



pytest Plugins Compatibility

This page shows results of compatibility tests between pytest plugins against different versions of the python interpreter.

The plugins are listed and tested automatically from PyPI. For more information, please see https://github.com/pytest-dev/plugincompat.

PyPI projects that declare the Framework :: Pytest classifier or whose name starts with pytest- are considered plugins.

Note: although some may appear as "broken" keep in mind that all dependencies may not be installed during testing, particularly if a dependency is too big or requires a dedicated server (such as pytest-jira, which requires a jira server, or pytest-qt, which requires PyQt or PySide, both which take a long time to install). Take the information you find here with a grain of salt, and rely on each plugin's homepage for up-to-date compatibility information.

pytest-3.9.1: 592 plugins
BotEXBotBase-3.0.0rc6 A highly customizable Discord bot
CrApsim-0.0.1a0 Creates Apsim-Project files from given parameters and files.
Cuckoo-2.0.7a1 Automated Malware Analysis System
Findex-GUI-0.2.18 Multi-purpose search engine for various protocols.
PyOTRS-0.3.0 Python wrapper for OTRS (using REST API)
Red-DiscordBot-3.0.0rc3.post1 A highly customizable Discord bot
Socks5man-0.1.1 SOCKS5 server management tool and library
aiohttp-json-rpc- Implementation JSON-RPC 2.0 server and client using aiohttp on top of websockets transport
aiomisc-5.3.0 aiomisc - miscellaneous utils for asyncio
allure-pytest-2.5.5 Allure pytest integration
appdaemontestframework-1.2.5 Clean, human-readable tests for Appdaemon
automock-1.1.0a1 Utility to allow some functions to be 'mocked by default' when running tests.
backports.unittest_mock-1.4 backports.unittest_mock
basepage-1.7.2 A wrapper for WebDriver that provides some extended and additional functionality
beachfront-0.2.5 library extracting coastline regions from raster data
ci-watson-0.2 CI helper for STScI Jenkins
ctip-0.1.0 Extendible configuration testing in parallel.
cuckoo-brood-0.1 Cuckoo Sandbox Setup Monitoring
datatest-0.9.3 Testing tools for data validation and analysis.
divide-and-cover-0.1.1 Picky test coverage for pytest
django-compress-field-0.9.9 Automantic compress files after upload
django-test-plus-1.1.1 django-test-plus provides useful additions to Django's default TestCase
docker-integration-0.0.3 A pytest fixture to provide Docker integration.
docker-services-0.2.1 Uses docker to spawn containers for services required during tests
egghatch-0.2.3 Cuckoo Sandbox Shellcode Identification & Formatting
falcon-toolkit-0.0.1 Collection of utils for the Falcon Framework
feedbackbot-0.0.2 Simple slack bot for providing teammates with anonymous feedback
fpr-infra-0.1.9 Python utilities for packer/pyinfra/pytest deploiments
fpr-packer-0.2.3a1 Python utilities for packer deploiments
fsforge-0.3.5 Helper to create fake filesystem and quick capture its state (or state of a real one).
ghlinguist-1.0.0 simple command-line parser of GitHub Linguist Ruby program.
goodplay-0.9.1 goodplay enables you to test your deployments and distributed software infrastructure by reusing your existing knowledge of Ansible.
hark-1.0.0.dev3 a simple virtual machine management tool
hark-builder-1.0.0.dev6 tool to build hark images
hark-imagestore-1.0.0.dev4 image store service for the hark tool
hyaml-0.1.5 HYAML is a one-liner oriented language
hypothesis-4.4.3 A library for property based testing
jabstract-0.1.2 Test tool for overridable json fixtures
jaraco.mongodb-9.4b5 Routines and classes supporting MongoDB environments
jaraco.postgres-5.0 PostgreSQL services by jaraco
khare.pytest-dependency-0.3.3 Manage dependencies between pytests
kubetest-0.0.3 A Kubernetes integration test framework in Python.
labgrid-0.1.0 labgrid: lab hardware and software control layer
loofah-0.1.1 A pytest-based tool to list test fixtures declared but not used in a test
mal-scraper-0.3.0 MyAnimeList web scraper
maxpytest-1.0.2 Command line utility for using the Pytest testing framework in 3ds Max
mock-aerohive-0.0.2 A mock SSH server emulating Aerohive devices
mutmut-1.3.1 mutation testing for Python 2 and 3
nbsmoke-0.2.7 Basic notebook checks. Do they run? Do they contain lint?
nbval-0.9.1 A py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks
ncephes-1.0.5 Python interface for the Cephes library.
onaji-0.1.2 A tool for creating regression tests through logging data during pytest runs.
osa_differ-0.0.2 Find changes between OpenStack-Ansible versions
play-selenium-0.0.1 pytest plugin that let you drive a browser with Selenium
pyfrc-2019.0.5 Development tools library for python interpreter used for the FIRST Robotics Competition
pymox-0.7.9.dev38 Mock object framework
pypom-form-0.3.1 pypom_form
pytest-Inomaly-0.2.5 A simple image diff plugin for pytest
pytest-aiofiles-0.2.0 pytest fixtures for writing aiofiles tests with pyfakefs
pytest-aiohttp-0.3.0 pytest plugin for aiohttp support
pytest-allure-adaptor-1.7.10 Plugin for py.test to generate allure xml reports
pytest-android-2019.1a8 This fixture provides a configured "driver" for Android Automated Testing, using uiautomator2.
pytest-annotate-1.0.2 pytest-annotate: Generate PyAnnotate annotations from your pytest tests.
pytest-ansible-2.0.2 Plugin for py.test to simplify calling ansible modules from tests or fixtures
pytest-ansible-playbook-0.3.0 Pytest fixture which runs given ansible playbook file.
pytest-aoc-1.1 Downloads puzzle inputs for Advent of Code and synthesizes PyTest fixtures
pytest-apistellar-0.1.7 apistellar plugin for pytest.
pytest-appengine-0.0.2 AppEngine integration that works well with pytest-django
pytest-arraydiff-0.3 pytest plugin to help with comparing array output from tests
pytest-asptest-0.1.0 test Answer Set Programming programs
pytest-assume-1.2.1 A pytest plugin that allows multiple failures per test
pytest-ast-back-to-python-1.1.0 A plugin for pytest devs to view how assertion rewriting recodes the AST
pytest-astropy-0.5.0 Meta-package containing dependencies for testing
pytest-async-mongodb-0.0.1.dev3 pytest plugin for async MongoDB
pytest-asyncio-0.9.0 Pytest support for asyncio.  
posted @ 2019-02-01 17:17  夜兔君  阅读(1038)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报