Rpgmakermv(4 )doc of TerraxLights



To activate the script in an area, do the following:

1. Put an event switch into the map.

2. In the 'Note' field (Next to the name) put the following text :

            Light 250 #FFFFFF   半径与颜色,进制颜色可以网上搜索~~~

- Light activates the script

- 250 is the lightradius of the object

- #FFFFFF is the lightcolor (white in this case)

3. You're done, its that simple.



You can add two optional commands for brightness and direction   控制亮度与投射方向

Light 200 #FFFFFF B50 increases the brightness with 50%. Value between 0 and 99.

Light 200 #FFFFFF D1 will give half a lightglobe for lightsources placed on walls. 

1. For lights on north walls, light will face down.

2. For lights on east walls, light will face west.

3. For lights on south walls, light will face north.

4. For lights on west walls, light will face east.


To alter the player radius in game use the following plugin command :在游戏中改变

Light radius 200 #FFFFFF (to change the radius and the color)

If you want to change the player radius slowly over time (like a dying torch)闪动

use the command 'Light radiusgrow 200 #FFFFFF'

You can alter the brightness of the players lightsource by adding:

'Light radius 200 #FFFFFF B70' (Brightness values between 0 and 99, 0 is default)


To turn on and off lightsources in the game, do the following:闭合光源

Give the lightsource the normal def : Light 250 #FFFFFF and an extra number

so it becomes 'Light 250 #FFFFFF 1'

(If your using the optional brightness and direction place it after those (Light 250 #FFFFFF B50 D2 1)

To turn on this light use plugin command : 'Light on 1'.

The plugin command will also trigger SelfSwitch 'D' on the targeted light(s).

To turn off the light use plugin command : 'Light off 1'.

You can reset the switches each map with the option or manualy by

the plugin command 'Light switch reset'

You can also turn off lights with the kill-selfswitch defined in the parameters.

You can change the color of the lightsources that have a id. Use plugin call

'Light color 1 #FF0000'


You can let the light color cycle automaticly with the following note-tag  色环

Light cycle #FF0000 50 #00FF00 50 #0000FF 50

This will let the color cycle from red to green to blue, each 50 miliseconds.

Minimum of 2 colors, maximum of 4 colors.


Replacing the 'Light' keyworld with 'Fire' will give the lights a subtle flicker抖动的火把

You can configure the fire effect with the plugin command 'SetFire 7 10'

Where 7 is the radius change and 10 is the shift in color from red to yellow.


To completly turn off the script use : 'Light deactivate'

To turn it on again use the command: 'Light activate'开/关



To activate a day-night cycle on a map, put in a trigger with 'DayNight' in an event note

or in the map note.

Plugin command 'Daynight speed 10' changes the speed.切换速度

Speed 10 means it takes 10 seconds to to pass one hour in game (probably to fast)

Plugin command 'Daynight hour 16 30' sets the hour to 16:30 hours

Each hour has its own color value.    每小时都有独特的颜色

Plugin command 'Daynight color 0 #222222' changes 0:00 hours to color value '#222222'

You can add time with the plugin command 'Daynight add 8 30' (this adds 8 hours and 30 minutes)


If you want to use the time of day to trigger effects (like turning on lights when it gets dark)

you can use the parameters 'Save DaynightHours','Save DaynightMinutes','Save DaynightSeconds'

The default is 0, which means its off.

If you set it to a value,5 for example, it will store the daynight value inside game variable 5.

You can then use that variable to trigger lights.

To help syncing/debugging the time system you can use scriptcommand 'daynight debug' to display the current time.

If you want to go 'alien world' and stuff, you can change the number of hours in a day with

script command 'daynight hoursinday 48' (for 48 hours in day, don't forget to fill in the hour values)


As an alternative to the daynight cycle you can use the tint system. If you want to use another plugin for the

day/night cycle, the tint option is probably best to use.

The plugin command 'Tint set #333333' will make the room less dark.房间

The plugin command 'Tint fade #777777 5' will fade the color from the current color to the new, the last

number (5) is the speed of the fade, were 1 is a fast fade and 20 is a very slow one.

If an area has a daynight cycle system, the tint system is disabled.


To use a flashlight effect use 'Flashlight on 8 12 #FFFFFF 3' and 'Flashlight off'   手电

The arguments are optional (8=beamlength, 12=beamwidth, #FFFFFF=color, 3=beam density)

Events can also use the flashlight effect. Use 'Flashlight 8 12 #888888 1 2' in the note-tag.

where 8 is the length of the flashlights beam and 12 is the width of the beam. The last numbers are

optional and can be used to turn the NPC's flashlight on or off and set the direction of the beam

if the event is not moving (1=up, 2=right, 3=down, 4=left) the default is down.


TileLight and RegionLight settings

To create lightsources without using events you can use the following plugin command.

TileLight 1 ON #FFFFFF 150 Will create a lightsource (color #FFFFFF radius 150) on all tiles with tile-tag 1.

TileRegion 1 ON #FFFFFF 150 Will create a lightsource on all tiles with region-number 1.

You can increase the brightness of a lightsource with the optional TileRegion 1 ON #FFFFFF 150 B50 (for 50% increased brightness)

TileLight 1 OFF will turn off the lights on tile-tag 1 again

TileRegion 1 OFF will turn off the lights on region-number 1 again

TileFire and RegionFire works the same as TileLight, but with fire effect.

TileGlow and RegionGlow works the same as TileLight, but with a slight pulsing effect.

Make sure your map still has at least one event with lights in it, otherwise the script will not run.


TileBlock and RegionBlock settings

To block lights on certain tiles (roofs for instance) you can use the following plugin command.

TileBlock 1 ON #000000 Will block light on tiles with tile-tag 1.

RegionBlock 1 ON #000000 Will block lights on tiles with region-number 1.

TileBlock 1 OFF and TileRegion 1 OFF turns off the blocking again.

To darken but not completly block light use a slightly higher color setting (#333333) for instance.

This function does not raytrace. If the players lightradius is bigger then the blocking tiles the

light will show on the other side. For the best effect keep the lightradius a bit smaller then the block section.

for advance users, if you want to block more or less of the tile you can do the following

RegionBlock 1 ON #000000 shape xoffset yoffset width height

RegionBlock 1 ON #000000 1 20 20 10 10 -> this will block a box starting at 20,20 with width and height 10,10

RegionBlock 1 ON #000000 2 20 20 10 10 -> this will block a oval starting at 20,20 with xradius 10 and yradius 10


You can use the following plugin calls to create short duration light effects for explosions or spells.爆炸与咒语

plugin command: effect_on_event 003 200 #FFAAAA 50

-> Will create a lightglobe on event with id 003, Radius 200, color #FFAAAA, duration 50 frames

plugin command: effect_on_xy 560 500 50 #FFAAAA 25

-> Will create a lightglobe on coordinates 560,500, Radius 50, color #FFAAAA, duration 25 frames

A number of special effects can be added, explained in the manual

Terrax lighting system is compatible with the Moghunter time system, for specifics see the read-me.


Released under the MIT license,最后,请遵循MIT协议

if used for commercial projects feel free to make a donation or

better yet, give me a free version of what you have created.

e-mail : fox(AT)caiw.nl / terraxz2 on steam.


Thanks to everyone in the rpgmakerweb community for idea's, support and interest.

Special thanks to Galv for solving some problems.

posted @ 2018-03-10 09:46  宸少凌  阅读(503)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
