Maxima Overview: 编辑
Maxima Overview
by Burkhard Bunk19.3.2013
Maxima version: 5.21.1
wxMaxima version: 0.8.5
/usr/share/doc/maxima-doc/html/intromax.html introduction /usr/share/doc/maxima-doc/html/maxima_toc.html full help
Invocation, Help
Text mode: unix> maxima interrupt a maxima calculation with <CTRL>-G terminate maxima with quit(); GUI: unix> xmaxima unix> wxmaxima Help: GUI ->Help descripe(string); ? string; /* note the space after "?" */A perfect way to restart maxima does not exist (see mailing list), use
reset(); kill(all);
Commands and Expressions
Terminate commands with ";" or "$" (quiet mode). command prompts: (%i1) (%i2) .. output labels: (%o1) (%o2) .. Previous result: % Former output, e.g. (%o5): %o5 Redo command, e.g. (%i5) : ''%i5; Operators: + - * / ^ ** ( ) ! !! Comparison: = # > < >= <= /* "#" is "not equal" */ Logical: and or not Text strings are written as "text".
Names consist of letters, digits, % (percent) and _ (underscore). Letters are case sensitive, but predefined names are mapped to upper case. Special characters (other than "%" and "_") are allowed after declaring them alphabetic as indeclare("$", alphabetic);Pre-defined constants:
%i %pi %e true false %gamma Euler's constant %phi (1 + sqrt(5))/2 inf real infinity minf real (-infinity) infinity complex infinityPre-defined functions:
sqrt log exp sin .. asin .. sinh .. asinh .. gamma zeta binomial mod floor ..Reserved names:
integrate next from diff in at limit sum for and elseif then else do or if unless product while thru stepManage user-defined variables:
values list of all user defined variables remvalue(var); delete the value of var remvalue(all); delete the values of all variables
Assignment: : (without "="!) :: ?? := defines a function ::= defines a macro Unassign names: kill(name1, name2, ..); kill(all); xmaxima: ->File ->Restart wxMaxima: ->Maxima ->Restart maxima
lst: [el1, el2, ...]; contruct list explicitly lst[2]; reference to element by index (starting from 1) cons(expr, alist); prepend expr to alist endcons(expr, alist); append expr to alist append(list1, list2, ..); merge lists makelist(expr, i, i1, i2); create list with control variable i makelist(expr, x, xlist); create list with x from another list length(alist); returns #elements map(fct, list); evaluate a function of one argument map(fct, list1, list2); evaluate a function of two arguments
- automatic
Many expressions are evaluated automatically: before the are processed, substitutions and obvious simplifications are preformed.- explicit
Sometimes, this should be prevented (e.g. when defining a differential equation), in other cases, an extra evaluation is required (e.g. after changing an item in an expression):'expr don't evalute ''expr do evaluate e.g. a: b+c; c + b b:5$ a; c + b ''a; c + 5 'b + c; c + bEvalutate variables, based on equations:
at(expr, var=ex); at(expr, [var1=ex1, var2=ex2, ..]); e.g. at(diff(sin(x), x), x=%pi); -1Evaluate with additional settings/flags:
ev(expr, arg1, arg2...); expr, arg1, arg2, ...; same in short args: numer float bfloat simpsum eval ...Many of the evalutation switches (e.g. numer, simpsum) are actually flags, which are false by default, but can be enabled for subsequent use.
- numerical
Numerical evaluation is triggered by decimal numbers in expressions, but note that a dot alone doesn't make it: sqrt(2.) is not evaluated, but sqrt(2.0) is.float(expr); evaluate to floating point number expr, numer; return numerical result numer: true; numerical evaluation on (default: false) fpprec: digits; precision of big floats (default: 16) fpprintprec: digits; no. of printed digits bfloat(expr); evaluate to big float example: fpprec: 30; sin(%pi); => 0 sin(float(%pi)); => 1.2246063538223773E-16 sin(bfloat(%pi)); => 1.69568553207377992879174029388B-31Note: WxMaxima, with output format set to xml, diplays long numbers with a shortcut - compare the output of
bfloat(%pi), fpprec:1000;
Functions which perform substitution, with increasing level of sophistication:subst(..) syntactic, symbols and complete sub-expressions only ratsubst(..) similar, but employs some algebra at(..) evaluation, based on equations ev(..) evaluation, with equations, flags etc.subst(..) and ratsubst(..) in more detail:
subst(ex, var, expr); substitute ex for var in expr subst(var=ex, expr); same subst([var1=ex1, var2=ex2,..], expr); multiple substitutions ratsubst(ex, var, expr); substitute ex for var in expr subst(s, a+b, a+b+c); c + b + a ratsubst(s, a+b, a+b+c); s + c subst(1-cos(x)^2, sin(x)^2, sin(x)^4 - 5*sin(x)^2); 4 2 sin (x) - 5 (1 - cos (x)) ratsubst(1-cos(x)^2, sin(x)^2, sin(x)^4 - 5*sin(x)^2); 4 2 cos (x) + 3 cos (x) - 4
Function definition, general form:define(f(x), expr); define(f(x,y), expr); /* etc */simple form: e.g.
