
10.1 本章内容:
  1. 无参属性
  2. 有参属性
  3. 调用属性访问方法时的性能
  4. 属性访问器的可访问性
  5. 泛型属性访问器的方法
/* ==============================================================================


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public static class Program
    public static void Main()


    private static void BitArrayTest()//P215 索引器调用
        // 分配行14个位的bitarray数组
        BitArray ba = new BitArray(14);

        // 调用set访问器方法,将编号为偶数的所有位都设为true
        for (Int32 x = 0; x < 14; x++)
            ba[x] = (x % 2 == 0);

        // 调用get访问器方法显示所有位的状态
        for (Int32 x = 0; x < 14; x++)
            Console.WriteLine("Bit " + x + " is " + (ba[x] ? "On" : "Off"));

internal static class ParameterlessProperties
    public static void Go()
        Employee emp = new Employee();
        emp.Name = "Jeffrey Richter";
        emp.Age = 45;       //设置年龄
        Console.WriteLine("Employee info: Name = {0}, Age = {1}", emp.Name, emp.Age);

            emp.Age = -5;       //抛出异常
        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Employee info: Name = {0}, Age = {1}", emp.Name, emp.Age);

    private sealed class Employee
        private String m_Name; // 字段现在是私有的
        private Int32 m_Age;  // 字段现在是私有的

        public String Name
            get { return (m_Name); }
            set { m_Name = value; } // 关键字values总是代表新值

        public Int32 Age
            get { return (m_Age); }
                if (value <= 0)    // // 关键字values总是代表新值
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "must be >0");
                m_Age = value;

internal static class AnonymousTypesAndTuples
    public static void Go()

    private static void AnonymousTypes()//P209
        // 定义类型,构造实例,并初始化属性
        var o1 = new { Name = "Jeff", Year = 1964 };

        // 在控制台上显示属性:Name=Jeff,Year=1964
        Console.WriteLine("Name={0}, Year={1}", o1.Name, o1.Year);

        String Name = "Grant";
        DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
        var o2 = new { Name, dt.Year };


        Console.WriteLine("Types are same: " + (o1.GetType() == o2.GetType()));

        // 一个类型允许相等测试和赋值操作
        Console.WriteLine("Objects are equal: " + o1.Equals(o2));
        o1 = o2;  // 赋值

        var people = new[] {
         new { Name = "Kristin", Year = 1970 },
         new { Name = "Aidan",   Year = 2003 },
         new { Name = "Grant",   Year = 2008 }

        foreach (var person in people)
            Console.WriteLine("Person={0}, Year={1}", person.Name, person.Year);

        String myDocuments = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
        var query =
           from pathname in Directory.GetFiles(myDocuments)
           let LastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(pathname)
           where LastWriteTime > (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(7))
           orderby LastWriteTime
           select new { Path = pathname, LastWriteTime };

        foreach (var file in query)
            Console.WriteLine("LastWriteTime={0}, Path={1}", file.LastWriteTime, file.Path);

    private static void ShowVariableType<T>(T t) { Console.WriteLine(typeof(T)); }

    /************ System.Tupele 类型 **********************/

    private static Tuple<Int32, Int32> MinMax(Int32 a, Int32 b)
        return Tuple.Create(Math.Min(a, b), Math.Max(a, b));
        //return new Tuple<Int32, Int32>(Math.Min(a, b), Math.Max(a, b));

    // 下面展示了如何调用方法,以及如何使用返回的Tuple
    private static void TupleTypes()//P213
        var minmax = MinMax(6, 2);
         Console.WriteLine("Min={0}, Max={1}", minmax.Item1, minmax.Item2);
        var t = Tuple.Create(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Tuple.Create(7, 8));
        Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}",
           t.Item1, t.Item2, t.Item3, t.Item4, t.Item5, t.Item6, t.Item7,
           t.Rest.Item1.Item1, t.Rest.Item1.Item2);

    private static void Expando()//P214
        dynamic e = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
        e.x = 6;    // 添加一个Int32 ‘x’属性,其值为6
        e.y = "Jeff";    // 添加一个String ‘y’属性,其值为Jeff
        e.z = null;    // 添加一个object‘z’属性,其值为null

        // 查看所有属性及其值:
        foreach (var v in (IDictionary<String, Object>)e)
            Console.WriteLine("Key={0}, V={1}", v.Key, v.Value);

        // 删除x属性及其值;
        ((IDictionary<String, Object>)e).Remove("x");


internal sealed class BitArray//P(214)
    private Byte[] m_byteArray;
    private Int32 m_numBits;

    // 下面构造器用于分配字节数组,并将所有位设为0
    public BitArray(Int32 numBits)
        // 先验证实参
        if (numBits <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("numBits must be > 0");

        // 保存位的个数
        m_numBits = numBits;

        m_byteArray = new Byte[(m_numBits + 7) / 8];

    // 下面是索引器(有参属性)
    public Boolean this[Int32 bitPos]
        // 下面是索引器的get访问器方法
            // 先验证实参
            if ((bitPos < 0) || (bitPos >= m_numBits))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bitPos", "bitPos must be between 0 and " + m_numBits);

            // 返回指定索引处的位的状态
            return ((m_byteArray[bitPos / 8] & (1 << (bitPos % 8))) != 0);

        // 下面是索引器的set访问器方法
            if ((bitPos < 0) || (bitPos >= m_numBits))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bitPos", "bitPos must be between 0 and " + m_numBits);

            if (value)
                // 将指定索引处的位设为ture
                m_byteArray[bitPos / 8] = (Byte)
                   (m_byteArray[bitPos / 8] | (1 << (bitPos % 8)));
                m_byteArray[bitPos / 8] = (Byte)
                   (m_byteArray[bitPos / 8] & ~(1 << (bitPos % 8)));


posted @ 2019-01-15 10:01  eric.yuan  阅读(150)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报