SARscape 5.6.2 bug fixing and changes after the official release: [20220720] ERA5, fixed error when downloading multiple years and last date was 1st of January [20220720] Add Synthetic az and rg looks in preferences. Synthetic looks set to 0 means the interferometric looks are used instead. Looks higher than zero causes reduced PS coverage in high resolution data [20220720] Import Synspective: updates on management of the calibration in new Synspective Software Release 003.010 [20220720] Bug fix Persistent Scatterer: Error during Interferometric Process whenever the Master image is set by the user [20220720] Bug fix Sample selection Geographic Data: .kml and .kmz are accepted as AOI [20220720] Bug fix Sample selection SAR Geometry: delete of input .shp AOI during the processing [20220720] Bug fix k-factor estimation that causes reduced PS coverage in 5.6.2 w.r.t. 5.6.0 [20220720] Bug fix Sentinel-1 Multidownload when only 2 files are found [20220720] Updated Download path for TDM90 [20220720] Bug fix Persistent Scatterer Geocoding task with rounding values of Coherence thresholds [20220720] Updated API Sentinel Auxiliary Files Download. [20220720] Bug fix Import Generic using Sentinel-1 IW SLC and defined AOI (_slc_list.hdr generation is avoided) [20220601] Bug fix Persistent Scatterer when GACOS data are used [20220601] Bug fix Import Sentinel-1 with AOI [20220601] Bug fix Sentinel Multi Download proxy management [20220601] Bug fix DEM extraction with reference height with decimal [20220601] Bug fix Stereo data type management [20220601] Bug fix "Master burst size too small" error during the coregistration (happening with thin and long bursts) [20220601] Bug fix Sentinel data pair co-registration during the spectral diversity step, for images with different burst number and coverage [20220601] Bug fix missing file during GPS undersampling |
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