

总说周知,内存作为一种相对稀缺的资源,在操作系统中以虚拟内存的形式来作为一种内存抽象提供给进程,这里可以简单地把它看做一个连续的地址集合{0, 1, 2, ..., M},由栈空间、堆空间、代码片、数据片等地址空间段组合而成,如下图所示(出自CS:APP3e, Bryant and O'Hallaron的第9章第9节)



  1. 给程序员带来额外的心智负担,必须得及时释放掉不再使用的内存空间,否则就很容易出现内存泄露
  2. 随着内存的不断申请与释放,会产生大量的内存碎片,这将大大降低内存的利用率

因此,正确高效地管理内存空间是非常有必要的,常见的技术实现有Sequential allocation, Free-List allocation等。那么,在Go中,内存是如何被管理的呢?





  • 其一方面减少不必要的搜索时间,因为对象只需要在其所属类别的空闲链表中搜索即可

  • 另一方面减少了内存碎片化,同一类别的空闲链表,每个对象分配的空间都是一样大小(不足则补齐),因此该链表除非无空闲空间,否则总能分配空间,避免了内存碎片








type heapArena struct {
  bitmap [heapArenaBitmapBytes]byte
  spans [pagesPerArena]*mspan
  • bitmap: 表示arena区域中的哪些地址保存了对象,哪些地址保存了指针
  • spans: 表示arena区域中的哪些操作系统页(8K)属于哪些mspan



type mheap struct {
	free      mTreap
  allspans []*mspan
  arenas [1 << arenaL1Bits]*[1 << arenaL2Bits]*heapArena
  central [numSpanClasses]struct {
		mcentral mcentral
		pad      [cpu.CacheLinePadSize - unsafe.Sizeof(mcentral{})%cpu.CacheLinePadSize]byte
  • free: 使用树堆的结构来保存各种类别的空闲mspan
  • allspans: 用以记录了分配过了的mspan
  • arenas: 表示其覆盖的所有arena区域,通过虚拟内存地址计算得到下标索引
  • central: 表示其覆盖的所有mcentral,一共134个,对应67个类别



type mcentral struct {
	lock      mutex
	spanclass spanClass
	nonempty  mSpanList
	empty     mSpanList
  • lock: 全局互斥锁,因为多个线程会并发请求
  • spanclass:mspan类别
  • nonempty:mspan的双端链表,且其中至少有一个mspan包含空闲对象
  • empty:mspan的双端链表,但不确定其中的mspan是否包含空闲对象




type mcache struct {
  alloc [numSpanClasses]*mspan
  • alloc: 表示各个类别的mspan



type mspan struct {
	next *mspan     // 指向下一个mspan
	prev *mspan     // 指向前一个mspan
	npages    uintptr
  freeindex uintptr
  nelems    uintptr // 总对象个数
  allocBits  *gcBits
	gcmarkBits *gcBits
  • next指针指向下一个mspan,prev指针指向前一个mspan,因此各个mspan彼此之间形成一个双端链表,并被runtime.mSpanList作为链表头。
  • npages:mspan所管理的页的数量
  • freeindex:空闲对象的起始位置,如果freeindex等于nelems时,则代表此mspan无空闲对象可分配了
  • allocBits:标记哪些元素已分配,哪些未分配。与freeindex结合,可跳过已分配的对象
  • gcmarkBits:标记哪些对象存活,每次GC结束时,将其设为allocBits





  • 判断待分配对象的大小
  • 若对象小于maxTinySize(16B),且不为指针,则执行微对象分配算法
  • 若对象小于maxSmallSize(32KB),则执行小对象分配算法
  • 否则,则执行大对象分配算法


  • 先从mcache寻找对应类别的span,若有空闲对象,则成功返回
  • 若无,则向mcentral申请,分别从nonempty和empty中寻找匹配的span,若找到,则成功返回
  • 若还未找到,则继续向mheap申请,从mheap.free中寻找,若找到,则成功返回
  • 若未找到,则需扩容,从关联的arena中申请,若关联的arena中空间也不足,则向OS申请额外的arena
  • 扩容完毕后,继续从mheap.free中寻找,若仍未找到,则抛出错误



