h32 Most commonly used tags in HTML
Most commonly used tags in HTML refer to HTML elements frequently utilized for structuring web content. These include <div> for division, <p> for paragraphs, <a> for hyperlinks, <img> for images, and others essential for building web pages, forming the basis of web development.
HTML contains lots of predefined tags. Some of them are described below.
Document structure tag
The <html> tag is essential, encapsulating the entire HTML document and serving as the root element for content organization.
Structure Tag | Syntax | Description |
<html> |
<html> Statements... </html> |
The root of the HTML document specifies it as HTML. |
<head> |
<head> Statements... </head> |
Contains head elements such as title, style, and meta tags in the HTML file. |
<title> |
<title> Statements... </title> |
Defines the title of an HTML document. |
<body> |
<body> Statements... </body> |
Defines the body of an HTML document, containing content like images, tables, and lists. |
Commonly used tags in HTML
HTML Tag | Syntax | Description |
<div> |
<div>...</div> |
Defines a division or section in an HTML document. |
<p> |
<p>...</p> |
Defines a paragraph. |
<a> |
<a href="...">...</a> |
Defines a hyperlink. |
<img> |
<img src="..." alt="..."> |
Embeds an image. |
<ul> |
<ul><li>...</li></ul> |
Defines an unordered list. |
<ol> |
<ol><li>...</li></ol> |
Defines an ordered list. |
<li> |
<li>...</li> |
Defines a list item. |
<table> |
<table>...</table> |
Defines a table. |
<tr> |
<tr>...</tr> |
Defines a table row. |
<th> |
<th>...</th> |
Defines a table header cell. |
<td> |
<td>...</td> |
Defines a table data cell. |
<form> |
<form>...</form> |
Defines an HTML form for user input. |
<input> |
<input type="..."> |
Defines an input control within a form. |
<button> |
<button>...</button> |
Defines a clickable button. |
<h1> –<h6> |
<h1>...</h1> |
Define headings of different levels. |
<span> |
<span>...</span> |
Defines a generic inline container. |
<label> |
<label for="...">...</label> |
Defines a label for an input element. |
<iframe> |
<iframe src="..."></iframe> |
Embeds an inline frame for external content. |
Most commonly used tags in HTML
The paragraph tag <p>
The bold text tag <b>
The italic text tag <i>
The heading tags <h1> to <h6>
The link tag <a>
The item tag <li>
The ordered list tag <ol>
The unordered list tag <ul>
The section tag <div>
The container tag <span>
The bitmap image tag <img>
The vector-based graphics tag <svg>
The inline frame tag <iframe>
The table tag <table>
Some Commonly Used HTML Tags
Tags |
Use |
(<HTML>. . . </HTML>)* | The entire HTML document |
(<HEAD> . . . </HEAD>)* | The head, or prologue, of the HTML document |
(<BODY> . . . </BODY>)* | All the other content in the HTML document |
<TITLE> . . . </TITLE> | The title of the document |
<H1> . . . </H1> | First-level heading large text size |
<H2> . . . </H2> | Second-level heading |
<H3> . . . </H3> | Third-level heading |
<H4> . . . </H4> | Fourth-level heading |
<H5> . . . </H5> | Fifth-level heading |
<H6> . . . </H6> | Sixth-level heading small text size |
<P> . . . (</P>)* | Paragraph Hitting a return in the HTML file will not make a new paragraph when the file is viewed. You need to use this tag to make a new paragraph. |
<BR> | Line Break This tag will show a blank line. |
<HR> | Horizontal Rule Creates a horizontal line on the page. |
<!- . . . -> | Comment The comments you write in the middle will not show up on the page when viewed. |
<A href=> . . . </A> | Link (A=Anchor) links the current HTML file to another file. Example: <A HREF="menu.html">Go back to Main Menu</A> This will display the file which is named in the quotes. The name of the link, which is the colored words you actually see goes between the first > and the second <. Here, the name of the link is Go back to the Main Menu Another example is : <A HREF="http://www.ilt.columbia.edu/">ILTNet</A> This link will take you to another page on the Internet. You can see the Internet address in the quotes. |
<DL><DT><DD> </DL> |
Definition list Put <DL> at the beginning, </DL> at the end, and <DT> for each :definition term" in the list. Use <DD> for each "definition" of each term. The definition will be indented. <DL><DT>Item One<DD>Item One Definition </DL> |
<IMG SRC="image.gif"> | Inline Image Put the name of the graphic (.gif or .jpg) in the quotes. |
<B> . . . </B> | Bold Makes text bold |
<I> . . . </I> | Italic Makes text italic |
<font size="+3"...</font> | Font Size This tag is used to change the size of the font. It is better than using the header tag to make the font appear bigger. |
<table> <TR><TD></TD></TR> </Table> |
"Table"=Starts a table."TR" (Table Row) = Starts a row."TD" (Table Data) = Starts a cell to enter data."/TD" = Puts an End to data entry."/TR" = Puts an end to a row. "/table" = Ends Table. |
( )* optional
==>> This document was originally created by Tom Gantz, Computer Analyst at Teachers College, Columbia University. |
This is our list of basic HTML tags:
for link<b>
to make bold text<strong>
for bold text with emphasys
main HTML part<br>
for break<div>
it is a division or part of an HTML document<h1>
... for titles<i>
to make an italic text<img>
for images in document<ol>
is an ordered list,<ul>
for an unordered list<li>
is a list item in bulleted (ordered list)
for paragraph<span>
to style part of text
Top 10 Most Used HTML Tags List with Examples
Html is like bones in Human body
div, span
p, br
b, i, u, strong, em
ul, ol, li
form, input, textarea
The DOCTYPE is not technically a tag but a declaration that tells the browser what kind of file will be loaded. This tag tells the browser the type of HTML that will be loaded.
