Selenium是一个Web的自动化测试工具,最初是为网站自动化测试而开发的,可以按指定的命令自动操作,但是他需要与第三方浏览器结合在一起才能使用。如果我们把 Selenium和第三方浏览器(比如Chrome)结合在一起,就可以运行一个非常强大的网络爬虫了,这个爬虫可以处理 JavaScrip、Cookie、headers,以及任何我们真实用户需要做的事情。
sudo pip3 install selenium
from selenium import webdriver # 导入webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys #Keys`类提供键盘按键的支持,比如:RETURN, F1, ALT等 from auth_proxy import proxyauth_plugin_path #auth_proxy模块代码在下面单独实现,用于私密代理设置 #options参数的一些常见设置 options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() #设置谷歌浏览器的一些配置选项 options.add_argument('lang=zh_CN.UTF-8') #设置编码格式 options.add_argument('--headless') #无界面浏览器 options.add_argument('--proxy-server=http://ip:port') #设置无账号密码代理 options.add_extension(proxyauth_plugin_path) #设置私密代理 options.add_argument('user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1') #移动版网站的反爬虫的能力比较弱,模拟iPhone6 #登录时关闭弹出的密码保存提示框,添上以下几句 prefs={"credentials_enable_service":False,"profile.password_manager_enabled":False} options.add_experimental_option("prefs", prefs) # 禁用浏览器弹窗 prefs = {'profile.default_content_setting_values':{'notifications' :2}} options.add_experimental_option('prefs',prefs) #不加载图片, 提升速度 prefs = {'profile.managed_default_content_settings.images': 2} options.add_experimental_option('prefs',prefs) #屏蔽谷歌浏览器正在接收自动化软件控制提示,加上以下两行 options.add_experimental_option('useAutomationExtension',False) options.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-automation']) options.add_argument("disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled")#去掉webdriver痕迹 options.add_argument('--incognito') #隐身模式(无痕模式) options.add_argument('--window-size=1920,3000') #指定浏览器分辨率 options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') #取消沙盒模式,解决DevToolsActivePort文件不存在的报错 options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') #规避bug options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') #克服有限的资源问题,用于Linux系统 options.add_argument('--hide-scrollbars') #隐藏滚动条, 应对一些特殊页面 options.add_argument('–-start-maximized') #启动就最大化(注意:无头模式下不适用) driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options) #创建浏览器对象 driver.get("https://www.baidu.com/") # get方法会打开一个页面 driver.implicitly_wait(10) # 通常打开页面后会等待一会,让页面加载 driver.get_window_size() # 获取浏览器窗口大小 driver.set_window_size(1200,800) #设置浏览器窗口大小 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);") #执行js,滚动页面到底部 print (driver.title) # 打印页面标题 "百度一下,你就知道" driver.save_screenshot("baidu.png") # 生成当前页面快照并保存 binary_data = driver.get_screenshot_as_png() #获取当前页面快照的二进制数据 elem = driver.find_element_by_id('kw') #根据id查找元素 elem.screenshot(文件名) #对元素截图,并存储到本地 elem_data = elem.screenshot_as_png #获取当前元素截图的二进制数据 elem.size #获取当前元素大小,如{'height': 44, 'width': 108} elem.location #获取当前元素位置,即左上角坐标,例如{'x': 844, 'y': 188} elem.rect # 获取元素大小及位置,例如{'height': 29, 'width': 54, 'x': 28.75, 'y': 193.5} elem.get_attribute(属性名)#获取元素的属性值 elem.text #获取当前元素的文本内容 elem.tag_name #获取当前元素标签名 elem.find_elment...#可以在当前元素内继续查找元素 elem.clear() #清空搜索框 elem.send_keys('中国') #搜索中国 elem.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) #按回车键 print(driver.page_source) # 打印网页渲染后的源代码 print(driver.get_cookies()) # 获取当前页面Cookie print(driver.current_url) # 获取当前url # driver.close() 关闭当前页面,如果只有一个页面,会关闭浏览器 driver.quit() # 关闭浏览器
from selenium import webdriver def create_proxyauth_extension(proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_username, proxy_password, scheme='http', plugin_path=None): """Proxy Auth Extension args: proxy_host (str): domain or ip address, ie proxy.domain.com proxy_port (int): port proxy_username (str): auth username proxy_password (str): auth password kwargs: scheme (str): proxy scheme, default http plugin_path (str): absolute path of the extension return str -> plugin_path """ import string import zipfile if plugin_path is None: plugin_path = 'vimm_chrome_proxyauth_plugin.zip' manifest_json = """ { "version": "1.0.0", "manifest_version": 2, "name": "Chrome Proxy", "permissions": [ "proxy", "tabs", "unlimitedStorage", "storage", "<all_urls>", "webRequest", "webRequestBlocking" ], "background": { "scripts": ["background.js"] }, "minimum_chrome_version":"22.0.0" } """ background_js = string.Template( """ var config = { mode: "fixed_servers", rules: { singleProxy: { scheme: "${scheme}", host: "${host}", port: parseInt(${port}) }, bypassList: ["foobar.com"] } }; chrome.proxy.settings.set({value: config, scope: "regular"}, function() {}); function callbackFn(details) { return { authCredentials: { username: "${username}", password: "${password}" } }; } chrome.webRequest.onAuthRequired.addListener( callbackFn, {urls: ["<all_urls>"]}, ['blocking'] ); """ ).substitute( host=proxy_host, port=proxy_port, username=proxy_username, password=proxy_password, scheme=scheme, ) with zipfile.ZipFile(plugin_path, 'w') as zp: zp.writestr("manifest.json", manifest_json) zp.writestr("background.js", background_js) return plugin_path proxyauth_plugin_path = create_proxyauth_extension( proxy_host="http-xxxxxxxx.com", ##代理服务器 proxy_port=端口号, ##代理端口 proxy_username="用户名", ##认证用户名 proxy_password="密码" ##认证密码 )