// Allocate an object of size bytes.
// Small objects are allocated from the per-P cache's free lists.
// Large objects (> 32 kB) are allocated straight from the heap.
func mallocgc(size uintptr, typ *_type, needzero bool) unsafe.Pointer {
	if gcphase == _GCmarktermination {
		throw("mallocgc called with gcphase == _GCmarktermination")

	if size == 0 {
		return unsafe.Pointer(&zerobase)

	if debug.sbrk != 0 {
		align := uintptr(16)
		if typ != nil {
			// TODO(austin): This should be just
			//   align = uintptr(typ.align)
			// but that's only 4 on 32-bit platforms,
			// even if there's a uint64 field in typ (see #599).
			// This causes 64-bit atomic accesses to panic.
			// Hence, we use stricter alignment that matches
			// the normal allocator better.
			if size&7 == 0 {
				align = 8
			} else if size&3 == 0 {
				align = 4
			} else if size&1 == 0 {
				align = 2
			} else {
				align = 1
		return persistentalloc(size, align, &memstats.other_sys)

	// assistG is the G to charge for this allocation, or nil if
	// GC is not currently active.
	var assistG *g
	if gcBlackenEnabled != 0 {
		// Charge the current user G for this allocation.
		assistG = getg()
		if assistG.m.curg != nil {
			assistG = assistG.m.curg
		// Charge the allocation against the G. We'll account
		// for internal fragmentation at the end of mallocgc.
		assistG.gcAssistBytes -= int64(size)

		if assistG.gcAssistBytes < 0 {
			// This G is in debt. Assist the GC to correct
			// this before allocating. This must happen
			// before disabling preemption.

	// Set mp.mallocing to keep from being preempted by GC.
	mp := acquirem()
	if mp.mallocing != 0 {
		throw("malloc deadlock")
	if mp.gsignal == getg() {
		throw("malloc during signal")
	mp.mallocing = 1

	shouldhelpgc := false
	dataSize := size
	c := gomcache()
	var x unsafe.Pointer
	noscan := typ == nil || typ.ptrdata == 0
	if size <= maxSmallSize {
		if noscan && size < maxTinySize { // 分配微对象
			// Go将多个微对象放置在一个单独的内存块中(这里是16 bytes),当内存块中所有的
			// 对象都不可达后,则该内存块为空闲内存块。
			// Tiny allocator.
			// Tiny allocator combines several tiny allocation requests
			// into a single memory block. The resulting memory block
			// is freed when all subobjects are unreachable. The subobjects
			// must be noscan (don't have pointers), this ensures that
			// the amount of potentially wasted memory is bounded.
			// Size of the memory block used for combining (maxTinySize) is tunable.
			// Current setting is 16 bytes, which relates to 2x worst case memory
			// wastage (when all but one subobjects are unreachable).
			// 8 bytes would result in no wastage at all, but provides less
			// opportunities for combining.
			// 32 bytes provides more opportunities for combining,
			// but can lead to 4x worst case wastage.
			// The best case winning is 8x regardless of block size.
			// Objects obtained from tiny allocator must not be freed explicitly.
			// So when an object will be freed explicitly, we ensure that
			// its size >= maxTinySize.
			// SetFinalizer has a special case for objects potentially coming
			// from tiny allocator, it such case it allows to set finalizers
			// for an inner byte of a memory block.
			// The main targets of tiny allocator are small strings and
			// standalone escaping variables. On a json benchmark
			// the allocator reduces number of allocations by ~12% and
			// reduces heap size by ~20%.
			off := c.tinyoffset
			// Align tiny pointer for required (conservative) alignment.
			if size&7 == 0 {
				off = round(off, 8)
			} else if size&3 == 0 {
				off = round(off, 4)
			} else if size&1 == 0 {
				off = round(off, 2)
			// 如果内存块有足够的空间,则直接进行分配
			if off+size <= maxTinySize && c.tiny != 0 {
				// The object fits into existing tiny block.
				x = unsafe.Pointer(c.tiny + off)
				c.tinyoffset = off + size
				mp.mallocing = 0
				return x
			// 否则,额外再申请一块maxTinySize大小内存
			// Allocate a new maxTinySize block.
			span := c.alloc[tinySpanClass] // tinySpanClass = 5 // 101
			v := nextFreeFast(span)
			if v == 0 {
				v, _, shouldhelpgc = c.nextFree(tinySpanClass)
			x = unsafe.Pointer(v)
			(*[2]uint64)(x)[0] = 0
			(*[2]uint64)(x)[1] = 0
			// See if we need to replace the existing tiny block with the new one
			// based on amount of remaining free space.
			if size < c.tinyoffset || c.tiny == 0 {
				c.tiny = uintptr(x)
				c.tinyoffset = size
			size = maxTinySize
		} else { // 分配小对象
			// maxTinySize(16B) < size <= maxSmallSize(32K),则为小对象
			// 通过size得到其所属的大小类别sizeclass
			var sizeclass uint8
			if size <= smallSizeMax-8 {
				sizeclass = size_to_class8[(size+smallSizeDiv-1)/smallSizeDiv]
			} else {
				sizeclass = size_to_class128[(size-smallSizeMax+largeSizeDiv-1)/largeSizeDiv]
			// 通过sizeclass得到实际size
			size = uintptr(class_to_size[sizeclass])
			spc := makeSpanClass(sizeclass, noscan)
			span := c.alloc[spc]
			// 尝试从span中获取空闲空间
			v := nextFreeFast(span)
			if v == 0 {
				// 如未获取到,则向上一级(mcache)申请
				v, span, shouldhelpgc = c.nextFree(spc)
			x = unsafe.Pointer(v)
			if needzero && span.needzero != 0 {
				memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(v), size)
	} else { // 分配大对象
		var s *mspan
		shouldhelpgc = true
		systemstack(func() {
			// 直接从系统栈上调用largeAlloc
			s = largeAlloc(size, needzero, noscan)
		// 此时span上只有一个对象
		s.freeindex = 1
		s.allocCount = 1
		x = unsafe.Pointer(s.base())
		size = s.elemsize

