rebuild new environment for DW step

Steps to rebuild PPE environment: (CTS)


1, Disable both CTS Daily Job (Daily) and CTS Daily Job (Start From Failure/Preprocess) from task scheduler on PPE environment.


2, Backup Code and configuration for PPE environment: backup C:\CTS and C:\PackageConfigurations on PPE ETL server


3, Get the latest DB backups (CTSDW , dbLog , JobControl, CTSDataMart) of production environment. then restore them into PPE environment with overwritten.

Ø   After this step finish, we need to change Report Server for METL Cube : Right click METL->Cube Properties -> Report Action -> Change ReportServer based on actual environment

Ø  Please check if the data file and log file are restored in the Local RAID disk on PPE but not SAN_DATA disk

Ø  Change data source connection for METL/MACE/GBSVEN/ProactiveMETL cubes



1.       please make sure the backups between (CTSDW, dblog, JobControl, CTSDataMart) are in sync and match – means that they should reflect the same data after ETL finish;

If we do not have the latest full backups, we should restore full + Diff db backups.

2.       Since we will deploy based on rebuilt Environment, so we don't need to restore cubes onto PPE environment to avoid extra effort.

3.       please help recycle the SQL Server Engine services to release memory 


4, Change Report Server in JobControl and disable Freshness package in PPE ETL server


SET T.ConnectionString = REPLACE(ConnectionString, 'CO1MSSCDMLETL01', 'MSSDTGPDB03')

FROM JobControl.dbo.Job_JobMeta T



use [JobControl]


update [dbo].[Job_PackageMeta] set isActive=0

where packagename ='ETLAuditFactDataFreshness'


5, keep the code and config in sync between PROD and PPE.

a.       Copy ETL files from prod to PPE

Ø  Robocopy.exe \\detego-ctsetl\cts\bin\ C:\CTS\bin\ /MIR

b.      Copy and overview below ETL packages from Backup Code in Step2. (Because PPE snapshot file path, sync cube packages and switch snapshot are configured different.

        We could keep the original packages)

Ø  SyncPresentation_CreateSnapshot

Ø  SyncPresentation_MACE

Ø  SyncPresentation_METL

Ø  SyncPresentation_GBSVEN

Ø  SyncPresentation_ProactiveMETL

Ø  SyncPresentation_SwitchSnapshot

Ø  ETLDeleteStaleBackupFile

Ø  ETLBackupdataMart

Ø  ETLRestoredataMart


6, Update Statistics:


a, Executed on ETL Server:



EXEC sp_createstats


EXEC sp_updatestats



b, Executed on Presentation Server:



EXEC sp_createstats


EXEC sp_updatestats


posted @ 2015-09-10 16:33  ethan_song  阅读(193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报