Eric's Picross Game 一个用JS和CSS(当然在HTML里)写的WEB小游戏.

前阵子一直在玩一个叫Picross DS的小游戏, 有点上隐. 昨晚无聊就把它"移植"到网页上了, 呵呵.
玩法: 先选择要生成的游戏阵列行数和列数(越大越难), 开始游戏后, 蓝色小格区是游戏区, 在小格上点左键是打开,右键是标记, 游戏区左边和上面是提示区, 表示连续的可打开的小格数序列.
行一: 5, 表示有连续的5个格子可以点开
行二: 2 3, 表示有连续2个格子可以点开,然后间隔至少1个格子后还有3个连续的格子可以点开
这个小游戏类似 扫雷, 但是推算的成份要远比猜测的成份大. 测试在 IE7 和 FF2 能正常游戏

更新历史: (全E文写的, 看不习惯表打我 @_@;;)
Picross v0.1 Updates: 
      1. Basic functions of Picross are implemented. 
      2. Complexity of Picross can be customized, the minimum and maximun row/col number is 5 and 25.

Picross v0.11 Updates: 
      1. The initialization bug has been fixed.

Picross v0.12 Updates: 
      1. Picross UI has been refreshed. 
      2. Timer bug and new game bug has been fixed.

Picross v0.20 Updates: 
      1. Picross UI has been enchanted. 
      2. "Pattern Game" has been added to Picross initial type. 
      3. Error icon has been changed, not same as marked icon anymore. 
      4. "Hint" mode has been added.

Picross v0.25 Updates: 
      1. Picross UI Theme can be switched between multiple themes (Default and Apple for now). 
      2. Stucture code has been redesigned, the game cost less system resource now. 
      3. Picross will get much better performance in Firefox than in IE7.
Picross v0.27 Updates: 
      1. More UI themes have been added. 
      2. Scoreboard has been added, but score submiting has not been implemented.
posted @ 2007-07-11 00:19  Eric Fine  阅读(3200)  评论(9编辑  收藏  举报