解决UIScrollView中添加子控件出现“UIScrollView Scrollable Content Size Ambiguity”的办法



So I just sorted out in this way:

  1. Add in the UIScrollView a UIView (we can call that contentView);

  2. In this contentViewset top, bottom, left and right margins to 0 (of course from the scrollView which is the superView); Set also align center horizontally and vertically;


Now you can add all your views in that contentView, and the contentSize of the scrollView will be automatically resized according with the contentView.


Some special case is covered by this video posted by @Sergio in the comments below.

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This is brilliant! Center X and Y was the key piece! – black_stallion Mar 23 '15 at 7:13
Almost perfect, except that the scrollview can no longer guess the length of your content and resize accordingly it's contentSize to fit the objects inside. I have a tableview inside the contentView whose height changes (via constraint) and the scrollview doesn't allow me to scroll. – CyberMew May 11 '15 at 7:13
Maybe this video can help to overcome all remaining issues. – Sergio Jul 11 '15 at 18:57
this doesnt make it scroll tho. – dorian Aug 6 '15 at 12:46
@Matteo Gobbi: What do you mean by "(of course from the scrollView which is the superView)" ? Do I have to "set top, bottom, left and right margins to 0" for the contentView or the scrollView ? – salocinx Sep 1 '15 at 8:30
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