How to use VS2012 remote debug Windows Azure Cloud Services


Windows Azure Cloud Services 可以在本地调试,使用Visual Studio 2012 + 模拟器 Emulator。但是模拟器的工作状态和环境和真实的云环境还是有区别的。

所以有些问题,需要远程调试(Remote Debug)


1、Local :Install IDE Visual Studio 2012 at local

2、Remote Machine:远程机器需要安装Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2012 Update 2

  下载地址:rtools_setup_x64.exe 选择正确的操作系统版本(32位的工具只能Debug 32位的程序,64位的调试64位程)。

Note:一般远程调试,准备上述就可以了。Cloud Service的Instance安装Remote Tools可以放在Setup WebRole 或者WorkRole 的时候同时安装Debug工具。

3. Upload rtools_setup_x64.exe to storage blob container named "Tools".

4. Cloud Service

1)Create Cloud Service with a webrole instance( mvc4 with empty template).

2) Write code to install Remote Tools in Role OnStart method. Will be attached the detail code about how to implement method StartStopDebugService().

   public override bool OnStart()


            // For information on handling configuration changes

            // see the MSDN topic at


            RoleEnvironment.Changing += RoleEnvironmentChanging;

            RoleEnvironment.Changed += RoleEnvironmentChanged;






            catch (Exception ex)


                //Trace Startup Exception






            return base.OnStart();



Double click webrole under cloud service porject to edit properties.



The endpoint RemoteDebugger with public port 4016 is used for local Visual Studio connecting to the remote debugger process.

Local Storage:

When web role starting, it will download remote tool from storage blob contrainer to local storage, and then install it. 


5. Publish cloud service

Configurate publish settings with default.

6. Debug

1) Open website of the cloud service

2) Set breakpoints in VS

3) Open Debug->Attach to process

if w3wp.exe process doesn't in the available prcesses list, please refesh website.


7. Source Code

I have removed reference packages from the solution, if you want build successfully, you should add them yourself.

7. Enjoy debuging.

If you have any question, feel free to ask me by repling comment.

posted @ 2013-09-02 15:41  EricWen  阅读(1400)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报