
注明:原文来自 Mike Cohn的邮件推送,我已将原文贴在最后供参考,翻译的目的是为了锻炼自己的能力和理解水平,如有版权侵犯,请告之。


The sprint review is perhaps the most renamed meeting in Scrum. Sure, the daily Scrum is often referred to as the Daily Standup.

But I've heard more than one additional name give to the Review.

I've heard it called the Showcase. I've heard it renamed the Dog & Pony Show. I've even heard it called the Christians and the Lions meeting, which I suppose described how the team felt when in the meeting.

And, of course, I've heard it referred to as the Sprint Demo.

What's wrong with all these nicknames for the Sprint Review?

They all undermine the true purpose of the meeting. The purpose of the Sprint Review is for the team to receive feedback from their stakeholders. 

Agile is based on the ability to inspect and adapt. The Review provides an opportunity for stakeholders (and, in some cases, the product owner) to inspect the work of the team. Collaboratively then, all participants discuss how to adapt.

If stakeholders like what they see, do more of it. If they don't, consider whether what's been done is good enough, whether it should be tossed aside, and either redone or bypassed in favor of other features.

All participants should leave a sprint review more knowledgeable than when they arrived. And the product owner should leave with updates to be made to the product backlog that will result in a better product.

Remembering that the purpose of the sprint review is to gather feedback will help you succeed with agile.







所有这些Sprint Review Meeting 的昵称有什么问题吗?

这些都破坏了这个会议的真正目的。 Sprint Review 会议的真正目的是让团队从项目干系人那里收集反馈。



所有参与者应该让冲刺评估比到达时更丰富,更有知识。 产品所有者应该随时更新产品积压,从而产生更好的产品。


posted @ 2017-09-02 13:34  even.ctit  阅读(1319)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报