func(x) := sin(x)/x; radius(x,y) := sqrt(x^2 + y^2);More complicated function definitions can be formulated with the block(..) construct.
factor(expr); factorise polynomials (over integers only) expand(expr); expand polynomials ratexpand(expr); same (more efficient algorithm) expandwrt(expr, x, ..); expand w.r.t. specified variables coeff(expr, x, n); coefficient of x^n in expr ratcoef(expr, x, n); same, but simplifies expr first divide(pol1, pol2); polynomial devision (with remainder) quotient(pol1, pol2); quotient of polynomial devision remainder(pol1, pol2); remainder of polynomial division realroots(pol, tol); numerical approx. to all real roots realroots(pol); tol = rootsepsilon (default: 1e-7) allroots(pol); numerical approx. to all complex roots
Rational functions
ratsimp(expr); put on common denominator, cancel factors, expand numerator and denominator fullratsimp(expr); repeated application of `ratsimp' factor(expr); same as `ratsimp', but returns numerator and denominator in factored form expand(expr); expand numerator and denominator, split numerator (no common denominator) ratexpand(expr); put on common denominator, cancel factors, expand numerator and denominator, split numerator ratdenomdivide: false; don't split numerator (same as ratsimp?) facsum(expr, var, ..) expand w.r.t. specified variables facsum_combine: false; split numerator partfrac(expr, var); partial fraction decomposition examples: ratsimp(a/b + c/d); a d + b c --------- b d (x-1)/(x+1)^2 - 1/(x-1); x - 1 1 -------- - ----- 2 x - 1 (x + 1) ratexpand(%); 4 x - --------------- 3 2 x + x - x - 1 factor(%); 4 x - ---------------- 2 (x - 1) (x + 1) r: (u+v)^2*u/((u^2-v^2)*v); 2 u (v + u) ----------- 2 2 v (u - v ) ratsimp(r); u v + u - -------- 2 v - u v factor(r); u (v + u) - --------- v (v - u) ratexpand(r); 2 u u - -------- - ----- 2 v - u v - u v s: a*b/(c*d+c*e) + f*b/(c*d+c*e); b f a b --------- + --------- c e + c d c e + c d factor(s); b (f + a) --------- c (e + d) ratsimp(s); b f + a b --------- c e + c dNotes:
the following appear to be equivalent:
ratsimp(expr); and ratexpand(expr), ratdenomdivide: false; ratsimp(expr), factor; and factor(expr);but factor(expr) does not understand algebraic!
Summary: simplify rational functions with ratsimp(expr), possibly combined with factor and/or algebraic. Use ratexpand(expr), possibly with algebraic, if you prefer to split the numerator.
rootscontract(expr); products of roots -> roots of products ratsimp(expr), algebraic; rationalise denominators radcan(expr); canonical form, involving roots, logs, radcan(expr), algebraic; and exponentialsexamples:
ex: 1/(sqrt(a)+sqrt(b)); 1 ----------------- sqrt(b) + sqrt(a) ratsimp(ex), algebraic; sqrt(b) - sqrt(a) ----------------- b - a sqrt(x^2); abs(x) sqrt(x^2), radexpand:all; xIn some cases, sqrtdenest can disentangle nested square roots:
load(sqdnst); sqrtdenest(expr); e.g. sqrt(sqrt(7)+ 4); sqrt(sqrt(7) + 4) sqrtdenest(%); sqrt(7) 1 ------- + ------- sqrt(2) sqrt(2) factor(%); sqrt(7) + 1 ----------- sqrt(2)
logexpand:all; enables automatic expansion of products logcontract(expr); contracts sums of logs to logs of products and _integer_ multiples of logs to logs of powers radcan(expr); canonical form, involving roots, logs, radcan(expr), algebraic; and exponentialsexamples:
log(a^b); log(a) b log(a*b), logexpand:all; log(b) + log(a) logcontract(2*log(a) + 3*log(b)); 2 3 log(a b )
Trigonometric functions
trigsimp(expr); use sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 = 1 etc trigexpand(expr); use addition theorems etc trigreduce(expr); powers -> multiple arguments products -> sums trigrat(expr); simplify rational expressions of trigonometric functions as well as linear arguments involving %pi/n halfangles:true; replace half angles by roots exponentialize(expr); trig/hyperb -> exponentials demoivre(expr); complex exponentials -> trig (not hyperb) logarc(expr); arc trig/hyperb -> logarithmstrigexpand is a flag as well (and an evflag), but the other trigX aren't!