from selenium import webdriver # 导入webdriver def get_driver(): options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() # 设置谷歌浏览器的一些配置选项 options.add_argument('--window-size=1920,1800') # 指定浏览器分辨率(在无头模式下也适用) options.add_argument('--incognito') # 隐身模式(无痕模式) options.add_argument('--headless') # 无头模式 # options.add_argument('lang=zh_CN.UTF-8') # 设置编码格式 options.add_argument('--hide-scrollbars') # 隐藏滚动条, 应对一些特殊页面 # 屏蔽谷歌浏览器正在接收自动化软件控制提示,加上以下两行 options.add_experimental_option('useAutomationExtension', False) options.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-automation']) options.add_argument("disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled") # 去掉webdriver痕迹 options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') # 规避bug options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') # 取消沙盒模式,解决DevToolsActivePort文件不存在的报错 options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') # 克服有限的资源问题 options.add_argument('blink-settings=imagesEnabled=false') # 不加载图片, 提升速度 prefs = {"credentials_enable_service": False, "profile.password_manager_enabled": False} # 登录时关闭弹出的密码保存提示框 prefs.update({'profile.default_content_setting_values': {'notifications': 2}}) # 禁用浏览器弹窗 prefs.update({'download.prompt_for_download': False, 'download.default_directory': '设置下载的具体目录'}) # 设置默认下载地址 options.add_experimental_option('prefs', prefs) # options.binary_location = r"D:\xxxx\chrome.exe" # 如果修改了chrome默认安装位置,则需要手动指定 driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='chrmedriver所在路径,具体到文件名', options=options) # 规避webdriver检测 driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument", { "source": """ Object.defineProperty(navigator,'webdriver',{ get: () => undefined }) """ }) return driver
js = requests.get('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/requireCool/stealth.min.js/stealth.min.js').text # 规避webdriver检测 driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument", { "source": js })
/*! * Note: Auto-generated, do not update manually. * Generated by: https://github.com/berstend/puppeteer-extra/tree/master/packages/extract-stealth-evasions * Generated on: Sat, 08 Oct 2022 22:13:28 GMT * License: MIT */ (({_utilsFns:_utilsFns,_mainFunction:_mainFunction,_args:_args})=>{const utils=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key,value])=>[key,eval(value)])));utils.init(),eval(_mainFunction)(utils,..._args)})({_utilsFns:{init:"() => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n}",stripProxyFromErrors:"(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {\n setPrototypeOf: function (target, proto) {\n if (proto === null)\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value')\n if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target) === Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {\n throw new TypeError('Cyclic __proto__ value')\n }\n return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)\n }\n }\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function () {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = (stack, stripFirstLine = true) => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => !(index === 1 && stripFirstLine))\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = (stack, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n anchor = anchor || `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Special cases due to our nested toString proxies\n err.stack = err.stack.replace(\n 'at Object.toString (',\n 'at Function.toString ('\n )\n if ((err.stack || '').includes('at Function.toString (')) {\n err.stack = stripWithBlacklist(err.stack, false)\n throw err\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}",stripErrorWithAnchor:"(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}",replaceProperty:"(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}",preloadCache:"() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}",makeNativeString:"(name = '') => {\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}",patchToString:"(obj, str = '') => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",patchToStringNested:"(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}",redirectToString:"(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n if (typeof ctx === 'undefined' || ctx === null) {\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",replaceWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get\n const fnStr = fn.toString() // special getter function string\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(fn, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { get: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj, fnStr)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterSetter:"(obj, propName, handlerGetterSetter) => {\n const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName)\n const handler = { ...ownPropertyDescriptor }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.get !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.get\n handler.get = function() {\n return handlerGetterSetter.get.call(this, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.get, nativeFn)\n }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.set !