	var scanSize uintptr
	if !noscan {
		// If allocating a defer+arg block, now that we've picked a malloc size
		// large enough to hold everything, cut the "asked for" size down to
		// just the defer header, so that the GC bitmap will record the arg block
		// as containing nothing at all (as if it were unused space at the end of
		// a malloc block caused by size rounding).
		// The defer arg areas are scanned as part of scanstack.
		if typ == deferType {
			dataSize = unsafe.Sizeof(_defer{})
		heapBitsSetType(uintptr(x), size, dataSize, typ)
		if dataSize > typ.size {
			// Array allocation. If there are any
			// pointers, GC has to scan to the last
			// element.
			if typ.ptrdata != 0 {
				scanSize = dataSize - typ.size + typ.ptrdata
		} else {
			scanSize = typ.ptrdata
		c.local_scan += scanSize

	// Ensure that the stores above that initialize x to
	// type-safe memory and set the heap bits occur before
	// the caller can make x observable to the garbage
	// collector. Otherwise, on weakly ordered machines,
	// the garbage collector could follow a pointer to x,
	// but see uninitialized memory or stale heap bits.

	// Allocate black during GC.
	// All slots hold nil so no scanning is needed.
	// This may be racing with GC so do it atomically if there can be
	// a race marking the bit.
	if gcphase != _GCoff {
		gcmarknewobject(uintptr(x), size, scanSize)

	if raceenabled {
		racemalloc(x, size)

	if msanenabled {
		msanmalloc(x, size)

	mp.mallocing = 0

	if debug.allocfreetrace != 0 {
		tracealloc(x, size, typ)

	if rate := MemProfileRate; rate > 0 {
		if rate != 1 && size < c.next_sample {
			c.next_sample -= size
		} else {
			mp := acquirem()
			profilealloc(mp, x, size)

	if assistG != nil {
		// Account for internal fragmentation in the assist
		// debt now that we know it.
		assistG.gcAssistBytes -= int64(size - dataSize)

	if shouldhelpgc {
		if t := (gcTrigger{kind: gcTriggerHeap}); t.test() {

	return x



尝试从span中获取空闲空间,根据bitmap mspan.allocCache来寻找空闲空间

// nextFreeFast returns the next free object if one is quickly available.
// Otherwise it returns 0.
func nextFreeFast(s *mspan) gclinkptr {
	theBit := sys.Ctz64(s.allocCache) // Is there a free object in the allocCache?
	if theBit < 64 {
		result := s.freeindex + uintptr(theBit)
    // 若还有空闲页
		if result < s.nelems {
			freeidx := result + 1
			if freeidx%64 == 0 && freeidx != s.nelems {
				return 0
			s.allocCache >>= uint(theBit + 1)
			s.freeindex = freeidx
			return gclinkptr(result*s.elemsize + s.base())
	return 0



