
  • Surface wave: 表面波
  • Gravity wave/ gravitational wave: 重力波
  • Capillary wave:毛细波、涟波、表面张力波

表面波波长>10mm时,重力起主要作用,反之表面张力起主要作用(苏哈鲁柯夫等,波动理论[M],王栅编译,上海: 复旦大学出版社,1995)

Capillary wave

Capillary wave, small, free, surface-water wave with such a short wavelength that its restoring force is the water’s surface tension, which causes the wave to have a rounded crest and a V-shaped trough.
The maximum wavelength of a capillary wave is 1.73 centimetres (0.68 inch);
longer waves are controlled by gravity and are appropriately termed gravity waves.
Unlike the velocity of gravity waves, the velocity of capillary waves increases with decreasing wavelength, the minimum velocity being 23.1 centimetres per second (9.09 inches per second), where the wavelength is the maximum 1.73 cm.