MagiEngine 0.6

Yo, what's up~~

Well, I have say sorry about my absent about half of a year. And I have to say it is quite a busy days.

In return, the up-comming Autodesk FBX SDK 2010will include lots of new features which are "Made in China".

For MagiEngine development, I refactored my previous XNAShader code to the following structure.

SceneManager --- currently there a Octree structure to manage all the scene objects

Render --- Material Shader Effect and Post screen effect.

This is my favorite package will manager everything which is renderable. All shader effects that come with FBX scene will generate with a cooresponding class to represent the shader by CodeSmith, so that NO EXTRA CODE need to add to render any shader effect~~~.

TheGame --- The main application entry

ContentPipeline --- Where I perform attaching extra information I need in the scene, like AABB, Shader Info, etc.

Common --- All helpers classes will be packaged here, which are ready and handy to use.


Here are some screenshots:

Depth of Field

Noisy Huaihai Road :)


 After three hours work on the tweaking of the rendering pipeline, MagiEngine now support most the Shaders directly from NVidia's Shader libarary.

Basically, all the post effects and material effects are supported and compatible. Yep, yep, I have not start the shadow rendering integration yet.

If I make it with shadow support, it will be 100% compatible with FX composer 2's shader standard, which means I can use most of the .fx shader without modification and without one line code in my engine, OMG~~~~~


posted on 2009-03-21 22:11  SigEric  阅读(958)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