// nextFree returns the next free object from the cached span if one is available.
// Otherwise it refills the cache with a span with an available object and
// returns that object along with a flag indicating that this was a heavy
// weight allocation. If it is a heavy weight allocation the caller must
// determine whether a new GC cycle needs to be started or if the GC is active
// whether this goroutine needs to assist the GC.
// Must run in a non-preemptible context since otherwise the owner of
// c could change.
func (c *mcache) nextFree(spc spanClass) (v gclinkptr, s *mspan, shouldhelpgc bool) {
	s = c.alloc[spc] // 获取span
	shouldhelpgc = false
	freeIndex := s.nextFreeIndex()
  // span中已无空闲空间
	if freeIndex == s.nelems {
		// The span is full.
		if uintptr(s.allocCount) != s.nelems {
			println("runtime: s.allocCount=", s.allocCount, "s.nelems=", s.nelems)
			throw("s.allocCount != s.nelems && freeIndex == s.nelems")
    // 额外再申请一个空闲span
		shouldhelpgc = true
		s = c.alloc[spc]

		freeIndex = s.nextFreeIndex()

	if freeIndex >= s.nelems {
		throw("freeIndex is not valid")

  // 计算mspan地址
	v = gclinkptr(freeIndex*s.elemsize + s.base())
	if uintptr(s.allocCount) > s.nelems {
		println("s.allocCount=", s.allocCount, "s.nelems=", s.nelems)
		throw("s.allocCount > s.nelems")


refill函数尝试从mcentral中获取span,并回填到mcache中,替换掉原先的span。(TODO: 原先的span要怎么办呢?不管了吗?)

// refill acquires a new span of span class spc for c. This span will
// have at least one free object. The current span in c must be full.
// Must run in a non-preemptible context since otherwise the owner of
// c could change.
func (c *mcache) refill(spc spanClass) {
	// Return the current cached span to the central lists.
	s := c.alloc[spc]

	if uintptr(s.allocCount) != s.nelems {
		throw("refill of span with free space remaining")
	if s != &emptymspan {
		// Mark this span as no longer cached.
		if s.sweepgen != mheap_.sweepgen+3 {
			throw("bad sweepgen in refill")
		atomic.Store(&s.sweepgen, mheap_.sweepgen)

  // 从mcentral中获取新的mspan
	// Get a new cached span from the central lists.
	s = mheap_.central[spc].mcentral.cacheSpan()
	if s == nil {
		throw("out of memory")

	if uintptr(s.allocCount) == s.nelems {
		throw("span has no free space")

	// Indicate that this span is cached and prevent asynchronous
	// sweeping in the next sweep phase.
	s.sweepgen = mheap_.sweepgen + 3
	// 回填进mcache
	c.alloc[spc] = s



// Allocate a span to use in an mcache.
func (c *mcentral) cacheSpan() *mspan {
	// Deduct credit for this span allocation and sweep if necessary.
	spanBytes := uintptr(class_to_allocnpages[c.spanclass.sizeclass()]) * _PageSize
	deductSweepCredit(spanBytes, 0)

	traceDone := false
	if trace.enabled {
	sg := mheap_.sweepgen
	var s *mspan
  // 先尝试从nonempty中分配
	for s = c.nonempty.first; s != nil; s = s.next {
    // 若span为待清除状态,且能修改为正在清除的状态
		if s.sweepgen == sg-2 && atomic.Cas(&s.sweepgen, sg-2, sg-1) {
      // 状态修改成功,则将其移至empty
      // 清理后,跳转到havespan
			goto havespan
    // span处于正在清除状态,则跳过
		if s.sweepgen == sg-1 {
			// the span is being swept by background sweeper, skip
    // 此时,span不在需要清理,因此直接分配之
		// we have a nonempty span that does not require sweeping, allocate from it
		goto havespan

