About NeatHtml™ - Brettle.Web.NeatHtml.dll
From: http://www.brettle.com/neathtml
About NeatHtml™ | |

NeatHtml consists of the NeatHtml.js JavaScript library and a small server-side component. NeatHtml.js should work with any browser that supports both JavaScript 1.3 and a few DOM APIs. It has been tested against Internet Explorer 6 and 7, Firefox 1.5 and 2.0, Opera 9.21, Netscape 7.2, Mac Safari 1.2, 1.3 and 2.0, and Konqueror 3.4.0-5 and 3.5.7. The server-side component is approximately 400 lines of ASP.NET code. It runs under Mono, .NET 1.1, and .NET 2.0, but should be easy to port to other web development platforms (e.g. Java or PHP). To facilitate porting and testing, NeatHtml includes a JavaScript test framework and a demo page which uses the test framework and demonstrates the capabilities of NeatHtml. NeatHtml is licensed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL), a business-friendly open source license.
NeatHtml is currently available for download as a mature development snapshot. It primarily needs independent testing, and minor security fixes before an official release. Bug reports, feature requests, questions, comments, and other contributions are welcome.

- Uses a whitelist approach to help prevent attacks that take advantage of currently unknown security holes.
- XSS prevention is done using client-side script to reduce the load on the server.
- Allows many common HTML constructs, including most inline styles.
- Integrates easily with existing applications.
- Works under Mono, .NET 1.1, and .NET 2.0, and can be easily ported to other development platforms.
- Licensed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL), a business-friendly open source license. See below for details.

Check out the live demo!
NeatHtml-trunk.215.zip is the most recent development snapshot. It includes both source and precompiled binaries.The latest code is always available from the Subversion repository. You can browse it with your web browser or use a subversion client with a command like this:
svn checkout https://forgesvn1.novell.com/svn/neathtml/trunk

Please read the NeatHtml Manual for step-by-step installation and usage instructions.A whitepaper is available those interested in the techniques used by NeatHtml.