LC 641. Design Circular Deque

Design your implementation of the circular double-ended queue (deque).

Your implementation should support following operations:

  • MyCircularDeque(k): Constructor, set the size of the deque to be k.
  • insertFront(): Adds an item at the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
  • insertLast(): Adds an item at the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
  • deleteFront(): Deletes an item from the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
  • deleteLast(): Deletes an item from the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
  • getFront(): Gets the front item from the Deque. If the deque is empty, return -1.
  • getRear(): Gets the last item from Deque. If the deque is empty, return -1.
  • isEmpty(): Checks whether Deque is empty or not. 
  • isFull(): Checks whether Deque is full or not.



MyCircularDeque circularDeque = new MycircularDeque(3); // set the size to be 3
circularDeque.insertLast(1);			// return true
circularDeque.insertLast(2);			// return true
circularDeque.insertFront(3);			// return true
circularDeque.insertFront(4);			// return false, the queue is full
circularDeque.getRear();  			// return 2
circularDeque.isFull();				// return true
circularDeque.deleteLast();			// return true
circularDeque.insertFront(4);			// return true
circularDeque.getFront();			// return 4



  • All values will be in the range of [0, 1000].
  • The number of operations will be in the range of [1, 1000].
  • Please do not use the built-in Deque library.



Runtime: 112 ms, faster than 32.91% of Java online submissions for Design Circular Deque.


class MyCircularDeque {
  private Deque<Integer> dq = new LinkedList<>();
  private int cap;
  /** Initialize your data structure here. Set the size of the deque to be k. */
  public MyCircularDeque(int k) {
    cap = k;

  /** Adds an item at the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful. */
  public boolean insertFront(int value) {
    if(dq.size() == cap) return false;
    return true;

  /** Adds an item at the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful. */
  public boolean insertLast(int value) {
    if(dq.size() == cap) return false;
    return true;

  /** Deletes an item from the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful. */
  public boolean deleteFront() {
    if(dq.size() == 0) return false;
    return true;

  /** Deletes an item from the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful. */
  public boolean deleteLast() {
    if(dq.size() == 0) return false;
    return true;

  /** Get the front item from the deque. */
  public int getFront() {
    if(dq.size() == 0) return -1;
    return dq.peekFirst();

  /** Get the last item from the deque. */
  public int getRear() {
    if(dq.size() == 0) return -1;
    return dq.peekLast();

  /** Checks whether the circular deque is empty or not. */
  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return dq.size() == 0;

  /** Checks whether the circular deque is full or not. */
  public boolean isFull() {
    return dq.size() == cap;


posted @ 2019-01-12 19:16  yuxihong  阅读(118)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报