04 对象存储网关

Object 对象存储简介

Ceph Object Store

  • RESTful Interface (RESTFul api实现对象的管理上传、下载)
  • S3- and Swift-compliant APIs(提供2种风格 api,s3 和 Swift-compliant)
  • S3-style subdomains
  • Unified S3/Swift namespace (S3/Swift扁平空间)
  • User management (安全行:用户认证)
  • Usage tracking (使用率追踪)
  • Striped objects (分片上传,在重组)
  • Cloud solution integration (和云平台集成)
  • Multi-site deployment (多站点部署)
  • Multi-site replication (多站点复制)

Usage tracking (使用率追踪)

$ rados df
ceph-demo 603 MiB     103      0    206                  0       0        0   1521 6.5 MiB    362 309 MiB        0 B         0 B 

total_objects    103
total_used       3.6 GiB
total_avail      146 GiB
total_space      150 GiB


Ceph Object Gateway

Ceph Object Gateway is an object storage interface built on top of
librados to provide applications with a RESTful gateway to
Ceph Storage Clusters. Ceph Object Storage supports two interfaces:

  1. S3-compatible: Provides object storage functionality with an interface
    that is compatible with a large subset of the Amazon S3 RESTful API.
  2. Swift-compatible: Provides object storage functionality with an interface
    that is compatible with a large subset of the OpenStack Swift API.

Ceph Object Storage uses the Ceph Object Gateway daemon (radosgw), which is
an HTTP server for interacting with a Ceph Storage Cluster. Since it
provides interfaces compatible with OpenStack Swift and Amazon S3, the Ceph
Object Gateway has its own user management. Ceph Object Gateway can store data
in the same Ceph Storage Cluster used to store data from Ceph File System clients
or Ceph Block Device clients. The S3 and Swift APIs share a common namespace, so
you may write data with one API and retrieve it with the other.

部署 RGW 存储网关

进入 ceph 配置信息目录

[root@node0 ~]# cd /data/ceph-deploy/
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ls
ceph.bootstrap-mds.keyring  ceph.bootstrap-osd.keyring  ceph.client.admin.keyring  ceph-deploy-ceph.log
ceph.bootstrap-mgr.keyring  ceph.bootstrap-rgw.keyring  ceph.conf                  ceph.mon.keyring

查看 rgw 帮助命令

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ceph-deploy rgw -h
usage: ceph-deploy rgw [-h] {create} ...

Ceph RGW daemon management

positional arguments:
    create    Create an RGW instance

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ceph-deploy rgw create
usage: ceph-deploy rgw create [-h] HOST[:NAME] [HOST[:NAME] ...]
ceph-deploy rgw create: error: too few arguments

Ceph 集群添加 RGW 存储网关

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ceph-deploy rgw create node0
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /root/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (2.0.1): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy rgw create node0
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  username                      : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  verbose                       : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  rgw                           : [('node0', 'rgw.node0')]
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  overwrite_conf                : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  subcommand                    : create
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  quiet                         : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cd_conf                       : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0x7f635fb0bc68>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cluster                       : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  func                          : <function rgw at 0x7f636035e0c8>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  ceph_conf                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  default_release               : False
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] Deploying rgw, cluster ceph hosts node0:rgw.node0
[node0][DEBUG ] connected to host: node0 
[node0][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node0][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[ceph_deploy.rgw][INFO  ] Distro info: CentOS Linux 7.9.2009 Core
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] remote host will use systemd
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] deploying rgw bootstrap to node0
[node0][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[node0][WARNIN] rgw keyring does not exist yet, creating one
[node0][DEBUG ] create a keyring file
[node0][DEBUG ] create path recursively if it doesn't exist
[node0][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --cluster ceph --name client.bootstrap-rgw --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rgw/ceph.keyring auth get-or-create client.rgw.node0 osd allow rwx mon allow rw -o /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw.node0/keyring
[node0][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph-radosgw@rgw.node0
[node0][WARNIN] Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw.target.wants/ceph-radosgw@rgw.node0.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw@.service.
[node0][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl start ceph-radosgw@rgw.node0
[node0][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[ceph_deploy.rgw][INFO  ] The Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) is now running on host node0 and default port 7480


[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ceph -s
    id:     97702c43-6cc2-4ef8-bdb5-855cfa90a260
    health: HEALTH_OK
    mon: 3 daemons, quorum node0,node1,node2 (age 6d)
    mgr: node0(active, since 6d), standbys: node1, node2
    osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 6d), 3 in (since 6d)
    rgw: 1 daemon active (node0)
  task status:
    pools:   5 pools, 256 pgs
    objects: 322 objects, 305 MiB
    usage:   3.6 GiB used, 146 GiB / 150 GiB avail
    pgs:     256 active+clean
    client:   53 KiB/s rd, 0 B/s wr, 78 op/s rd, 49 op/s wr