In HTML5, you can declare your file as
Note: The declaration does not have a closing tag and is not case-sensitive.
<html> </html>
The <html> ….. </html> tag comes after the DOCTYPE tag. This tag defines the document as a web page; every other element will be nested inside. The HTML tag specifies the beginning and end of an HTML document.
A <html> tag is represented as;
The head section of an HTML document is represented by a <head> tag. This tag is enclosed within the <html> tag and gives general information about the webpage.
The <head> tag contains other tags that give specifics of the web page, such as the page’s title and author. The contents of this tag are not displayed on the web page
This is the syntax of a <head> tag;
The <title> tag declares the title of the web page. This tag is enclosed within the <head> tag. The <title> tag will appear on the title bar or the tab in the browser window but not on the actual web page.
Syntax for <title> tag is;
When inside a <head> tag, it will appear as;
<body> </body>
The <body> tag displays all the visible content on a web page. Images, links, plain text, videos, and more can be found inside the <body> and </body> tags.
Some of the other tags you will find inside the body include <p> tag for paragraph, <a> tag for images, <strong> tag for bold text, and <ol> tag for an ordered list, to mention a few.
The syntax for <body> tag is;
There can be up to 6 heading tags in an HTML document. Each of the tags is represented by a number starting from 1 to 6 as <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6>.
H1 is the largest heading tag, while H6 is the smallest.
In an HTML document, heading tags can be represented as follows:
<h1> to <h6> tags are enclosed within the <body> tag.
For instance, a ,<H1> tag will be enclosed as;
<p> </p>
The <p> </p> or simply the paragraph tag is used when you want to structure content into a paragraph. Hitting the ‘enter’ button in an HTML document in your code editor will not create a new paragraph.
If you want more than one paragraph, you have to use several <p> </p> tags on your document. The paragraph tags should be enclosed within the <body > tag.
The syntax for a paragraph tag is;
If you want to have four paragraphs, your code will be structured as;
<b> </b>
The <b> </b> or simply bold tag will format any content between the opening <b> and the closing </b> as bold.
The bold tag can be between a heading such as H1 or even within a paragraph tag.
These are examples of a bold tag;
The phrase ‘Bold Tag’ will appear bold.
Fifth edition will be bolded.
<i> </i>
The italic tag, denoted by <i>, italicizes the text inside the tags.
For instance, if we have
The words ‘these are italics‘ will appear italicized.
<u> </u>
The underline tag, or <u>, is used when you want to underline a certain piece of text in an HTML document.
For example, if we have;
The phrase between the tags will be underlined.
<center> </center>
The Center tag, <center>, is used to center content on an HTML document.
For example, if we have an h2 tag written as <h2> Centering Content in HTML </h2>
, we can center it as follows;
Span tag, <span>, is a generic inline container that does not come with a default style. You can use the span tag to group texts that you want to style.
You can span tag inside other tags such as headings and paragraphs;
A division tag, abbreviated as div, is a tag that allows you to group different tags in an HTML document.
A div tag can be given a ‘class’ to add external styling using CSS.
This is how a div enclosing an h1, h2, and a paragraph tag will be represented.
The emphasis, or <em> tag, is used to emphasize certain words in an HTML document.
Content in between <em> tags will appear slanted or italicized.
