1. offsetof
#include <stddef.h>
size_t offsetof(type, member);
The macro offsetof() returns the offset of the field member from the start of the structure type.
2. float和int转换
float ff = 123456.0; union{int i; float f;} conv; conv.f = ff; aa[0] = (unsigned short)conv.i; aa[1] = (unsigned short)(conv.i >> 16); printf("%X, %X, %X\n", conv.i, aa[0], aa[1]);
3. 字符串拼接
#define VERSION_DESC(name, author, date, extra) #name"_"#author"_v"#date"_"#extra
4. 去除目录文件前面的目录
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define DIR_FILE "/tmp/xxx/test" int main() { char *file; if(strrchr(DIR_FILE, '/')) file = strrchr(DIR_FILE, '/') + 1; printf("dir_file-> file [%s]\n", file); if(strrchr(file, '/')) file = strrchr(DIR_FILE, '/') + 1; printf("file-> file [%s]\n", file); return 0; }
5. printf %.*s
#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("%.*s\n", 4, "Hello world"); printf("%*.*s\n", 7, 4, "Hello world"); return 0; } $ gcc printf.c -Wall -o test $ ./test Hell Hell