[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ss -tnlp | grep 7480
LISTEN     0      128          *:7480                     *:*                   users:(("radosgw",pid=37972,fd=48))
LISTEN     0      128       [::]:7480                  [::]:*                   users:(("radosgw",pid=37972,fd=49))
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# curl http://node0:7480
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">

修改 RGW 默认端口

修改 ceph.conf 配置文件

[root@node0 ~]# cd /data/ceph-deploy/

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# cat ceph.conf
fsid = 97702c43-6cc2-4ef8-bdb5-855cfa90a260
public_network =
cluster_network =
mon_initial_members = node0
mon_host =
auth_cluster_required = cephx
auth_service_required = cephx
auth_client_required = cephx

### 新增配置文件
rgw_frontends = "civetweb port=80"

推送 ceph.conf 配置文件到集群节点

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push node0 node1 node2
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /root/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (2.0.1): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push node0 node1 node2
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  username                      : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  verbose                       : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  overwrite_conf                : True
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  subcommand                    : push
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  quiet                         : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cd_conf                       : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0x7f0478c44290>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cluster                       : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  client                        : ['node0', 'node1', 'node2']
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  func                          : <function config at 0x7f0478c60c80>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  ceph_conf                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  default_release               : False
[ceph_deploy.config][DEBUG ] Pushing config to node0
[node0][DEBUG ] connected to host: node0 
[node0][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node0][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[node0][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph_deploy.config][DEBUG ] Pushing config to node1
[node1][DEBUG ] connected to host: node1 
[node1][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node1][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[node1][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph_deploy.config][DEBUG ] Pushing config to node2
[node2][DEBUG ] connected to host: node2 
[node2][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node2][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[node2][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf


[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ansible all -m shell -a "systemctl restart ceph-radosgw.target"
node1 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

node2 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

node0 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ss -tnlp | grep rados
LISTEN     0      128          *:80                       *:*                   users:(("radosgw",pid=42562,fd=44))

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# curl http://node0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# curl http://node0:7480
curl: (7) Failed connect to node0:7480; Connection refused

RGW S3 接口使用


radosgw 用户分为:s3 风格 和 Swift 风格

# 使用 rodsgw 需要先创建用户
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# radosgw-admin -h | grep user
  user create                create a new user
  user modify                modify user
  user info                  get user info
  user rm                    remove user
  user suspend               suspend a user
  user enable                re-enable user after suspension
  user check                 check user info
  user stats                 show user stats as accounted by quota subsystem
  user list                  list users
  caps add                   add user capabilities
  caps rm                    remove user capabilities
  subuser create             create a new subuser
  subuser modify             modify subuser
  subuser rm                 remove subuser
  bucket link                link bucket to specified user
  bucket unlink              unlink bucket from specified user
  usage show                 show usage (by user, by bucket, date range)
  usage trim                 trim usage (by user, by bucket, date range)
   --uid=<id>                user id
   --subuser=<name>          subuser name
   --email=<email>           user's email address
   --access=<access>         Set access permissions for sub-user, should be one
   --display-name=<name>     user's display name
   --max-buckets             max number of buckets for a user
   --admin                   set the admin flag on the user
   --system                  set the system flag on the user
   --op-mask                 set the op mask on the user
   --purge-data              when specified, user removal will also purge all the
                             user data
   --purge-keys              when specified, subuser removal will also purge all the
                             subuser keys
   --sync-stats              option to 'user stats', update user stats with current
                             stats reported by user's buckets indexes
   --reset-stats             option to 'user stats', reset stats in accordance with user buckets
   --caps=<caps>             list of caps (e.g., "usage=read, write; user=read")
   --quota-scope             scope of quota (bucket, user)
  --setuser USER    set uid to user or uid (and gid to user's gid)

s3 风格用户

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# radosgw-admin user create --uid ceph-s3-user --display-name "Ceph S3 User Demo"
    "user_id": "ceph-s3-user",
    "display_name": "Ceph S3 User Demo",
    "email": "",
    "suspended": 0,
    "max_buckets": 1000,
    "subusers": [],
    "keys": [
            "user": "ceph-s3-user",
            "access_key": "NGJ3JY6F45CTJJBWPGTJ",                       # 后续访问 radosgw 的凭证
            "secret_key": "nJNchCzcaADsxbm9GLe6cquvGTMe9rvjZqDdXz2C"    # 后续访问 radosgw 的凭证
    "swift_keys": [],
    "caps": [],
    "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
    "default_placement": "",
    "default_storage_class": "",
    "placement_tags": [],
    "bucket_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "check_on_raw": false,
        "max_size": -1,
        "max_size_kb": 0,
        "max_objects": -1
    "user_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "check_on_raw": false,
        "max_size": -1,
        "max_size_kb": 0,
        "max_objects": -1
    "temp_url_keys": [],
    "type": "rgw",
    "mfa_ids": []


