Cytoscape 边上的箭头不显示出来

Cytoscape 边上的箭头不显示出来

 可以修改配置: Edit 菜单 | Preferences 菜单 | Properties 菜单





Parameters for Controlling LOD

The default values used to determine level of detail can be changed by setting properties under Edit | Preferences | Properties….

NOTE: The greater these thresholds become, the slower performance will become. If you work with small networks (a few hundred nodes), this shouldn’t be a problem, but for large networks it will produce noticeable slowing. The various thresholds are described below.

NOTE: Since Cytoscape 3.8 interactivity will always be maintained even when a high level of detail is chosen. It is generally safe to increase the level of detail or to force full graphics details even for very large networks.

LOD Thresholds
RENDER.COARSEDETAILTHRESHOLD If the sum of rendered nodes and rendered edges equals to or exceeds this number, a very coarse level of detail will be chosen and all other detail parameters will be ignored. If the total number of nodes and edges is below this threshold, anti-alias will be turned on; this value defaults to 4000.
RENDER.NODEBORDERTHRESHOLD If the number of rendered nodes equals to or exceeds this number, node borders will not be rendered; this value defaults to 400.
RENDER.NODELABELTHRESHOLD If the number of rendered nodes equals to or exceeds this number, node labels will not be rendered; this value defaults to 200.
RENDER.EDGEARROWTHRESHOLD If the number of rendered edges equals to or exceeds this number, edge arrows will not be rendered; this value defaults to 600.
RENDER.EDGELABELTHRESHOLD If the number of rendered edges equals to or exceeds this number, edge labels will not be rendered; this value defaults to 200.

When printing networks or exporting to formats such as PostScript, the highest level of detail is always chosen, regardless of what is currently being displayed on the screen.



posted @ 2021-03-23 14:00  emanlee  阅读(351)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报