
Somone suggest me to 考 TOFEL for going abroad. But my CET4 still 未 past.CET4 for me is: 履败履战,履战履败! 
Today afternoon read "Software Engineering An Object-Oriented Perspective"(English),one hour only 3 page! 
 I chated with my friend ,I speaked in English.She said my english is standard chinese english. I said: my english  is 中国人自己的English!(非常可乐,中国人自己的可乐!) 
LiBai said: It is difficult to past 蜀道,much more difficult than go 青天! 
I also say: It is difficult to study English ,much more difficult than go 青天! 
Hey,ah,When can I go 青天.No! No! When can I study english well! 
Hard! Hard! Hard study english!

posted @ 2005-01-21 18:02  火火  阅读(1184)  评论(5编辑  收藏  举报