaccess the results of the previous write.


       WriteResultupdateMulti(Query query, Update update, Class<?> entityClass);


          * Updates all objects that are found in thespecified collection that matches the query document criteria with the

          * provided updated document.


          * @param query the query document thatspecifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated

          * @param update the update document thatcontains the updated object or $ operators to manipulate the existing

          *         object.

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionto update the object in

          * @return the WriteResult which lets youaccess the results of the previous write.


       WriteResultupdateMulti(Query query, Update update, String collectionName);


          * Remove the given object from the collectionby id.


          * @param object


       voidremove(Object object);


          * Removes the given object from the givencollection.


          * @param object

          * @param collection must not be {@literalnull} or empty.


       voidremove(Object object, String collection);


          * Remove all documents that match the providedquery document criteria from the the collection used to store the

          * entityClass. The Class parameter is alsoused to help convert the Id of the object if it is present in the query.


          * @param <T>

          * @param query

          * @param entityClass


       <T> voidremove(Query query, Class<T> entityClass);


          * Remove all documents from the specifiedcollection that match the provided query document criteria. There is no

          * conversion/mapping done for any criteriausing the id field.


          * @param query the query document thatspecifies the criteria used to remove a record

          * @param collectionName name of the collectionwhere the objects will removed


       voidremove(Query query, String collectionName);


          * Returns the underlying {@linkMongoConverter}.


          * @return



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