  // 再尝试从empty中分配
	for s = c.empty.first; s != nil; s = s.next {
    // 若span为待清除状态,且能修改为正在清除的状态
		if s.sweepgen == sg-2 && atomic.Cas(&s.sweepgen, sg-2, sg-1) {
			// we have an empty span that requires sweeping,
			// sweep it and see if we can free some space in it
			// swept spans are at the end of the list
			freeIndex := s.nextFreeIndex()
      // 清理后判断是否有空闲对象
			if freeIndex != s.nelems {
        // 若有,则分配之
				s.freeindex = freeIndex
				goto havespan
			// the span is still empty after sweep
			// it is already in the empty list, so just retry
			goto retry
		if s.sweepgen == sg-1 {
			// the span is being swept by background sweeper, skip
    // 已经找不到有未分配对象的span了
		// already swept empty span,
		// all subsequent ones must also be either swept or in process of sweeping
	if trace.enabled {
		traceDone = true

  // 调用c.grow(),尝试从mheap中申请span
	// Replenish central list if empty.
	s = c.grow()
	if s == nil {
		return nil

	// At this point s is a non-empty span, queued at the end of the empty list,
	// c is unlocked.
	if trace.enabled && !traceDone {
	n := int(s.nelems) - int(s.allocCount)
	if n == 0 || s.freeindex == s.nelems || uintptr(s.allocCount) == s.nelems {
		throw("span has no free objects")
	// Assume all objects from this span will be allocated in the
	// mcache. If it gets uncached, we'll adjust this.
	atomic.Xadd64(&c.nmalloc, int64(n))
	usedBytes := uintptr(s.allocCount) * s.elemsize
	atomic.Xadd64(&memstats.heap_live, int64(spanBytes)-int64(usedBytes))
	if trace.enabled {
		// heap_live changed.
	if gcBlackenEnabled != 0 {
		// heap_live changed.
	freeByteBase := s.freeindex &^ (64 - 1)
	whichByte := freeByteBase / 8
	// Init alloc bits cache.

	// Adjust the allocCache so that s.freeindex corresponds to the low bit in
	// s.allocCache.
	s.allocCache >>= s.freeindex % 64

	return s



// grow allocates a new empty span from the heap and initializes it for c's size class.
func (c *mcentral) grow() *mspan {
  // 根据mcentral的span类别计算申请的span页数和大小
	npages := uintptr(class_to_allocnpages[c.spanclass.sizeclass()])
	size := uintptr(class_to_size[c.spanclass.sizeclass()])

  // 从mheap中申请一个新的span
	s := mheap_.alloc(npages, c.spanclass, false, true)
	if s == nil {
		return nil

  // 计算可保存的元素个数
	// Use division by multiplication and shifts to quickly compute:
	// n := (npages << _PageShift) / size
	n := (npages << _PageShift) >> s.divShift * uintptr(s.divMul) >> s.divShift2
	s.limit = s.base() + size*n
	return s


// alloc allocates a new span of npage pages from the GC'd heap.
// Either large must be true or spanclass must indicates the span's
// size class and scannability.
// If needzero is true, the memory for the returned span will be zeroed.
func (h *mheap) alloc(npage uintptr, spanclass spanClass, large bool, needzero bool) *mspan {
	// Don't do any operations that lock the heap on the G stack.
	// It might trigger stack growth, and the stack growth code needs
	// to be able to allocate heap.
	var s *mspan
	systemstack(func() {
    // 在系统栈上调用mheap.alloc_m
		s = h.alloc_m(npage, spanclass, large)

	if s != nil {
		if needzero && s.needzero != 0 {
			memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(s.base()), s.npages<<_PageShift)
		s.needzero = 0
	return s



// alloc_m is the internal implementation of mheap.alloc.
// alloc_m must run on the system stack because it locks the heap, so
// any stack growth during alloc_m would self-deadlock.
func (h *mheap) alloc_m(npage uintptr, spanclass spanClass, large bool) *mspan {
	_g_ := getg()

  // 为防止堆增长过快,在分配n页空间前,先回收至少n页空间
	// To prevent excessive heap growth, before allocating n pages
	// we need to sweep and reclaim at least n pages.
	if h.sweepdone == 0 {