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.set\n handler.set = function(newValue) {\n handlerGetterSetter.set.call(this, newValue, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.set, nativeFn)\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, handler)\n}",mockWithProxy:"(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}",createProxy:"(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}",splitObjPath:"objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})",replaceObjPathWithProxy:"(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}",execRecursively:"(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}",stringifyFns:"(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}",materializeFns:"(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}",makeHandler:"() => ({\n // Used by simple `navigator` getter evasions\n getterValue: value => ({\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n // Let's fetch the value first, to trigger and escalate potential errors\n // Illegal invocations like `navigator.__proto__.vendor` will throw here\n utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n return value\n }\n })\n})",arrayEquals:"(array1, array2) => {\n if (array1.length !== array2.length) {\n return false\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {\n if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n}",memoize:"fn => {\n const cache = []\n return function(...args) {\n if (!cache.some(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args))) {\n cache.push({ key: args, value: fn.apply(this, args) })\n }\n return cache.find(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args)).value\n }\n}"},_mainFunction:'utils => {\n if (!window.chrome) {\n // Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome\n // fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, \'chrome\')`\n Object.defineProperty(window, \'chrome\', {\n writable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: false, // note!\n value: {} // We\'ll extend that later\n })\n }\n\n // That means we\'re running headful and don\'t need to mock anything\n if (\'app\' in window.chrome) {\n return // Nothing to do here\n }\n\n const makeError = {\n ErrorInInvocation: fn => {\n const err = new TypeError(`Error in invocation of app.${fn}()`)\n return utils.stripErrorWithAnchor(\n err,\n `at ${fn} (eval at <anonymous>`\n )\n }\n }\n\n // There\'s a some static data in that property which doesn\'t seem to change,\n // we should periodically check for updates: `JSON.stringify(window.app, null, 2)`\n const STATIC_DATA = JSON.parse(\n `\n{\n "isInstalled": false,\n "InstallState": {\n "DISABLED": "disabled",\n "INSTALLED": "installed",\n "NOT_INSTALLED": "not_installed"\n },\n "RunningState": {\n "CANNOT_RUN": "cannot_run",\n "READY_TO_RUN": "ready_to_run",\n "RUNNING": "running"\n }\n}\n `.trim()\n )\n\n window.chrome.app = {\n ...STATIC_DATA,\n\n get isInstalled() {\n return false\n },\n\n getDetails: function getDetails() {\n if (arguments.length) {\n throw makeError.ErrorInInvocation(`getDetails`)\n }\n return null\n },\n getIsInstalled: function getDetails() {\n if (arguments.length) {\n throw makeError.ErrorInInvocation(`getIsInstalled`)\n }\n return false\n },\n runningState: function getDetails() {\n if (arguments.length) {\n throw makeError.ErrorInInvocation(`runningState`)\n }\n return \'cannot_run\'\n }\n }\n utils.patchToStringNested(window.chrome.app)\n }',_args:[]}),(({_utilsFns:_utilsFns,_mainFunction:_mainFunction,_args:_args})=>{const utils=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key,value])=>[key,eval(value)])));utils.init(),eval(_mainFunction)(utils,..._args)})({_utilsFns:{init:"() => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n}",stripProxyFromErrors:"(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {\n setPrototypeOf: function (target, proto) {\n if (proto === null)\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value')\n if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target) === Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {\n throw new TypeError('Cyclic __proto__ value')\n }\n return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)\n }\n }\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function () {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = (stack, stripFirstLine = true) => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => !(index === 1 && stripFirstLine))\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = (stack, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n anchor = anchor || `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Special cases due to our nested toString proxies\n err.stack = err.stack.replace(\n 'at Object.toString (',\n 'at Function.toString ('\n )\n if ((err.stack || '').includes('at Function.toString (')) {\n err.stack = stripWithBlacklist(err.stack, false)\n throw err\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}",stripErrorWithAnchor:"(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}",replaceProperty:"(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}",preloadCache:"() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}",makeNativeString:"(name = '') => {\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}",patchToString:"(obj, str = '') => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",patchToStringNested:"(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}",redirectToString:"(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n if (typeof ctx === 'undefined' || ctx === null) {\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",replaceWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get\n const fnStr = fn.toString() // special getter function string\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(fn, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { get: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj, fnStr)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterSetter:"(obj, propName, handlerGetterSetter) => {\n const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName)\n const handler = { ...ownPropertyDescriptor }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.get !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.get\n handler.get = function() {\n return handlerGetterSetter.get.call(this, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.get, nativeFn)\n }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.set !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.set\n handler.set = function(newValue) {\n handlerGetterSetter.set.call(this, newValue, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.set, nativeFn)\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, handler)\n}",mockWithProxy:"(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}",createProxy:"(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}",splitObjPath:"objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})",replaceObjPathWithProxy:"(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}",execRecursively:"(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}",stringifyFns:"(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}",materializeFns:"(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}",makeHandler:"() => ({\n // Used by simple `navigator` getter evasions\n getterValue: value => ({\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n // Let's fetch the value first, to trigger and escalate potential errors\n // Illegal invocations like `navigator.__proto__.vendor` will throw here\n utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n return value\n }\n })\n})",arrayEquals:"(array1, array2) => {\n if (array1.length !== array2.length) {\n return false\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {\n if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n}",memoize:"fn => {\n const cache = []\n return function(...args) {\n if (!cache.some(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args))) {\n cache.push({ key: args, value: fn.apply(this, args) })\n }\n return cache.find(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args)).value\n }\n}"},_mainFunction:"utils => {\n if (!window.chrome) {\n // Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome\n // fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'chrome')`\n Object.defineProperty(window, 'chrome', {\n writable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: false, // note!\n value: {} // We'll extend that later\n })\n }\n\n // That means we're running headful and don't need to mock anything\n if ('csi' in window.chrome) {\n return // Nothing to do here\n }\n\n // Check that the Navigation Timing API v1 is available, we need that\n if (!window.performance || !window.performance.timing) {\n return\n }\n\n const { timing } = window.performance\n\n window.chrome.csi = function() {\n return {\n onloadT: timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd,\n startE: timing.navigationStart,\n pageT: Date.now() - timing.navigationStart,\n tran: 15 // Transition type or something\n }\n }\n utils.patchToString(window.chrome.csi)\n }",_args:[]}),(({_utilsFns:_utilsFns,_mainFunction:_mainFunction,_args:_args})=>{const utils=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key,value])=>[key,eval(value)])));utils.init(),eval(_mainFunction)(utils,..._args)})({_utilsFns:{init:"() => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n}",stripProxyFromErrors:"(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {\n setPrototypeOf: function (target, proto) {\n if (proto === null)\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value')\n if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target) === Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {\n throw new TypeError('Cyclic __proto__ value')\n }\n return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)\n }\n }\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function () {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = (stack, stripFirstLine = true) => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => !