
  • CFD中文网中关于renumberMesh的讨论

  • ANSYS中关于Reorder的描述(重排单元编号可以提升内存cache的效率)
    Renumbers the cell list in order to reduce the bandwidth, reading and renumbering all fields from all the time directories.
    Reordering the domain can improve the computational performance of the solver by rearranging the nodes, faces, and cells in memory. The Mesh/Reorder submenu contains commands for reordering the domain and zones, and also for printing the bandwidth of the present mesh partitions. The domain can be reordered to increase memory access efficiency, and the zones can be reordered for user-interface convenience. The bandwidth provides insight into the distribution of the cells in the zones and in memory.

  • renumberMesh中的概念Bandwidth、Profile和Frontwidth
    Bandwidth, Profile and Frontwidth of Matrix

  • OpenFOAM中,renumberMesh使用了Cuthill–McKee算法,减小Bandwidth