  // 更新mcache上的统计信息到中心memstats
	// transfer stats from cache to global
	memstats.heap_scan += uint64(_g_.m.mcache.local_scan)
	_g_.m.mcache.local_scan = 0
	memstats.tinyallocs += uint64(_g_.m.mcache.local_tinyallocs)
	_g_.m.mcache.local_tinyallocs = 0

  // 申请span,allocSpanLocked要求堆已上锁
	s := h.allocSpanLocked(npage, &memstats.heap_inuse)
	if s != nil {
		// Record span info, because gc needs to be
		// able to map interior pointer to containing span.
		atomic.Store(&s.sweepgen, h.sweepgen)
		h.sweepSpans[h.sweepgen/2%2].push(s) // Add to swept in-use list.
		s.state = mSpanInUse
		s.allocCount = 0
		s.spanclass = spanclass
		if sizeclass := spanclass.sizeclass(); sizeclass == 0 {
			s.elemsize = s.npages << _PageShift
			s.divShift = 0
			s.divMul = 0
			s.divShift2 = 0
			s.baseMask = 0
		} else {
			s.elemsize = uintptr(class_to_size[sizeclass])
			m := &class_to_divmagic[sizeclass]
			s.divShift = m.shift
			s.divMul = m.mul
			s.divShift2 = m.shift2
			s.baseMask = m.baseMask

		// Mark in-use span in arena page bitmap.
		arena, pageIdx, pageMask := pageIndexOf(s.base())
		arena.pageInUse[pageIdx] |= pageMask

		// update stats, sweep lists
		h.pagesInUse += uint64(npage)
		if large {
      // 如果是大对象,则更新大对象相关统计信息
			mheap_.largealloc += uint64(s.elemsize)
			atomic.Xadd64(&memstats.heap_live, int64(npage<<_PageShift))
	// heap_scan and heap_live were updated.
	if gcBlackenEnabled != 0 {

	if trace.enabled {

	// h.spans is accessed concurrently without synchronization
	// from other threads. Hence, there must be a store/store
	// barrier here to ensure the writes to h.spans above happen
	// before the caller can publish a pointer p to an object
	// allocated from s. As soon as this happens, the garbage
	// collector running on another processor could read p and
	// look up s in h.spans. The unlock acts as the barrier to
	// order these writes. On the read side, the data dependency
	// between p and the index in h.spans orders the reads.
	return s



// Allocates a span of the given size.  h must be locked.
// The returned span has been removed from the
// free structures, but its state is still mSpanFree.
func (h *mheap) allocSpanLocked(npage uintptr, stat *uint64) *mspan {
  // 尝试从mheap.free中找到匹配的span
	t := h.free.find(npage)
	if t.valid() {
		goto HaveSpan
  // 若未找到,则向OS申请npage内存
	if !h.grow(npage) {
		return nil
  // 再尝试从mheap.free寻找匹配的span
	t = h.free.find(npage)
	if t.valid() {
		goto HaveSpan
	throw("grew heap, but no adequate free span found")

	s := t.span()
	if s.state != mSpanFree {
		throw("candidate mspan for allocation is not free")

	// First, subtract any memory that was released back to
	// the OS from s. We will add back what's left if necessary.
	memstats.heap_released -= uint64(s.released())

	if s.npages == npage {
	} else if s.npages > npage {
    // 若得到的span空间大于npage,则用多余的空间生成一个新的span,并置于mheap.free中
		// Trim off the lower bits and make that our new span.
		// Do this in-place since this operation does not
		// affect the original span's location in the treap.
		n := (*mspan)(h.spanalloc.alloc())
		h.free.mutate(t, func(s *mspan) {
			n.init(s.base(), npage)
			s.npages -= npage
			s.startAddr = s.base() + npage*pageSize
			h.setSpan(s.base()-1, n)
			h.setSpan(s.base(), s)
			h.setSpan(n.base(), n)
			n.needzero = s.needzero
			// n may not be big enough to actually be scavenged, but that's fine.
			// We still want it to appear to be scavenged so that we can do the
			// right bookkeeping later on in this function (i.e. sysUsed).
			n.scavenged = s.scavenged
			// Check if s is still scavenged.
			if s.scavenged {
				start, end := s.physPageBounds()
				if start < end {
					memstats.heap_released += uint64(end - start)
				} else {
					s.scavenged = false
		s = n
	} else {
		throw("candidate mspan for allocation is too small")
	// "Unscavenge" s only AFTER splitting so that
	// we only sysUsed whatever we actually need.
	if s.scavenged {
		// sysUsed all the pages that are actually available
		// in the span. Note that we don't need to decrement
		// heap_released since we already did so earlier.
		sysUsed(unsafe.Pointer(s.base()), s.npages<<_PageShift)
		s.scavenged = false