trigsimp(..) in combination with roots is tricky:
trigsimp(sqrt(sinh(x)^2 + 1)); cosh(x) trigsimp(sqrt(cosh(x)^2 - 1)); sqrt(cosh(x) - 1) sqrt(cosh(x) + 1)instead of the expected abs(sinh(x)). It does not work for sin() and cos(x) either. Is this caused by abs(..)?
There is no command to convert real exponentials to hyperbolic functions - use ratsubst(..) instead.
sin(x/2), halfangles; sqrt(1 - cos(x)) ---------------- sqrt(2)?HOW TO:
sin(x) + cos(x) = sqrt(2) * sin(x + %pi/4) try exponentialize(...)?HOW TO
ex1: cos(x) + cos(y); ex2: 2 * cos((x+y)/2) * cos((x-y)/2); ex2 -> ex1: trigreduce(ex2), ratsimp; or trigrat(ex2); ex1 -> ex2 ??logarc examples:
asinh(x), logarc; 2 log(sqrt(x + 1) + x) acosh(x), logarc; sqrt(x + 1) sqrt(x - 1) 2 log(----------- + -----------) sqrt(2) sqrt(2) %, logcontract, expand, rootscontract; 2 log(sqrt(x - 1) + x)
Number Theory
Compute the prime factorisation of a number:factor(n) basic method ifactors(n) more efficient algorithm ifactor_verbose: true show details
limit(f(x), x, a); limit(f(x), x, a, dir); direction dir = plus, minus
diff(expr, x); diff(expr, x, n); /* n-th derivative */ diff(expr, x, y); /* mixed partial derivative */Convert the derivative to a function with define(..):
f(x) := sin(x); /* works */ diff(f(x), x); cos(x) /* ok */ g(x) := diff(f(x), x); /* doesn't work */ define(g(x), diff(f(x), x)); g(x) := cos(x) /* works */Compute the derivative at a specific value with at(..):
at(diff((x-a)^2, x, 2), x=a); 2
integrate(f(x), x); indefinite integral integrate(f(x), x, a, b); definite integral defint(f(x), x, a, b); same ldefint(f(x), x, a, b); same, but taking limits at the boundariesExamples:
assume(a>0)$ declare(a, noninteger)$ facts(a); [a > 0, kind(a, noninteger)] integrate(x^a * exp(-x), x, 0, inf); gamma(a + 1) kill(all)$ facts(); []
integrate(1/(a - cos(x)), x, 0, %pi); Is (a - 1) (a + 1) positive, negative, or zero? pos; 2 Is sqrt(a - 1) - a positive or negative? neg; 2 Is sqrt(a - 1) - a + 1 positive, negative, or zero? pos; ! 2 ! Is !sqrt(a - 1) + a! - 1 positive, negative, or zero? pos; 2 2 %pi sqrt(a - 1) - 2 %pi a - ---------------------------- 2 2 2 (a sqrt(a - 1) - a + 1) ratsimp(%), algebraic; %pi ------------ 2 sqrt(a - 1)
Sums are defined with sum(..) and evaluated (symbolically) with simpsum:sum(expr, n, n1, n2); ev(sum(...), simpsum); sum and simplify sum(...), simpsum; same in short simpsum: true; enable summationsExample:
sum(k^2, k, 1, n); n ==== \ 2 > k / ==== k = 1 %, simpsum; 3 2 2 n + 3 n + n --------------- 6The same is achieved with
sum(k^2, k, 1, n), simpsum; or simpsum: true; sum(k^2, k, 1, n);
Series expansion
powerseries(expr, var, point); symbolic, possibly infinite taylor(expr, var, point, order); truncated at given order niceindices(expr); rewrite symbolic sums
Equations (single or systems) are solved by solve.solve(eqn, var); solve([eqn1, eqn2, ..], [var1, var2, ..]);It returns a list of solutions resp. solution vectors.
