



How to forecast the forecasters

IF YOU think the weather is unpredictable, consider the weathermen. They are constantly revising their forecasts, causing inconvenience not only to those pondering whether or not to take an umbrella, but also to commodity traders placing bets on how much gas and electricity will be needed for heating. When their predictions turn from cold snap to heat wave, say, it can play havoc with the forward price of gas.

WSI, a firm that owns the Weather Channel and sells forecasts of its own to airlines and other weather-dependent companies, has been grappling with this problem. Its solution is a new product called MarketFirst, a sort of forecast of the forecast. Every day, an hour before America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration releases its updated forecast for the world's weather, WSI issues its own prediction of how the new bulletin will differ from the previous one. It does the same for the EU's official forecast. A year's subscription to MarketFirst, launched last November, costs $90,000, and WSI says it has already signed up a dozen customers.

MarketFirst would be of little use if it was as unreliable about the forecasts as the forecasts are about the weather. But WSI claims it is right 70% of the time. The trick, says Ira Scharf, who is in charge of selling it, is to understand the algorithms that underpin the government's forecasts. WSI has been studying them for years to improve its own forecasts and has detected the subtle biases in both the American and European models. European weathermen, for example, underestimate temperatures for western America in spring and autumn. American ones are prone to predict chillier temperatures than they should for the period from 11 to 15 days from the time of the forecast.
如果市场优先预报像天气预报一样不可靠的话,它将毫无用处。但WSI公司宣称它有70%的正确率。负责该产品销售的Ira Scharf说,其诀窍在于了解支持政府发布预报的算法。WSI公司已经对其进行了多年的研究以改善他们自身预报,发现美国与欧洲预报上的细微偏差。举例来说,欧洲的天气预报员低估了美国西部春秋季的温度。而美国的预报员倾向于在天气预报发布后11到15天的时期把气温预报得更低。

The more widespread MarketFirst becomes, the less useful it will be to its subscribers, Mr Scharf concedes, since markets would begin to move in response to its release, rather than to the forecasts it anticipates. So WSI considered various methods of selling it, including releasing it earlier to certain customers for a higher fee. Another option would be to sell a forecast of the forecast of the forecast. So far, Mr Scharf says, traders do not see the need. But in the long run it is as inevitable as changes in the weather.



Steven Spielberg的原文找不到,不过那篇讲的应该是他05年的新片《世界大战》,所以第一道是选aliens are aggressive and hostile. 第二题选stories about aliens,因为他爸爸是科幻小说迷,这一点WIKI百科上都能查得到, 第三题我选的是 imagination,不知道对不对。

我发的这篇材料,听的时候虽然云里雾里,其实做起来并不难,有的选项不听内容,自己按照逻辑都能选对,比如看到energy trader。就知道应该选changes on oil price。个人感觉PETS5的考试材料不简单,但是题目设计却很简单。
posted @ 2009-11-27 22:22  emanlee  阅读(608)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报