1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 | private void ExportToWord( string saveFolder, string saveName, List<ExportToWord01Dto> allSaveNoItems) { var savePath = Path.Combine(StaticFileManager.GetStaticFileTemplateRootFolder(), saveFolder); var inputFileName = "MB01" ; //"頁編號";//"MB01"; var ext = ".docx" ; var templateDocName = inputFileName + ext; var templateDoc = Path.Combine(StaticFileManager.GetStaticFileTemplateRootFolder() + $ "/{templateDocName}" ); var tempDi = new DirectoryInfo(savePath); tempDi.Create(); File.Copy(templateDoc, Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, saveName + ".docx" )); if (allSaveNoItems == null || !allSaveNoItems.Any()) return ; using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, saveName + ".docx" ), true )) { Body body = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body; OpenXmlElement tableClone = null ; var tb = body.ChildElements.Where(e => e.XName.LocalName == "tbl" ).FirstOrDefault(); if (tb != null ) { tableClone = tb.CloneNode( true ); } tb.Remove(); var docT1 = allSaveNoItems.First().DocT1.ToStr(); var docT2 = allSaveNoItems.First().DocT2.ToStr(); //TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(doc, "{$DocT1}", docT1, false); //TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(doc, "{$DocT2}", docT2, false); foreach ( var text in body.Descendants<Text>()) { if (text.Text.Contains( "{$DocT1}" )) { text.Text = text.Text.Replace( "{$DocT1}" , docT1); } else if (text.Text.Contains( "{$DocT2}" )) { text.Text = text.Text.Replace( "{$DocT2}" , docT2); } } foreach ( var input in allSaveNoItems) { OpenXmlElement tn = null ; var tbl = body.AppendChild(tableClone.CloneNode( true )); // var tbl = body.ChildElements.Where(e => e.XName.LocalName == "tbl").Last(); if (tbl != null ) { foreach ( var text in body.Descendants<Text>()) { if (text.Text.Contains( "{$DocT3}" )) { text.Text = text.Text.Replace( "{$DocT3}" , input.DocT3.ToStr()); } else if (text.Text.Contains( @"{$DocT4}" )) { text.Text = text.Text.Replace( @"{$DocT4}" , input.DocT4.ToStr()); } else if (text.Text.Contains( "{$DocT5}" )) { text.Text = text.Text.Replace( "{$DocT5}" , input.DocT5.ToStr()); } else if (text.Text.Contains( "{$DocT6}" )) { text.Text = text.Text.Replace( "{$DocT6}" , input.DocT6.ToStr()); } else if (text.Text.Contains( "{$DocT7}" )) { text.Text = text.Text.Replace( "{$DocT7}" , input.DocT7.ToStr()); } else if (text.Text.Contains( "{$DocT8}" )) { text.Text = text.Text.Replace( "{$DocT8}" , input.DocT8.ToStr()); } else if (text.Text.Contains( "{$DocT49}" )) { text.Text = text.Text.Replace( "{$DocT9}" , input.DocT9.ToStr()); } else if (text.Text.Contains( "{$DocT10}" )) { text.Text = text.Text.Replace( "{$DocT10}" , input.DocT10.ToStr()); } } //动态新增的元素,使用下方的无法替换标签 //TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(doc, "{$DocT3}", input.DocT3.IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocT3, false); //TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(doc, "{$DocT4}", input.DocT4.IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocT4, false); //TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(doc, "{$DocT5}", input.DocT5.IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocT5, false); //TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(doc, "{$DocT6}", input.DocT6.IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocT6, false); //TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(doc, "{$DocT7}", input.DocT7.IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocT7, false); //TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(doc, "{$DocT8}", input.DocT8.IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocT8, false); //TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(doc, "{$DocT9}", input.DocT9.IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocT9, false); //TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(doc, "{$DocT10}", input.DocT10.IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocT10, false); // var tbl = body.ChildElements.Where(e => e.XName.LocalName == "tbl").FirstOrDefault(); // Create row to the table. var remarkTR = (TableRow)tbl.ChildElements.Last().CloneNode( true ); tbl.ChildElements.Last().Remove(); var tr1 = (TableRow)tbl.ChildElements.Last().CloneNode( true ); tbl.ChildElements.Last().Remove(); for ( int i = 0; i < input.DocTR.Count; i++) { var newtr = tr1.CloneNode( true ); var texts = newtr.Descendants<Text>(); texts.ElementAtOrDefault(0).Text = input.DocTR[i][0].IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocTR[i][0]; texts.ElementAtOrDefault(1).Text = input.DocTR[i][1].IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocTR[i][1]; texts.ElementAtOrDefault(2).Text = input.DocTR[i][2].IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocTR[i][2]; texts.ElementAtOrDefault(3).Text = input.DocTR[i][3].IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocTR[i][3]; texts.ElementAtOrDefault(4).Text = input.DocTR[i][4].IsNullOrEmpty() ? " " : input.DocTR[i][4]; tbl.AppendChild(newtr); } tbl.AppendChild(remarkTR); //加入一個段落p body.AppendChild( new Paragraph()); doc.MainDocumentPart.PutXDocument(); } } } } |
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