Invitation from Microsoft Connect (今天收到了微软Connect 邀请)

今天收到了微软Connect 邀请,主要是因为注册了app hub的愿意。没有apphub的尽快注册啊。mango完了还有其他好东西。

注册教程看wp7(windows phone 7 )开发者帐号注册,dreamspark注册,edu.cn节约99刀


As a registered Windows Phone developer, you have been invited to participate in Windows Phone ‘Mango’ Beta 2 for WP Dev Devices Program on Microsoft Connect.

This program makes a pre-release build of Windows Phone ‘Mango’ available to our developers, allowing you to test your applications on ‘Mango’ and prepare it for the upcoming update. Together with the recently released Windows Phone SDK Beta 2, this pre-release OS build allows you to test your code on a personal, retail device.

Once you accept the invitation by clicking through the link below, you will be asked to complete a mandatory survey, which provides this pre-release program’s required terms and conditions (guidance, voiding of your phone’s warranty, country limitations, etc.) that you must accept prior to having access to the update tool.

This invitation is being sent to the e-mail address that you have on file as your preferred contact method in App Hub. If you are already registered on Microsoft Connect, make sure to sign in with your existing registered Windows Live ID account to use this invitation. If you are not registered yet, you will be prompted to do so. 

Accept the Invitation

or copy the following URL and paste it into your Web browser's address bar:

If you are already registered on Connect, another option to accept or decline your invitation is to accessMy Dashboard and click onMy Pending Actions in the upper right corner. Accept and decline links will be available in the display.

If you do not see My Pending Actions, then you are not signing in with the Windows LiveID associated to the Connect account which has this invitation.

After accepting the invitation you may be asked to take a survey or submit further information. In some cases your status could be set to Pending in which case the product team will contact you only if you are chosen for participation. To report a problem, visit the help page.

If you are not interested in participating you need to take no action.

Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you!


Program Administrator

Microsoft Connect

posted @ 2011-07-06 09:39  kwor  阅读(1838)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报