[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# radosgw-admin user list
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# radosgw-admin user info --uid ceph-s3-user
    "user_id": "ceph-s3-user",
    "display_name": "Ceph S3 User Demo",
    "email": "",
    "suspended": 0,
    "max_buckets": 1000,
    "subusers": [],
    "keys": [
            "user": "ceph-s3-user",
            "access_key": "NGJ3JY6F45CTJJBWPGTJ",
            "secret_key": "nJNchCzcaADsxbm9GLe6cquvGTMe9rvjZqDdXz2C"
    "swift_keys": [],
    "caps": [],
    "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
    "default_placement": "",
    "default_storage_class": "",
    "placement_tags": [],
    "bucket_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "check_on_raw": false,
        "max_size": -1,
        "max_size_kb": 0,
        "max_objects": -1
    "user_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "check_on_raw": false,
        "max_size": -1,
        "max_size_kb": 0,
        "max_objects": -1
    "temp_url_keys": [],
    "type": "rgw",
    "mfa_ids": []

创建 存储桶

# 查看资源池信息,部署 radosgw 后,回自动生成新的资源池信息
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ceph osd lspools
1 ceph-demo
2 .rgw.root
3 default.rgw.control
4 default.rgw.meta
5 default.rgw.log

# 编写客户端脚本

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# cat s3client.py

import boto
import boto.s3.connection
access_key = 'NGJ3JY6F45CTJJBWPGTJ'
secret_key = 'nJNchCzcaADsxbm9GLe6cquvGTMe9rvjZqDdXz2C'

conn = boto.connect_s3(
        aws_access_key_id = access_key,
        aws_secret_access_key = secret_key,
        host = '', port=80,
        is_secure=False,               # uncomment if you are not using ssl
        calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(),

bucket = conn.create_bucket('ceph-s3-bucket')
for bucket in conn.get_all_buckets():
                name = bucket.name,
                created = bucket.creation_date,

# 安装 python 包
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# yum install python-boto

# 创建存储桶
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# python s3client.py
ceph-s3-bucket  2022-10-21T01:39:31.690Z

# 查看最新的资源池信息
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# !ceph
ceph osd lspools
1 ceph-demo
2 .rgw.root
3 default.rgw.control
4 default.rgw.meta
5 default.rgw.log
6 default.rgw.buckets.index

# 后续可以使用其他 对象存储工具进行连接,访问存储桶资源。 比如 minio mc 工具

s3cmd 管理对象存储


radosgw 用户分为:s3 风格 和 Swift 风格

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# yum -y install s3cmd

配置 s3cmd

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd --configure

Enter new values or accept defaults in brackets with Enter.
Refer to user manual for detailed description of all options.

Access key and Secret key are your identifiers for Amazon S3. Leave them empty for using the env variables.
Secret Key: nJNchCzcaADsxbm9GLe6cquvGTMe9rvjZqDdXz2C
Default Region [US]: 

Use "s3.amazonaws.com" for S3 Endpoint and not modify it to the target Amazon S3.
S3 Endpoint [s3.amazonaws.com]:  

Use "%(bucket)s.s3.amazonaws.com" to the target Amazon S3. "%(bucket)s" and "%(location)s" vars can be used
if the target S3 system supports dns based buckets.
DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket [%(bucket)s.s3.amazonaws.com]:

Encryption password is used to protect your files from reading
by unauthorized persons while in transfer to S3
Encryption password: 
Path to GPG program [/usr/bin/gpg]: 

When using secure HTTPS protocol all communication with Amazon S3
servers is protected from 3rd party eavesdropping. This method is
slower than plain HTTP, and can only be proxied with Python 2.7 or newer
Use HTTPS protocol [Yes]: no

On some networks all internet access must go through a HTTP proxy.
Try setting it here if you can't connect to S3 directly
HTTP Proxy server name: 

New settings:
  Secret Key: nJNchCzcaADsxbm9GLe6cquvGTMe9rvjZqDdXz2C
  Default Region: US
  S3 Endpoint:
  DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket:
  Encryption password: 
  Path to GPG program: /usr/bin/gpg
  Use HTTPS protocol: False
  HTTP Proxy server name: 
  HTTP Proxy server port: 0

Test access with supplied credentials? [Y/n] Y
Please wait, attempting to list all buckets...
Success. Your access key and secret key worked fine :-)

Now verifying that encryption works...
Not configured. Never mind.