(index === 1 && stripFirstLine))\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = (stack, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n anchor = anchor || `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Special cases due to our nested toString proxies\n err.stack = err.stack.replace(\n 'at Object.toString (',\n 'at Function.toString ('\n )\n if ((err.stack || '').includes('at Function.toString (')) {\n err.stack = stripWithBlacklist(err.stack, false)\n throw err\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}",stripErrorWithAnchor:"(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}",replaceProperty:"(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}",preloadCache:"() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}",makeNativeString:"(name = '') => {\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}",patchToString:"(obj, str = '') => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",patchToStringNested:"(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}",redirectToString:"(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n if (typeof ctx === 'undefined' || ctx === null) {\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",replaceWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get\n const fnStr = fn.toString() // special getter function string\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(fn, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { get: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj, fnStr)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterSetter:"(obj, propName, handlerGetterSetter) => {\n const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName)\n const handler = { ...ownPropertyDescriptor }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.get !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.get\n handler.get = function() {\n return handlerGetterSetter.get.call(this, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.get, nativeFn)\n }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.set !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.set\n handler.set = function(newValue) {\n handlerGetterSetter.set.call(this, newValue, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.set, nativeFn)\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, handler)\n}",mockWithProxy:"(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}",createProxy:"(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}",splitObjPath:"objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})",replaceObjPathWithProxy:"(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}",execRecursively:"(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}",stringifyFns:"(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}",materializeFns:"(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}",makeHandler:"() => ({\n // Used by simple `navigator` getter evasions\n getterValue: value => ({\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n // Let's fetch the value first, to trigger and escalate potential errors\n // Illegal invocations like `navigator.__proto__.vendor` will throw here\n utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n return value\n }\n })\n})",arrayEquals:"(array1, array2) => {\n if (array1.length !== array2.length) {\n return false\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {\n if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n}",memoize:"fn => {\n const cache = []\n return function(...args) {\n if (!cache.some(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args))) {\n cache.push({ key: args, value: fn.apply(this, args) })\n }\n return cache.find(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args)).value\n }\n}"},_mainFunction:"(utils, { opts }) => {\n if (!window.chrome) {\n // Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome\n // fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'chrome')`\n Object.defineProperty(window, 'chrome', {\n writable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: false, // note!\n value: {} // We'll extend that later\n })\n }\n\n // That means we're running headful and don't need to mock anything\n if ('loadTimes' in window.chrome) {\n return // Nothing to do here\n }\n\n // Check that the Navigation Timing API v1 + v2 is available, we need that\n if (\n !window.performance ||\n !window.performance.timing ||\n !window.PerformancePaintTiming\n ) {\n return\n }\n\n const { performance } = window\n\n // Some stuff is not available on about:blank as it requires a navigation to occur,\n // let's harden the code to not fail then:\n const ntEntryFallback = {\n nextHopProtocol: 'h2',\n type: 'other'\n }\n\n // The API exposes some funky info regarding the connection\n const protocolInfo = {\n get connectionInfo() {\n const ntEntry =\n performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback\n return ntEntry.nextHopProtocol\n },\n get npnNegotiatedProtocol() {\n // NPN is deprecated in favor of ALPN, but this implementation returns the\n // HTTP/2 or HTTP2+QUIC/39 requests negotiated via ALPN.\n const ntEntry =\n performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback\n return ['h2', 'hq'].includes(ntEntry.nextHopProtocol)\n ? ntEntry.nextHopProtocol\n : 'unknown'\n },\n get navigationType() {\n const ntEntry =\n performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback\n return ntEntry.type\n },\n get wasAlternateProtocolAvailable() {\n // The Alternate-Protocol header is deprecated in favor of Alt-Svc\n // (https://www.mnot.net/blog/2016/03/09/alt-svc), so technically this\n // should always return false.