just do it





calibrate.h() ``` class CameraCalibrator { vector> objectPoints; vector> imagePoints;
	Mat cameraMatrix;
	Mat distCoeffs;
	int flag;
	Mat map1, map2;
	bool mustInitUndistort;

		CameraCalibrator() : flag(0), mustInitUndistort(true) {};
		int addChessboardPoints(const std::vector<std::string>& filelist, cv::Size & boardSize);
			// Add scene points and corresponding image points
		void addPoints(const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& imageCorners, const std::vector<cv::Point3f>& objectCorners);
			// Calibrate the camera
		double calibrate(cv::Size &imageSize);
			// Set the calibration flag
		void setCalibrationFlag(bool radial8CoeffEnabled = false, bool tangentialParamEnabled = false);
			// Remove distortion in an image (after calibration)
		cv::Mat CameraCalibrator::remap(const cv::Mat &image);
		// Getters
		cv::Mat getCameraMatrix() { return cameraMatrix; }
		cv::Mat getDistCoeffs() { return distCoeffs; }

<summary><mark><font color=red>CameraCalibrator.cpp</font></mark></summary>
		#include "CameraCalibrator.h"
		using namespace cv;
		cv::Mat CameraCalibrator::remap(const cv::Mat &image) {
		cv::Mat undistorted;
		if (mustInitUndistort) { // called once per calibration
				cameraMatrix,  // computed camera matrix
				distCoeffs,    // computed distortion matrix
				cv::Mat(),     // optional rectification (none) 
				cv::Mat(),     // camera matrix to generate undistorted
				cv::Size(720, 540),
				//            image.size(),  // size of undistorted
				CV_32FC1,      // type of output map
				map1, map2);   // the x and y mapping functions
			mustInitUndistort = false;
		// Apply mapping functions
		cv::remap(image, undistorted, map1, map2,
			cv::INTER_LINEAR); // interpolation type
		return undistorted;
posted @ 2019-05-16 22:42  elong1995  阅读(174)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报