BizTalk Server – 基本知识学习笔记(1)

BizTalk Server – 基本知识学习笔记(1
Because BizTalk uses the namespace and the root node to uniquely identify messages. And, because processing within BizTalk is dependent on a unique message identity, some messages could be processed incorrectly if uniqueness isn’t preserved.
因为BizTalk 使用命名空间和根节点来唯一识别消息,并且BizTalk处理消息依赖于唯一的消息识别,因此如果不能保持消息的唯一性,这些消息不能正确处理。
Data that has been distinguished can only be used within an orchestration, whereas data that has been promoted can be used in orchestrations, pipelines, ports, and so forth. However, promoted data is limited to 255 characters, whereas distinguished data has no such character limit.
在BizTalk中有两种类型的Promote机制:属性字段(Property Fields)和可分辨字段(Distinguished Fields)。
Distinguished Field 仅仅可以在Orchestration 中使用,而Property Field 不仅可以在Orchestration 中使用,而且可以在pipeline、port等等中使用。然后,Property Field限制在255字符之内,而Distinguished Field 没有字符长度的限制。
Right-click the subject node (one of a schema node). Notice that the Promote ➤ Quick Promotion menu option has been disabled. This is because the Content Type property of the subject node is not Simple Content.
右键点击schema文档中的一个XML节点,发现Promote->Quick Promotion 菜单项为灰色(禁用),这是因为该节点的Content Type属性不是Simple Content,而是Complex Content。
EntLib 架构设计小组( )。

posted on 2008-07-14 00:03  EntLib  阅读(470)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报