Save settings? [y/N] y
Configuration saved to '/root/.s3cfg'


[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# cat /root/.s3cfg 
access_key = NGJ3JY6F45CTJJBWPGTJ
access_token = 
add_encoding_exts = 
add_headers = 
bucket_location = US
ca_certs_file = 
cache_file = 
check_ssl_certificate = True
check_ssl_hostname = True
cloudfront_host = cloudfront.amazonaws.com
connection_max_age = 5
connection_pooling = True
content_disposition = 
content_type = 
default_mime_type = binary/octet-stream
delay_updates = False
delete_after = False
delete_after_fetch = False
delete_removed = False
dry_run = False
enable_multipart = True
encrypt = False
expiry_date = 
expiry_days = 
expiry_prefix = 
follow_symlinks = False
force = False
get_continue = False
gpg_command = /usr/bin/gpg
gpg_decrypt = %(gpg_command)s -d --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s
gpg_encrypt = %(gpg_command)s -c --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s
gpg_passphrase = 
guess_mime_type = True
host_base =
host_bucket =
human_readable_sizes = False
invalidate_default_index_on_cf = False
invalidate_default_index_root_on_cf = True
invalidate_on_cf = False
kms_key = 
limit = -1
limitrate = 0
list_md5 = False
log_target_prefix = 
long_listing = False
max_delete = -1
mime_type = 
multipart_chunk_size_mb = 15
multipart_copy_chunk_size_mb = 1024
multipart_max_chunks = 10000
preserve_attrs = True
progress_meter = True
proxy_host = 
proxy_port = 0
public_url_use_https = False
put_continue = False
recursive = False
recv_chunk = 65536
reduced_redundancy = False
requester_pays = False
restore_days = 1
restore_priority = Standard
secret_key = nJNchCzcaADsxbm9GLe6cquvGTMe9rvjZqDdXz2C
send_chunk = 65536
server_side_encryption = False
signature_v2 = False
signurl_use_https = False
simpledb_host = sdb.amazonaws.com
skip_existing = False
socket_timeout = 300
ssl_client_cert_file = 
ssl_client_key_file = 
stats = False
stop_on_error = False
storage_class = 
throttle_max = 100
upload_id = 
urlencoding_mode = normal
use_http_expect = False
use_https = False
use_mime_magic = True
verbosity = WARNING
website_endpoint = http://%(bucket)s.s3-website-%(location)s.amazonaws.com/
website_error = 
website_index = index.html


[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd --help

查看存储桶 命令

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd ls
2022-10-21 01:39  s3://ceph-s3-bucket

创建存储桶 命令

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd mb s3://s3cmd-demo
ERROR: S3 error: 403 (SignatureDoesNotMatch)

# 修改 .s3cfg 配置文件

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# vim /root/.s3cfg 

signature_v2 = True

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd mb s3://s3cmd-demo
Bucket 's3://s3cmd-demo/' created
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd ls
2022-10-21 01:39  s3://ceph-s3-bucket
2022-10-21 03:16  s3://s3cmd-demo

上传文件目录 命令

# 上传文件报错,需要修改 ceph.conf 配置文件新增配置
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd put /etc/fstab s3://s3cmd-demo/fstab-demo
upload: '/etc/fstab' -> 's3://s3cmd-demo/fstab-demo'  [1 of 1]
 465 of 465   100% in    0s     2.41 KB/s  done
ERROR: S3 error: 416 (InvalidRange)

# 新增 ceph.conf 配置文件
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# cat ceph.conf
fsid = 97702c43-6cc2-4ef8-bdb5-855cfa90a260
public_network =
cluster_network =
mon_initial_members = node0
mon_host =
auth_cluster_required = cephx
auth_service_required = cephx
auth_client_required = cephx
mon_max_pg_per_osd=1000  # 新增配置项

rgw_frontends = "civetweb port=80"

# 推送配置文件
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push node0 node1 node2

# 重启服务
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ansible all -m shell -a "systemctl restart ceph.target"

# 重新上传文件
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd put /etc/fstab s3://s3cmd-demo/fstab-demo
upload: '/etc/fstab' -> 's3://s3cmd-demo/fstab-demo'  [1 of 1]
 465 of 465   100% in    1s   278.94 B/s  done

# 查看文件
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd ls s3://s3cmd-demo
2022-10-21 03:29          465  s3://s3cmd-demo/fstab-demo