  // 更新heapArena中的span信息
	h.setSpans(s.base(), npage, s)

	*stat += uint64(npage << _PageShift)
	memstats.heap_idle -= uint64(npage << _PageShift)

	if s.inList() {
		throw("still in list")
	return s


// Try to add at least npage pages of memory to the heap,
// returning whether it worked.
// h must be locked.
func (h *mheap) grow(npage uintptr) bool {
	ask := npage << _PageShift

	nBase := round(h.curArena.base+ask, physPageSize)
	if nBase > h.curArena.end {
    // 当前arena未有足够的空间,则需要额外分配更多的arena空间
		// Not enough room in the current arena. Allocate more
		// arena space. This may not be contiguous with the
		// current arena, so we have to request the full ask.
    // 从OS中申请arena空间
		av, asize := h.sysAlloc(ask)
		if av == nil {
			print("runtime: out of memory: cannot allocate ", ask, "-byte block (", memstats.heap_sys, " in use)\n")
			return false

		if uintptr(av) == h.curArena.end {
      // 若新分配的arena紧接着当前arean,则直接append到原arena后面
			// The new space is contiguous with the old
			// space, so just extend the current space.
			h.curArena.end = uintptr(av) + asize
		} else {
      // 若并非紧挨着,则将多余的空间,生成成span插入mheap.free
			// The new space is discontiguous. Track what
			// remains of the current space and switch to
			// the new space. This should be rare.
			if size := h.curArena.end - h.curArena.base; size != 0 {
				h.growAddSpan(unsafe.Pointer(h.curArena.base), size)
      // 切换到新的arena空间
			// Switch to the new space.
			h.curArena.base = uintptr(av)
			h.curArena.end = uintptr(av) + asize

		// The memory just allocated counts as both released
		// and idle, even though it's not yet backed by spans.
		// The allocation is always aligned to the heap arena
		// size which is always > physPageSize, so its safe to
		// just add directly to heap_released. Coalescing, if
		// possible, will also always be correct in terms of
		// accounting, because s.base() must be a physical
		// page boundary.
		memstats.heap_released += uint64(asize)
		memstats.heap_idle += uint64(asize)

		// Recalculate nBase
		nBase = round(h.curArena.base+ask, physPageSize)

  // 分配nBase-v大小的空间,生成span并回填mheap.free
	// Grow into the current arena.
	v := h.curArena.base
	h.curArena.base = nBase
	h.growAddSpan(unsafe.Pointer(v), nBase-v)
	return true



// growAddSpan adds a free span when the heap grows into [v, v+size).
// This memory must be in the Prepared state (not Ready).
// h must be locked.
func (h *mheap) growAddSpan(v unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) {
	// Scavenge some pages to make up for the virtual memory space
	// we just allocated, but only if we need to.

	s := (*mspan)(h.spanalloc.alloc())
	s.init(uintptr(v), size/pageSize)
	h.setSpans(s.base(), s.npages, s)
	s.state = mSpanFree
	// [v, v+size) is always in the Prepared state. The new span
	// must be marked scavenged so the allocator transitions it to
	// Ready when allocating from it.
	s.scavenged = true
	// This span is both released and idle, but grow already
	// updated both memstats.


  • 本地线程缓存,提高性能:通过mcache缓存小对象的span,并优先在mcache中分配,避免锁损耗
  • 无处不在的BitMap应用场景:通过二进制位来映射对象,例如mspan.allocBits用以表示对象是否分配
  • 多层级的分配策略:自低向上,性能损耗由低到高,频繁度则由高到低,因此能有效提高性能。思想上类似CPU中的多级缓存





posted @ 2021-06-15 19:03  erenming  阅读(289)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报