sol: solve(x^2 + p*x + q, x); sqrt(p - 4 q) + p sqrt(p - 4 q) - p [x = - ------------------, x = ------------------] 2 2 x1: x, sol[1]; sqrt(p - 4 q) + p - ------------------ 2 x2: x, sol[2]; sqrt(p - 4 q) - p - ------------------ 2 eqn1: x + y = 4; y + x = 4 eqn2: x - y = 2; x - y = 2 sol: solve([eqn1, eqn2], [x,y]); [[x = 3, y = 1]] x, sol; 3 y, sol; 1 Check: map(is, ev([eqn1, eqn2], sol)); [true, true]Maybe ev(..) needs more flags (e.g. ratexpand).
Check multiple solutions (equation is formulated as f(x) = 0):
f(x):= x^2 + 2*b*x + c; 2 f(x) := x + 2 b x + c sol: solve(f(x), x); 2 2 [x = - sqrt(b - c) - b, x = sqrt(b - c) - b] map(f, map(rhs, sol)), expand; [0, 0]?HOW TO:
solve(sin(x) + cos(x) = 1/2, x); eqn: sin(x) + cos(x) = 1/2; solve(eqn, x); no success eqnx: exponentialize(eqn); sol: solve(eqnx, x); solution in terms of complex logs ratsimp(sol); %, numer; rectform(sol); imaginary parts are obsolete ratsimp(%); nicer formula %, numer;?HOW TO:
solve(s + sqrt(1-s^2) = 1/2, s); solveradcan: true; doesn't help here (solve calls radcan) eq1: s + r = 1/2; aux variable r = sqrt(1 - s^2) > 0 eq2: r^2 = 1 - s^2; solve([eq1, eq2], [s, r]); sqrt(7) - 1 sqrt(7) + 1 [[s = - -----------, r = -----------], 4 4 sqrt(7) + 1 sqrt(7) - 1 [s = -----------, r = - -----------]] 4 4Solution is s = (1 - sqrt(7))/4 .
solve([sqrt(x) + y = 0, sqrt(x) = 1], [x, y]); [] eliminate([sqrt(x) + y = 0, sqrt(x) = 1], [x]); [1] ??? BUG ??? eliminate([sqrt(x) + y = 0, sqrt(x) = 1], [y]); [ sqrt(x) - 1 ] okNote that eliminate() uses resultant(), which is supposed to work with polynomials.
Eliminate variables from a set of (polynomial?) equations:
eliminate([eqn1, eqn2, ..], [var1, var2, ..]);Note: there is a new solver package ("topoly" or "to_poly"), see appendix.
Numerical solution
find_root(expr, x, a, b)For polynomials: see realroots(pol), allroots(pol).
Ordinary Differential Equations
Try to solve general ODEs of first or second order with ode2:ode2(eqn, y, x); E.g. eqn of 2nd order: eqn: 'diff(x,t,2) + r*'diff(x,t)^2 = 0; general solution, with constants of integration %k1, %k2: sol: ode2(eqn, x, t); log(r t + %k1 r) x = ---------------- + %k2 r impose initial conditions: ic2(sol, t=0, x=x0, 'diff(x,t)=v0), logcontract, ratexpand; log(r t v0 + 1) x = x0 + --------------- r convert solution equation to a function: define(x(t), rhs(%));[TO DO: for the same deqn with exponent 2 -> 3, ic2() fails to solve for the initial conditions. This looks like a problem with solve...]
Boundary conditions are imposed with bc2(..).
For an equation of first order, the initial conditions are specified with ic1(..).
Solve a linear ODE with desolve (using Laplace transformation):eqn: 'diff(f(x), x) = 2*f(x); /* linear ODE of 1st order */ sol: desolve(eqn, f(x)); 2 x f(x) = f(0) %e[Note the different format of derivatives in the equation.]
