
上一个版本的 WINFX Beta2 由于未知原因始终无法在笔记本上安装,终于等到新的release马上去下载了一个,这个版本微软终于把WinFX改名为 .net framework 3.0了。

以及这个版本的 SDKOrcas。不过相应的EID和EGD还没有出来。

去下了一个 WPF Feature Montage 来测试,因为demo是beta2版本的,需要改以下两个地方:

Currently, to have your style replace the system theme file, you need to set DefaultStyleKey property to null. We've now made DefaultStyleKey protected so that only component authors can specify the default style key.  Instead of setting DefaultStyleKey to null, style authors should now set the new boolean OverridesDefaultStyle property to true.

Old     <Setter Property="DefaultStyleKey" Value="{x:Null}" />
New     <Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="True" />

NavigationWindow now no longer supports content directly - instead, you'll need to add a <NavigationWindow.Content> element to contain it.

Old     <NavigationWindow>
              <Grid ... />
New  <NavigationWindow>
                <Grid ... />

另外 Expression Web Designer 也出来了5个教学视频,可以去看一下。