\n return false\n },\n get wasFetchedViaSpdy() {\n // SPDY is deprecated in favor of HTTP/2, but this implementation returns\n // true for HTTP/2 or HTTP2+QUIC/39 as well.\n const ntEntry =\n performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback\n return ['h2', 'hq'].includes(ntEntry.nextHopProtocol)\n },\n get wasNpnNegotiated() {\n // NPN is deprecated in favor of ALPN, but this implementation returns true\n // for HTTP/2 or HTTP2+QUIC/39 requests negotiated via ALPN.\n const ntEntry =\n performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback\n return ['h2', 'hq'].includes(ntEntry.nextHopProtocol)\n }\n }\n\n const { timing } = window.performance\n\n // Truncate number to specific number of decimals, most of the `loadTimes` stuff has 3\n function toFixed(num, fixed) {\n var re = new RegExp('^-?\\\\d+(?:.\\\\d{0,' + (fixed || -1) + '})?')\n return num.toString().match(re)[0]\n }\n\n const timingInfo = {\n get firstPaintAfterLoadTime() {\n // This was never actually implemented and always returns 0.\n return 0\n },\n get requestTime() {\n return timing.navigationStart / 1000\n },\n get startLoadTime() {\n return timing.navigationStart / 1000\n },\n get commitLoadTime() {\n return timing.responseStart / 1000\n },\n get finishDocumentLoadTime() {\n return timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd / 1000\n },\n get finishLoadTime() {\n return timing.loadEventEnd / 1000\n },\n get firstPaintTime() {\n const fpEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('paint')[0] || {\n startTime: timing.loadEventEnd / 1000 // Fallback if no navigation occured (`about:blank`)\n }\n return toFixed(\n (fpEntry.startTime + performance.timeOrigin) / 1000,\n 3\n )\n }\n }\n\n window.chrome.loadTimes = function() {\n return {\n ...protocolInfo,\n ...timingInfo\n }\n }\n utils.patchToString(window.chrome.loadTimes)\n }",_args:[{opts:{}}]}),(({_utilsFns:_utilsFns,_mainFunction:_mainFunction,_args:_args})=>{const utils=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key,value])=>[key,eval(value)])));utils.init(),eval(_mainFunction)(utils,..._args)})({_utilsFns:{init:"() => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n}",stripProxyFromErrors:"(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {\n setPrototypeOf: function (target, proto) {\n if (proto === null)\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value')\n if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target) === Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {\n throw new TypeError('Cyclic __proto__ value')\n }\n return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)\n }\n }\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function () {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = (stack, stripFirstLine = true) => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => !(index === 1 && stripFirstLine))\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = (stack, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n anchor = anchor || `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Special cases due to our nested toString proxies\n err.stack = err.stack.replace(\n 'at Object.toString (',\n 'at Function.toString ('\n )\n if ((err.stack || '').includes('at Function.toString (')) {\n err.stack = stripWithBlacklist(err.stack, false)\n throw err\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}",stripErrorWithAnchor:"(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}",replaceProperty:"(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}",preloadCache:"() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}",makeNativeString:"(name = '') => {\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}",patchToString:"(obj, str = '') => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",patchToStringNested:"(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}",redirectToString:"(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n if (typeof ctx === 'undefined' || ctx === null) {\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",replaceWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get\n const fnStr = fn.toString() // special getter function string\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(fn, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { get: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj, fnStr)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterSetter:"(obj, propName, handlerGetterSetter) => {\n const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName)\n const handler = { ...ownPropertyDescriptor }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.get !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.get\n handler.get = function() {\n return handlerGetterSetter.get.call(this, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.get, nativeFn)\n }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.set !