# 上传目录
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd put /etc/ s3://s3cmd-demo/etc/ --recursive

查看底层 pools 池数据存放

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ceph osd lspools
1 ceph-demo
2 .rgw.root
3 default.rgw.control
4 default.rgw.meta
5 default.rgw.log
6 default.rgw.buckets.index
7 default.rgw.buckets.data   # 新增 pools

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# rados -p default.rgw.buckets.data ls

# 底层 pv 和 osd 映射情况
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ceph osd map default.rgw.buckets.data 42c755f7-138c-4b0b-84bd-a966873c5e9c.4959.2_fstab-demo
osdmap e59 pool 'default.rgw.buckets.data' (7) object '42c755f7-138c-4b0b-84bd-a966873c5e9c.4959.2_fstab-demo' -> pg 7.2ea267 (7.7) -> up ([1,2,0], p1) acting ([1,2,0], p1)

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# ceph osd tree
-1       0.14639 root default                           
-3       0.04880     host node0                         
 0   hdd 0.04880         osd.0      up  1.00000 1.00000 
-5       0.04880     host node1                         
 1   hdd 0.04880         osd.1      up  1.00000 1.00000 
-7       0.04880     host node2                         
 2   hdd 0.04880         osd.2      up  1.00000 1.00000 

下载文件 命令

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd get s3://s3cmd-demo/etc/hostname /root/hostname
download: 's3://s3cmd-demo/etc/hostname' -> '/root/hostname'  [1 of 1]
 6 of 6   100% in    0s   365.54 B/s  done
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# cat /root/hostname 

删除文件 命令

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# s3cmd rm s3://s3cmd-demo/etc/ --recursive

Swift 风格 API 接口


radosgw 用户分为:s3 风格 和 Swift 风格

  • 查看当前系统用户
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# radosgw-admin user list
  • 命令格式
radosgw-admin subuser create --uid={uid} --subuser={uid} --access=[ read | write | readwrite | full ]
  • 创建用户
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# radosgw-admin subuser create --uid=ceph-s3-user --subuser=ceph-s3-user:swift --access=full
    "user_id": "ceph-s3-user",
    "display_name": "Ceph S3 User Demo",
    "email": "",
    "suspended": 0,
    "max_buckets": 1000,
    "subusers": [
            "id": "ceph-s3-user:swift",
            "permissions": "full-control"
    "keys": [
            "user": "ceph-s3-user",
            "access_key": "NGJ3JY6F45CTJJBWPGTJ",
            "secret_key": "nJNchCzcaADsxbm9GLe6cquvGTMe9rvjZqDdXz2C"
    "swift_keys": [
            "user": "ceph-s3-user:swift",
            "secret_key": "Gk1Br59ysIOh5tnwBQVqDMAHlspQCvHYixoz4Erz"      # 后续配置 swift 使用的密钥信息
    "caps": [],
    "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
    "default_placement": "",
    "default_storage_class": "",
    "placement_tags": [],
    "bucket_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "check_on_raw": false,
        "max_size": -1,
        "max_size_kb": 0,
        "max_objects": -1
    "user_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "check_on_raw": false,
        "max_size": -1,
        "max_size_kb": 0,
        "max_objects": -1
    "temp_url_keys": [],
    "type": "rgw",
    "mfa_ids": []

安装 swiftclient 工具

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# yum install python-setuptools python-pip
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# pip install --upgrade pip
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# pip install python-swiftclient

使用 swiftclient 工具

  • 查看 swift 帮助
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# swift -v

Command-line interface to the OpenStack Swift API.

Positional arguments:
    delete               Delete a container or objects within a container.
    download             Download objects from containers.
    list                 Lists the containers for the account or the objects
                         for a container.
    post                 Updates meta information for the account, container,
                         or object; creates containers if not present.
    copy                 Copies object, optionally adds meta
    stat                 Displays information for the account, container,
                         or object.
    upload               Uploads files or directories to the given container.
    capabilities         List cluster capabilities.
    tempurl              Create a temporary URL.
    auth                 Display auth related environment variables.
    bash_completion      Outputs option and flag cli data ready for

  swift download --help

  swift -A https://api.example.com/v1.0 \
      -U user -K api_key stat -v

  swift --os-auth-url https://api.example.com/v2.0 \
      --os-tenant-name tenant \
      --os-username user --os-password password list

  swift --os-auth-url https://api.example.com/v3 --auth-version 3\
      --os-project-name project1 --os-project-domain-name domain1 \
      --os-username user --os-user-domain-name domain1 \
      --os-password password list

  swift --os-auth-url https://api.example.com/v3 --auth-version 3\
      --os-project-id 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef \
      --os-user-id abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789 \
      --os-password password list