Initial values at x = 0 can be imposed with atvalue before calling desolve:
eqn: 'diff(f(x), x) = 2*f(x); atvalue(f(x), x=0, k); /* initial value at x=0 */ sol: desolve(eqn, f(x)); /* solution as an equation */ 2 x f(x) = k %e define(f(x), rhs(%)); /* solution function */ 2 x f(x) := k %eAn example of second order:
eqn: 'diff(f(t), t, 2) + r*'diff(f(t), t) + f(t) = sin(omega*t); atvalue(f(t), t=0, 1); atvalue('diff(f(t), t), t=0, 0); desolve(eqn, f(t)); /* omega nonzero, -2 < r < 2 */ define(f(t), rhs(%)); plot2d(ev(f(t), omega=1.1, r=0.1), [t, 0, 100]);A linear system is solved with desolve as follows:
eqn1: 'diff(f(x), x) = c*f(x) - g(x); eqn2: 'diff(g(x), x) = c*g(x) + f(x); atvalue(f(x), x=0, 1); atvalue(g(x), x=0, 0); sol: desolve([eqn1, eqn2], [f(x), g(x)]); define(f(x), rhs(sol[1])); define(g(x), rhs(sol[2])); c: 0.1; plot2d([parametric, f(t), g(t)], [t, 0, 10], [nticks, 100]);
desolve requires that the inverse Laplace transform (ilt) is applied to a rational function with a denominator of first or second order.
Vectors and Matrices
A: matrix([a, b, c], [d, e, f], [g, h, i]); /* (3x3) matrix */ u: matrix([x, y, z]); /* row vector */ v: transpose(matrix([r, s, t])); /* column vector */Reference to elements etc:
u[1,2]; /* second element of u */ v[2,1]; /* second element of v */ A[2,3]; or A[2][3]; /* (2,3) element */ A[2]; /* second row of A */ transpose(transpose(A)[2]); /* second column of A */Element by element operations:
A + B; A - B; A * B; A / B; A ^ s; s ^ A;Matrix operations:
A . B; /* matrix multiplication */ A ^^ s; /* matrix exponentiation (including inverse) */ transpose(A); determinant(A); invert(A);
assume(pred); predicate `pred' e.g. a > 0, equal(b,3), notequal(c,0) is(expr); check whether expr is true, based on assumptions forget(pred); remove `pred' from assume database features list of mathematical properties declare(var, prop); remove(var, prop); facts(item); list properties associated with item facts(); list all properties domain:real default domain:complexExamples:
facts(a); list of properties involving a forget(facts()); remove all properties (but not the features?) forget(facts(a)); remove all properties (not features?) involving akill(all) clears the facts database (among other things).
plot2d(expr, range); /* one curve */ plot2d([expr1, expr2], range); /* two curves */ plot2d([parametric, expr1, expr2], range); /* parametric */ examples: plot2d(sin(x), [x, 0, 10]); plot2d(tan(x), [x, 0, 10], [y, -2, 2]); /* truncate vertically */ plot2d([8*sin(x), exp(x)], [x, -2, 2]); plot2d([parametric, t*cos(t), t*sin(t)], [t, 0, 10], [nticks, 100]); plot2d(sin(x), [x, 0, 10], [gnuplot_term, ps], [gnuplot_out_file, "filename"]); /* write PS file */ plot3d(expr, range1, range2); /* 3D mesh plot */ example: plot3d(sin(x)^2 * sin(y)^2, [x, -2, 2], [y, -2, 2]);It appears that in a parametric plot, the parameter has to be named "t".
Console interaction:print("text"); print(expr1, expr2, ..); disp(expr1, expr2, ..); display(expr1, expr2, ..); z: read("what is z?"); /* terminate reply with ; */Read/write data (in matrix or list form) from/to a file (space-separated numbers):
load("numericalio"); read_matrix("filename"); write_data(matrix, "filename"); read_nested_list("filename"); write_data(list, "filename");File search and display:
file_search("filename"); check for the existence of a file, using file_search_maxima etc as search paths file_search("filename",["path/"]); use specified path (relative or absolute path) file_search_maxima search path list, for load etc file_search_usage search path list, e.g. for printfile printfile("filename"); display contents of file e.g. prepend a directory as follows: file_search_maxima: cons("/home/me/work/", file_search_maxima);Notes:
o terminate path elements with /
o It appears that the current working directory (where maxima was started) is always searched first.
Running scripts:
batch("filename"); run maxima commands from file batchload("filename"); same, in quiet mode load("filename"); run maxima and lisp code from file
Command display and session log
Disable 2D display, use 1-line output:display2d:falseConvert expression to TeX format:
tex(expr);Save command output and input to file:
with_stdout("filename", commands); writes output of commands to file file_output_append: true; switch to append mode stringout("filename", expr1, ..); write expressions in a form suitable for maxima inputSession transcript:
writefile("filename"); session transcript in console output format appendfile("filename"); same, but append to file closefile(); terminate session transcript
Control Structures
for var: first step incr thru limit do body for var: first step incr while cond do body for var: first step incr unless cond do body if cond then body if cond then body1 else body2 return(expr); /* abnormal termination of the "for" loop */step 1 can be omitted.
body is a single command or a comma separated list of commands.
for returns done upon normal termination.
if returns the last result of the executed commands or false.
