


SELECT pro.profile_option_name,


       lev.level_type TYPE,



FROM apps.fnd_profile_options_vl pro,

       applsys.fnd_profile_option_values prv,

       (SELECT10001 level_id,

               'Site' level_type,

               0 level_value,

               'Site' level_code,

               'Site' level_name

          FROM dual

        UNION ALL

        SELECT 10002 level_id,

               'App' level_type,

               app.application_id level_value,

               app.application_short_name level_code,

               app.application_name level_name

          FROM apps.fnd_application_vl app

        UNION ALL

        SELECT 10003 level_id,

               'Resp' level_type,

               resp.responsibility_id level_value,

               resp.responsibility_key level_code,

               resp.responsibility_name level_name

          FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_vl resp

        UNION ALL

        SELECT 10004 level_id,

               'User' level_type,

               usr.user_id level_value,

               usr.user_name level_code,

               usr.user_name level_name

          FROM applsys.fnd_user usr) lev


WHERE pro.profile_option_id = prv.profile_option_id(+)

   AND prv.level_id = lev.level_id(+)

   AND prv.level_value = lev.level_value(+)


   AND pro.user_profile_option_name LIKE '%BNE Allow No Security Rule%'--Profile名称

ORDER BY pro.profile_option_name, lev.level_type, lev.level_name;



posted on 2017-04-05 14:27  清风易明月  阅读(326)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