  swift --os-auth-url https://api.example.com/v3 --auth-version 3\
      --os-application-credential-id d78683c92f0e4f9b9b02a2e208039412 \
      --os-application-credential-secret APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET \
      --os-auth-type v3applicationcredential list

  swift --os-auth-token 6ee5eb33efad4e45ab46806eac010566 \
      --os-storage-url \
  • 使用 swift 工具查看 存储桶信息
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# swift -A -U ceph-s3-user:swift -K Gk1Br59ysIOh5tnwBQVqDMAHlspQCvHYixoz4Erz list
  • 设置密钥信息等 为环境变量,进行命令行传参
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# cat swift_source.sh
export ST_AUTH=
export ST_USER=ceph-s3-user:swift
export ST_KEY=Gk1Br59ysIOh5tnwBQVqDMAHlspQCvHYixoz4Erz

[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# source swift_source.sh

# 再次查看存储桶信息
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# swift list
# 创建桶 命令
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# swift post swift-demo
[root@node0 ceph-deploy]# swift list

# 其他 命令,可以查看帮助文档 swift -v
posted @   evescn  阅读(428)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
· 被坑几百块钱后,我竟然真的恢复了删除的微信聊天记录!
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  1. 1 毛不易
  2. 2 青丝 等什么君(邓寓君)
  3. 3 最爱 周慧敏
  4. 4 青花 (Live) 摩登兄弟刘宇宁/周传雄
  5. 5 怨苍天变了心 葱香科学家(王悠然)
  6. 6 吹梦到西洲 恋恋故人难/黄诗扶/王敬轩(妖扬)
  7. 7 姑娘别哭泣 柯柯柯啊
  8. 8 我会好好的 王心凌
  9. 9 半生雪 七叔-叶泽浩
  10. 10 用力活着 张茜
  11. 11 山茶花读不懂白玫瑰 梨笑笑
  12. 12 赴春寰 张壹ZHANG/Mukyo木西/鹿予/弦上春秋Official
  13. 13 故事终章 程响
  14. 14 沿海独白 王唯一(九姨太)
  15. 15 若把你 越南电音 云音乐AI/网易天音
  16. 16 世间美好与你环环相扣 柏松
  17. 17 愿你如愿 陆七言
  18. 18 多情种 胡杨林
  19. 19 和你一样 李宇春
  20. 20 晚风心里吹 李克勤
  21. 21 世面 黄梓溪
  22. 22 等的太久 杨大六
  23. 23 微醺状态 张一
  24. 24 醉今朝 安小茜
  25. 25 阿衣莫 阿吉太组合
  26. 26 折风渡夜 沉默书生
  27. 27 星河万里 王大毛
  28. 28 满目星辰皆是你 留小雨
  29. 29 老人与海 海鸣威/吴琼
  30. 30 海底 一支榴莲
  31. 31 只要有你 曹芙嘉
  32. 32 兰花指 阿里郎
  33. 33 口是心非 张大帅
  34. 34 爱不得忘不舍 白小白
  35. 35 惊鸿醉 指尖笑
  36. 36 如愿 葱香科学家(王悠然)
  37. 37 晚风心里吹 阿梨粤
  38. 38 惊蛰·归云 陈拾月(只有影子)/KasaYAYA
  39. 39 风飞沙 迪克牛仔
  40. 40 把孤独当做晚餐 井胧
  41. 41 星星点灯 郑智化
  42. 42 客子光阴 七叔-叶泽浩
  43. 43 走马观花 王若熙
  44. 44 沈园外 阿YueYue/戾格/小田音乐社
  45. 45 盗将行 花粥/马雨阳
  46. 46 她的眼睛会唱歌 张宇佳
  47. 47 一笑江湖 姜姜
  48. 48 虎二
  49. 49 人间烟火 程响
  50. 50 不仅仅是喜欢 萧全/孙语赛
