tinymce.init({ selector: '#editor', toolbar: 'myCustomToolbarButton', setup: (editor) => { editor.ui.registry.addButton('myCustomToolbarButton', { text: 'My Custom Button', onAction: () => alert('Button clicked!') }); } })
editor.ui.registry.addButton(identifier, configuration) // 切换按钮 editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton(identifier, configuration) // 下拉框 editor.ui.registry.addSplitButton(identifier, configuration) // 菜单 editor.ui.registry.addMenuButton(identifier, configuration) // 组合按钮 editor.ui.registry.addGroupToolbarButton(identifier, configuration)
tinymce.init({ selector: 'textarea#toolbar-button', toolbar: 'basicDateButton selectiveDateButton toggleDateButton splitDateButton menuDateButton', setup: (editor) => { /* Helper functions */ const toDateHtml = (date) => `<time datetime="${date.toString()}">${date.toDateString()}</time>`; const toGmtHtml = (date) => `<time datetime="${date.toString()}">${date.toGMTString()}</time>`; const toIsoHtml = (date) => `<time datetime="${date.toString()}">${date.toISOString()}</time>`; /* Basic button that just inserts the date */ editor.ui.registry.addButton('basicDateButton', { text: 'Insert Date', tooltip: 'Insert Current Date', onAction: (_) => editor.insertContent(toDateHtml(new Date())) }); /* Basic button that inserts the date, but only if the cursor isn't currently in a "time" element */ editor.ui.registry.addButton('selectiveDateButton', { icon: 'insert-time', tooltip: 'Insert Current Date', enabled: false, onAction: (_) => editor.insertContent(toDateHtml(new Date())), onSetup: (buttonApi) => { const editorEventCallback = (eventApi) => { buttonApi.setEnabled(eventApi.element.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'time'); }; editor.on('NodeChange', editorEventCallback); return () => editor.off('NodeChange', editorEventCallback); } }); /* Toggle button that inserts the date, but becomes inactive when the cursor is in a "time" element */ /* so you can't insert a "time" element inside another one. Also gives visual feedback. */ editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton('toggleDateButton', { icon: 'insert-time', tooltip: 'Insert Current Date', onAction: (_) => editor.insertContent(toDateHtml(new Date())), onSetup: (buttonApi) => { const editorEventCallback = (eventApi) => { buttonApi.setActive(eventApi.element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'time'); }; editor.on('NodeChange', editorEventCallback); return () => editor.off('NodeChange', editorEventCallback); } }); /* Split button that lists 3 formats, and inserts the date in the selected format when clicked */ editor.ui.registry.addSplitButton('splitDateButton', { text: 'Insert Date', onAction: (_) => editor.insertContent('<p>Its Friday!</p>'), onItemAction: (buttonApi, value) => editor.insertContent(value), fetch: (callback) => { const items = [ { type: 'choiceitem', text: 'Insert Date', value: toDateHtml(new Date()) }, { type: 'choiceitem', text: 'Insert GMT Date', value: toGmtHtml(new Date()) }, { type: 'choiceitem', text: 'Insert ISO Date', value: toIsoHtml(new Date()) } ]; callback(items); } }); /* Menu button that has a simple "insert date" menu item, and a submenu containing other formats. */ /* Clicking the first menu item or one of the submenu items inserts the date in the selected format. */ editor.ui.registry.addMenuButton('menuDateButton', { text: 'Date', fetch: (callback) => { const items = [ { type: 'menuitem', text: 'Insert Date', onAction: (_) => editor.insertContent(toDateHtml(new Date())) }, { type: 'nestedmenuitem', text: 'Other formats', getSubmenuItems: () => [ { type: 'menuitem', text: 'GMT', onAction: (_) => editor.insertContent(toGmtHtml(new Date())) }, { type: 'menuitem', text: 'ISO', onAction: (_) => editor.insertContent(toIsoHtml(new Date())) } ] } ]; callback(items); } }); }, content_style: 'body { font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size:16px }' });