declare @_substoreid varchar(50)='', @_depart varchar(50)='', @_win_name varchar(50)='' --创建游标 declare @cursor cursor --设定游标欲操作的数据集 set @cursor=cursor for select substoreid,depart from cur_user group by substoreid,depart --打开游标 open @cursor --移动游标指向到第一条数据,提取第一条数据存放在变量中 fetch next from @cursor into @_substoreid,@_depart --如果上一次操作成功则继续循环 while(@@fetch_status=0)begin --操作提出的数据 declare @cursor_new cursor set @cursor_new=cursor for select win_name from win_name open @cursor_new fetch next from @cursor_new into @_win_name while(@@fetch_status=0)begin -- begin tran insert into user_win values('',@_win_name,'Y','',@_substoreid,@_depart) -- if @@Error<>0 -- begin -- print @_win_name+','+@_substoreid+','+@_depart -- ROLLBACK TRANSACTION--事务回滚语句 -- end -- else -- begin -- COMMIT TRANSACTION--事务提交语句 -- end -- -- end fetch next from @cursor_new into @_win_name end close @cursor_new deallocate @cursor_new --继续提下一行 fetch next from @cursor into @_substoreid,@_depart end --关闭游标 close @cursor --删除游标 deallocate @cursor
declare @_substoreid varchar(50)='', @_date varchar(50)='2014-08-20',--开始时间 @_endDate varchar(50)='2014-08-22'--getdate()--结束时间(不包含当天) while(DATEDIFF(day,@_date,@_endDate)>0)begin --创建游标 declare @cursor cursor --设定游标欲操作的数据集 set @cursor=cursor for select substoreid from hotelid --打开游标 open @cursor --移动游标指向到第一条数据,提取第一条数据存放在变量中 fetch next from @cursor into @_substoreid --如果上一次操作成功则继续循环 while(@@fetch_status=0)begin --操作提出的数据 if not exists(select id from receive_report where substoreid=@_substoreid and the_date=@_date and name='房型统计' and id='总房数') begin declare @curroomnums decimal(10,1) select @curroomnums=isnull(all_rooms,-1) from receive_report where substoreid=@_substoreid and the_date=@_date and name='租类' and id='合计' if @curroomnums is not null and @curroomnums>0 begin declare @the_class varchar(20)='', @total decimal(10,1) declare @cursor_new cursor set @cursor_new=cursor for select the_class,count(*) as total from home where substoreid=@_substoreid group by the_class open @cursor_new fetch next from @cursor_new into @the_class,@total while(@@fetch_status=0)begin insert into receive_report(id,substoreid,day_rooms,the_date,name,sort_flag) values(@the_class,@_substoreid,@total,@_date,'房型统计','24') fetch next from @cursor_new into @the_class,@total end close @cursor_new deallocate @cursor_new insert into receive_report(id,substoreid,day_rooms,the_date,name,sort_flag) values('总房数',@_substoreid,@curroomnums,@_date,'房型统计','24') print @_substoreid+' '+@_date end end --继续提下一行 fetch next from @cursor into @_substoreid end --关闭游标 close @cursor --删除游标 deallocate @cursor set @_date= convert(varchar(12), DATEADD(day,1,@_date),23) end