  51. 51 你的眼神(粤语版) Ecrolyn
  52. 52 剑魂 李炜
  53. 53 虞兮叹 闻人听書_
  54. 54 时光洪流 程响
  55. 55 桃花诺 G.E.M.邓紫棋
  56. 56 行星(PLANET) 谭联耀
  57. 57 别怕我伤心 悦开心i/张家旺
  58. 58 上古山海经 小少焱
  59. 59 你的眼神 七元
  60. 60 怨苍天变了心 米雅
  61. 61 绝不会放过 王亚东
  62. 62 可笑的孤独 黄静美
  63. 63 错位时空 艾辰
  64. 64 像个孩子 仙屁孩
  65. 65 完美世界 [主题版] 水木年华
  66. 66 我们的时光 赵雷
  67. 67 万字情诗 椒椒JMJ
  68. 68 妖王 浮生
  69. 69 天地无霜 (合唱版) 杨紫/邓伦
  70. 70 塞北殇 王若熙
  71. 71 花亦山 祖娅纳惜
  72. 72 醉今朝 是可乐鸭
  73. 73 欠我个未来 艾岩
  74. 74 缘分一道桥 容云/青峰AomineDaiky
  75. 75 不知死活 子无余/严书
  76. 76 不可说 霍建华/赵丽颖
  77. 77 孤勇者 陈奕迅
  78. 78 让酒 摩登兄弟刘宇宁
  79. 79 红尘悠悠DJ沈念版 颜一彦
  80. 80 折风渡夜 (DJ名龙版) 泽国同学
  81. 81 吹灭小山河 国风堂/司南
  82. 82 等什么君 - 辞九门回忆 张大帅
  83. 83 绝世舞姬 张曦匀/戚琦
  84. 84 阿刁(无修音版|live) 张韶涵网易云资讯台
  85. 85 往事如烟 蓝波
  86. 86 清明上河图 李玉刚
  87. 87 望穿秋水 坤坤阿
  88. 88 太多 杜宣达
  89. 89 小阿七
  90. 90 霞光-《精灵世纪》片尾曲 小时姑娘
  91. 91 放开 爱乐团王超
  92. 92 醉仙美 娜美
  93. 93 虞兮叹(完整版) 黎林添娇kiki
  94. 94 单恋一枝花 夏了个天呐(朴昱美)/七夕
  95. 95 一个人挺好 (DJ版) 69/肖涵/沈子凡
  96. 96 一笑江湖 闻人听書_
  97. 97 赤伶 李玉刚
  98. 98 达拉崩吧 (Live) 周深
  99. 99 等你归来 程响
  100. 100 责无旁贷 阿悠悠
  101. 101 你是人间四月天(钢琴弹唱版) 邵帅
  102. 102 虐心 徐良/孙羽幽
  103. 103 大天蓬 (女生版) 清水er
  104. 104 赤伶 是二智呀
  105. 105 有种关系叫知己 刘大壮
  106. 106 怎随天下 王若熙
  107. 107 有人 赵钶
  108. 108 海底 三块木头
  109. 109 有何不可 许嵩
  110. 110 大天蓬 (抖音版) 璐爷
  111. 111 我吹过你吹过的晚风(翻自 ac) 辛辛
  112. 112 只爱西经 林一
  113. 113 关山酒 等什么君(邓寓君)
  114. 114 曾经的你 年少不川
  115. 115 倔强 五月天
  116. 116 Lydia F.I.R.
  117. 117 爱你 王心凌
  118. 118 杀破狼 哥哥妹妹
  119. 119 踏山河 七叔-叶泽浩
  120. 120 错过的情人 雷婷
  121. 121 你看到的我 黄勇/任书怀
  122. 122 新欢渡旧爱 黄静美
  123. 123 慕容晓晓-黄梅戏(南柯一梦 / 明洋 remix) 南柯一梦/MINGYANG
  124. 124 浮白 花粥/王胜娚
  125. 125 叹郁孤 霄磊
  126. 126 贝加尔湖畔 (Live) 李健
  127. 127 不虞 王玖
  128. 128 麻雀 李荣浩
  129. 129 一场雨落下来要用多久 鹿先森乐队
  130. 130 野狼disco 宝石Gem
  131. 131 我们不该这样的 张赫煊
  132. 132 海底 一支榴莲
  133. 133 爱情错觉 王娅
  134. 134 你一定要幸福 何洁
  135. 135 往后余生 马良
  136. 136 放你走 正点
  137. 137 只要平凡 张杰/张碧晨
  138. 138 只要平凡-小石头和孩子们 小石头和孩子们
  139. 139 红色高跟鞋 (Live) 韩雪/刘敏涛/万茜
  140. 140 明月天涯 五音Jw
  141. 141 华年 鹿先森乐队
  142. 142 分飞 徐怀钰
  143. 143 你是我撞的南墙 刘楚阳
  144. 144 同簪 小时姑娘/HITA
  145. 145 我的将军啊-唯美独特女版 熙宝(陆迦卉)
  146. 146 我的将军啊(女版戏腔) Mukyo木西
  147. 147 口是心非 南柯nanklo/乐小桃
  148. 148 DAY BY DAY (Japanese Ver.) T-ara
  149. 149 我承认我怕黑 雅楠
  150. 150 我要找到你 冯子晨
