- 学生表Student(Sno, Sname)
- 课程表Course(Cno, Cname)
- 选课表Student_Course(Sno, Cno, Grade)
1) 选修语文的学生姓名
select S.Sno,Sname from Student as S,Course as C,Student_Course as SC where S.Sno=SC.Sno and C.Cno=SC.Cno and C.Cname='语文'
2) 至少选修了语文和数学的学生姓名
select S.Sno,Sname from Student_Course as SC1,Course as C1, Student_Course as SC2,Course as C2, Student as S where SC1.Cno=C1.Cno and SC2.Cno=C2.Cno and SC1.Sno=SC2.Sno and SC1.Sno=S.Sno and C1.Cname='语文' and C2.Cname='数学'
3) 只选修了语文和数学的学生姓名
select S.Sno,S.Sname from Student_Course as SC,Student as S where SC.Sno=S.Sno and S.Sno in(select S.Sno from Student_Course as SC1,Course as C1, Student_Course as SC2,Course as C2, Student as S where SC1.Cno=C1.Cno and SC2.Cno=C2.Cno and S.Sno=SC1.Sno and SC1.Sno=SC2.Sno and C1.Cname='语文' and C2.Cname='数学') group by S.Sno,S.Sname Having Count(S.Sno)=2
4) 每个学生的平均分
select S.Sno,S.Sname,AVG(Grade) as '平均分' from Student as S,Student_Course as SC where S.Sno=SC.Sno group by S.Sno,S.Sname;
5) 各门课程平均分高于70分的学生姓名
select S.Sno,S.Sname,AVG(Grade) as '平均分' from Student as S,Student_Course as SC where S.Sno=SC.Sno group by S.Sno,S.Sname Having AVG(Grade)>70
6) 学生平均分高于70分的课程名称
select C.Cno,C.Cname,AVG(Grade) as '平均分' from Course as C,Student_Course as SC where C.Cno=SC.Cno group by C.Cno,C.Cname Having AVG(Grade)>70
7) 各门课程平均分高于李四的学生姓名
SELECT sc.Sno, s.Sname, avg( Grade ) as '平均分' FROM student_course AS sc, student AS s WHERE sc.Sno = s.Sno GROUP BY sc.Sno,Sname Having avg(Grade)>(Select avg(Grade) from student_course AS sc,student AS s where sc.Sno=s.Sno and s.Sname='李四');
8) 可以准予毕业的学生姓名(至少选了2门课,每门课的成绩不低于60分)
SELECT sc.Sno, s.Sname FROM student_course AS sc, student AS s WHERE sc.Sno = s.Sno and S.Sno in (select distinct S.Sno from Student_Course as SC1, Student_Course as SC2, Student as S where SC1.Sno=SC2.Sno and SC1.Sno=S.Sno and SC1.Cno<>SC2.Cno) GROUP BY sc.Sno,Sname Having MIN(Grade)>=60