CentOS 卸载 python
卸载 python 2.7
rpm -qa|grep python2|xargs rpm -ev --allmatches --nodeps
whereis python2 |xargs rm -frv
卸载 python3
rpm -qa|grep python3|xargs rpm -ev --allmatches --nodeps 卸载pyhton3
whereis python3 |xargs rm -frv 删除所有残余文件
whereis python 查看现有安装的python
The system python on CentOS 7 must be the 2.7 version that we ship. Must.
You cannot replace the system python with a different one.
If you need a newer python then multiple places ship a python3 stack that installs in parallel to the system 2.7 that we ship.
No-one yet ships 3.8 as it's too new. There are python 3.6 packages in the CentOS 7.7 base and updates repos.
Use those.
They are supported and are the same versions that are in CentOS 8 so you know things written on one should work on the other.
Centos 7.8
Python 3 is now available. Installing the python3 package gives you the Python 3.6 interpreter。Python 3 可用,安装python3将会提供Python 3.6解释器。
Centos 8
Python 3.6
是默认的 Python 环境,有限支持 Python 2.7