The following example computes sqrt(10) to floating point precision:
x: 1.; for n: 1 thru 10 do (x0: x, x: .5*(x + 10./x), if x = x0 then return(x));In this example, the control variable is obsolete and can be omitted:
x: 1.; do (x0: x, x: .5*(x + 10./x), if x = x0 then return(x));
batch("filename"); run Maxima script /* .. */ comments in script unix> maxima -b filename run in terminal (from the command line)
Startup scripts
$HOME/.maxima/maximarc maxima_userdir directory for startup file `maxima-init.mac' (Unix default: $HOME/.maxima)
Checking the installation
build_info(); run_testsuite(); run_testsuite(true); show bugs only
->Edit ->Configure ->Options Language: (select) ->Style [x] Use greek fontdisplays variables starting with % as (small or capital) greek letters, e.g. %omega and %Omega.
Beware: %pi and %phi are predefined.
Math display modes:
set_display('xml); nice format (default) set_display('ascii); multi-line mode, like maxima with display2d:true set_display('none); one-line mode, like maxima with display2d:falseMay be set via ->Maxima ->Change 2d display.
In xml mode, long numbers are displayed with a shortcut.
wxMaxima-0.8.x notes:
In 0.8.0/0.8.1
- the input line was removed,
- commands are terminated with <SHIFT>-<ENTER>, a la Mathematica.
[x] Enter evaluates cells
In wxMaxima-0.8.5, %alpha etc are represented as greek letters by default (no need to configure).
Antonio Cangiano, A 10 minute tutorial for solving Math problems with MaximaBoris Gaertner, The Computer Algebra Program Maxima - a Tutorial
Moses Glasner, The Maxima Primer
Richard H. Rand, Introduction to MACSYMA
wxMaxima tutorials [in * format]
Maxima Beginner's FAQ [with many tips for advanced usage, in fact]Paulo Ney de Souza et al., The Maxima Book (19-Sept-2004)
Moses Glasner, A Maxima Guide for Calculus Students
Robert Dodier, Minimal Maxima
Edwin L. Woollett, Maxima by Example
P. Lutus, Symbolic Mathematics Using Maxima
Maxima, Maple, and Mathematica: the Summary
Gilberto E. Urroz, Maxima Book
Examples of the Maxima Gnuplot interfaceA Maxima-Gnuplot interface
Maxima Manual [5.28.0]Michael Clarkson, DOE-Maxima Reference Manual [Maxima manual v5.9 reformatted]
Maxima mailing list and archivesMaxima user interface tips
In German
Johann Weilharter, Mathematik mit Computerunterstützung: CAS Maxima [Sammlung von Unterrichtsmaterial]Walter Wegscheider, Maxima 5.xx unter der Oberfl?che wxMaxima
Robert Gl?ckner, Einführung in Maxima
H.-G. Gr?be, Skript zu "Einführung in das symbolische Rechnen" [not using Maxima]
More links
see maxima.sourceforge.netAppendices
Experimental solver to_poly_solve()
by Barton Willis, 2006ffprovided e.g. with Maxima-5.15.0 + 5.17.1:
topoly.lisp (engine)
topoly_solver.mac (wrapper).
They also work with Maxima-5.10.
load(topoly_solver); /home/b/maxima/5.15.0/topoly_solver.mac to_poly_solve(s + sqrt(1-s^2) = 1/2, s); sqrt(7) - 1 [[s = - -----------]] 4 to_poly_solve([sqrt(x) + y = 0, sqrt(x) = 1], [x, y]); [[x = 1, y = - 1]] to_poly_solve(sin(x) + cos(x) = 1/2, x); Nonalgebraic argument given to 'topoly'In Maxima-5.18.1, there is a new version (which does not work with Maxima-5.10?) - it solves the last example as well:
load(to_poly_solver); to_poly_solve(sin(x) + cos(x) = 1/2, x); %union{TO DO}In Maxima-5.21.1, the to_poly_solver package is auto-loaded as needed.
More special functions
There is work in progress to implement the Exponential Integral and the Incomplete Gamma Function, see mailing list.GCL
GCL (GNU Common Lisp) prompt and commands:MAXIMA>>(help) show GCL help MAXIMA>>(run) restart Maxima session MAXIMA>>(bye) exit MAXIMA>>(by) exit
%union(..)wxMaxima cells
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