Emphasized content within a paragraph can appear in a code editor will appear as;
The <sup> or the superscript tag allows the enclosed text to be above the rest. A perfect example is when you want to square a number X and represent it mathematically to give you X2
The syntax for <sup> within a paragraph tag will be;
The subscript or <sub> tag is the opposite of the superscript tag. The content enclosed in the <sub> tag will appear below the normal line of text. A perfect example is when writing the chemical formula of water as H20.
The syntax for the subscript tag will be;
<br> is a self-closing tag that stands for a break. All the content after <br> will start on a new line.
The syntax for <br> within a paragraph will be;
<ol></ol> and <li> </li>
The ordered list tag or the <ol> must be used with another tag such as the <li>.
The two can appear on a code editor as;
When rendered on the browser, the contents will appear numbered.
<img src=””/>
You may want to add an image for visual appeal or even a logo. The self-closing image tag, <img src=””/>, comes in handy in such a case.
The syntax for the image tag will be;
The content enclosed in the quotation marks represents the source URL.
In this section, we will give a brief introduction to HTML tags and their importance in web development.
HTML tags are used to define the structure and content of web pages. Tags are written in angle brackets (< >) and are used to surround the content that they define. HTML tags can be divided into two categories: container tags and empty tags.
Container Tags
Container tags are used to define the structure and content of web pages. The content that they define is placed between the opening and closing tags.
The <html> Tag
The <html> tag is the top-level container for all HTML documents. It is the first tag in every HTML document and contains all other tags.
The <head> Tag
The <head> tag is used to define the head section of an HTML document. This section contains metadata about the document, such as the title, keywords, and description.
The <body> Tag
The <body> tag is used to define the body section of an HTML document. This section contains the content that will be displayed in the web page.
The <div> Tag
The <div> tag is used to group related elements together and apply styles to them.
The <span> Tag
The <span> tag is used to group inline elements together and apply styles to them.
Empty Tags
Empty tags are used to insert content into web pages that does not require a closing tag.
The <br> Tag
The <br> tag is used to insert a line break into the content of a web page.
The <img> Tag
The <img> tag is used to insert an image into the content of a web page.
The <input> Tag
The <input> tag is used to create form controls, such as text boxes and radio buttons.
Text Formatting Tags
Text formatting tags are used to change the appearance of text in web pages.
The <p> Tag
The <p> tag is used to define paragraphs in web pages.
The <b> Tag
The <b> tag is used to make text bold.
The <i> Tag
The <i> tag is used to make text italic.
The <u> Tag
The <u> tag is used to underline text.
The <strong> Tag
The <strong> tag is used to make text important.
The <em> Tag
The <em> tag is used to emphasize text.
The <sup> Tag
The <sup> tag is used to superscript text.
The <sub> Tag
The <sub> tag is used to subscript text.
The <strike> Tag
The <strike> tag is used to strike through text.
Hyperlink Tags
Hyperlink tags are used to create links to other web pages.
The <a> Tag
The <a> tag is used to create a hyperlink.
List Tags
List tags are used to create lists in web pages.
The <ul> Tag
The <ul> tag is used to create an unordered list in a web page.
The <ol> Tag
The <ol> tag is used to create an ordered list in a web page.
The <li> Tag
The <li> tag is used to create a list item in an unordered or ordered list.
Table Tags
Table tags are used to create tables in web pages.
The <table> Tag
The <table> tag is used to create a table in a web page.
The <tr> Tag
The <tr> tag is used to create a row in a table.
The <td> Tag
The <td> tag is used to create a cell in a table.
The <th> Tag
The <th> tag is used to create a header cell in a table.
Form Tags
Form tags are used to create forms in web pages.
The <form> Tag
The <form> tag is used to create a form in a web page.
The <input> Tag
The <input> tag is used to create form controls, such as text boxes and radio buttons.
The <select> Tag
The <select> tag is used to create a drop-down list in a form.
The <textarea> Tag
The <textarea> tag is used to create a multi-line text input in a form.
Meta Tags
Meta tags are used to provide metadata about a web page.
The <meta> Tag
The <meta> tag is used to provide metadata about a web page, such as the author, description, and keywords.
Script Tags
Script tags are used to embed scripts in web pages.
The <script> Tag
The <script> tag is used to embed a script in a web page.
Style Tags
Style tags are used to apply styles to web pages.
The <style> Tag
The <style> tag is used to define styles for a web page.
HTML tags are the building blocks of web pages. In this article, we have discussed the 50 most used tags in HTML and their descriptions. By understanding these tags, you can create more complex and interactive web pages.
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