  151. 151 你的答案 子尧
  152. 152 一剪梅 费玉清
  153. 153 纸船 薛之谦/郁可唯
  154. 154 那女孩对我说 (完整版) Uu
  155. 155 我好像在哪见过你 薛之谦
  156. 156 林中鸟 葛林
  157. 157 渡我不渡她 (正式版) 苏谭谭
  158. 158 红尘来去梦一场 大壮
  159. 159 都说 龙梅子/老猫
  160. 160 산다는 건 (Cheer Up) 洪真英
  161. 161 听说 丛铭君
  162. 162 那个女孩 张泽熙
  163. 163 最近 (正式版) 王小帅
  164. 164 不谓侠 萧忆情Alex
  165. 165 芒种 音阙诗听/赵方婧
  166. 166 恋人心 魏新雨
  167. 167 Trouble Is A Friend Lenka
  168. 168 风筝误 刘珂矣
  169. 169 米津玄師-lemon(Ayasa绚沙 Remix) Ayasa
  170. 170 可不可以 张紫豪
  171. 171 告白の夜 Ayasa
  172. 172 知否知否(翻自 胡夏) 凌之轩/rainbow苒
  173. 173 琵琶行 奇然/沈谧仁
  174. 174 一曲相思 半阳
  175. 175 起风了 吴青峰
  176. 176 胡广生 任素汐
  177. 177 左手指月 古琴版 古琴唐彬/古琴白无瑕
  178. 178 清明上河图 排骨教主
  179. 179 左手指月 萨顶顶
  180. 180 刚刚好 薛之谦
  181. 181 悟空 戴荃
  182. 182 易燃易爆炸 陈粒
  183. 183 漫步人生路 邓丽君
  184. 184 不染 萨顶顶
  185. 185 不染 毛不易
  186. 186 追梦人 凤飞飞
  187. 187 笑傲江湖 刘欢/王菲
  188. 188 沙漠骆驼 展展与罗罗
  189. 189 外滩十八号 男才女貌
  190. 190 你懂得 小沈阳/沈春阳
  191. 191 铁血丹心 罗文/甄妮
  192. 192 温柔乡 陈雅森
  193. 193 似水柔情 王备
  194. 194 我只能爱你 彭青
  195. 195 年轻的战场 张杰
  196. 196 七月七日晴 许慧欣
  197. 197 心爱 金学峰
  198. 198 Something Just Like This (feat. Romy Wave) Anthony Keyrouz/Romy Wave
  199. 199 ブルーバード いきものがかり
  200. 200 舞飞扬 含笑
  201. 201 时间煮雨 郁可唯
  202. 202 英雄一怒为红颜 小壮
  203. 203 天下有情人 周华健/齐豫
  204. 204 白狐 陈瑞
  205. 205 River Flows In You Martin Ermen
  206. 206 相思 毛阿敏
  207. 207 只要有你 那英/孙楠
  208. 208 Croatian Rhapsody Maksim Mrvica
  209. 209 来生缘 刘德华
  210. 210 莫失莫忘 麦振鸿
  211. 211 往后余生 王贰浪
  212. 212 雪见—仙凡之旅 麦振鸿
  213. 213 让泪化作相思雨 南合文斗
  214. 214 追梦人 阿木
  215. 215 真英雄 张卫健
  216. 216 天使的翅膀 安琥
  217. 217 生生世世爱 吴雨霏
  218. 218 爱我就跟我走 王鹤铮
  219. 219 特别的爱给特别的你 伍思凯
  220. 220 杜婧荧/王艺翔
  221. 221 I Am You Kim Taylor
  222. 222 起风了 买辣椒也用券
  223. 223 江湖笑 周华健
  224. 224 半壶纱 刘珂矣
  225. 225 Jar Of Love 曲婉婷
  226. 226 野百合也有春天 孟庭苇
  227. 227 后来 刘若英
  228. 228 不仅仅是喜欢 萧全/孙语赛
  229. 229 Time (Official) MKJ
  230. 230 纸短情长 (完整版) 烟把儿
  231. 231 离人愁 曲肖冰
  232. 232 难念的经 周华健
  233. 233 佛系少女 冯提莫
  234. 234 红昭愿 音阙诗听
  235. 235 BINGBIAN病变 Cubi/多多Aydos
  236. 236 说散就散 袁娅维TIA RAY
  237. 237 慢慢喜欢你 莫文蔚
  238. 238 最美的期待 周笔畅
  239. 239 牵丝戏 银临/Aki阿杰
  240. 240 夜的钢琴曲 K. Williams
River Flows In You - Martin Ermen
00:00 / 00:00
An audio error has occurred, player will skip forward in 2 seconds.