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.set\n handler.set = function(newValue) {\n handlerGetterSetter.set.call(this, newValue, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.set, nativeFn)\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, handler)\n}",mockWithProxy:"(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}",createProxy:"(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}",splitObjPath:"objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})",replaceObjPathWithProxy:"(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}",execRecursively:"(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}",stringifyFns:"(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}",materializeFns:"(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}",makeHandler:"() => ({\n // Used by simple `navigator` getter evasions\n getterValue: value => ({\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n // Let's fetch the value first, to trigger and escalate potential errors\n // Illegal invocations like `navigator.__proto__.vendor` will throw here\n utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n return value\n }\n })\n})",arrayEquals:"(array1, array2) => {\n if (array1.length !== array2.length) {\n return false\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {\n if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n}",memoize:"fn => {\n const cache = []\n return function(...args) {\n if (!cache.some(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args))) {\n cache.push({ key: args, value: fn.apply(this, args) })\n }\n return cache.find(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args)).value\n }\n}"},_mainFunction:"(utils, { opts, STATIC_DATA }) => {\n if (!window.chrome) {\n // Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome\n // fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'chrome')`\n Object.defineProperty(window, 'chrome', {\n writable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: false, // note!\n value: {} // We'll extend that later\n })\n }\n\n // That means we're running headful and don't need to mock anything\n const existsAlready = 'runtime' in window.chrome\n // `chrome.runtime` is only exposed on secure origins\n const isNotSecure = !window.location.protocol.startsWith('https')\n if (existsAlready || (isNotSecure && !opts.runOnInsecureOrigins)) {\n return // Nothing to do here\n }\n\n window.chrome.runtime = {\n // There's a bunch of static data in that property which doesn't seem to change,\n // we should periodically check for updates: `JSON.stringify(window.chrome.runtime, null, 2)`\n ...STATIC_DATA,\n // `chrome.runtime.id` is extension related and returns undefined in Chrome\n get id() {\n return undefined\n },\n // These two require more sophisticated mocks\n connect: null,\n sendMessage: null\n }\n\n const makeCustomRuntimeErrors = (preamble, method, extensionId) => ({\n NoMatchingSignature: new TypeError(\n preamble + `No matching signature.`\n ),\n MustSpecifyExtensionID: new TypeError(\n preamble +\n `${method} called from a webpage must specify an Extension ID (string) for its first argument.`\n ),\n InvalidExtensionID: new TypeError(\n preamble + `Invalid extension id: '${extensionId}'`\n )\n })\n\n // Valid Extension IDs are 32 characters in length and use the letter `a` to `p`:\n // https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/master:components/crx_file/id_util.cc;drc=14a055ccb17e8c8d5d437fe080faba4c6f07beac;l=90\n const isValidExtensionID = str =>\n str.length === 32 && str.toLowerCase().match(/^[a-p]+$/)\n\n /** Mock `chrome.runtime.sendMessage` */\n const sendMessageHandler = {\n apply: function(target, ctx, args) {\n const [extensionId, options, responseCallback] = args || []\n\n // Define custom errors\n const errorPreamble = `Error in invocation of runtime.sendMessage(optional string extensionId, any message, optional object options, optional function responseCallback): `\n const Errors = makeCustomRuntimeErrors(\n errorPreamble,\n `chrome.runtime.sendMessage()`,\n extensionId\n )\n\n // Check if the call signature looks ok\n const noArguments = args.length === 0\n const tooManyArguments = args.length > 4\n const incorrectOptions = options && typeof options !== 'object'\n const incorrectResponseCallback =\n responseCallback && typeof responseCallback !== 'function'\n if (\n noArguments ||\n tooManyArguments ||\n incorrectOptions ||\n incorrectResponseCallback\n ) {\n throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature\n }\n\n // At least 2 arguments are required before we even validate the extension ID\n if (args.length < 2) {\n throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID\n }\n\n // Now let's make sure we got a string as extension ID\n if (typeof extensionId !== 'string') {\n throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature\n }\n\n if (!isValidExtensionID(extensionId)) {\n throw Errors.InvalidExtensionID\n }\n\n return undefined // Normal behavior\n }\n }\n utils.mockWithProxy(\n window.chrome.runtime,\n 'sendMessage',\n function sendMessage() {},\n sendMessageHandler\n )\n\n /**\n * Mock `chrome.runtime.connect`\n *\n * @see https://developer.chrome.com/apps/runtime#method-connect\n */\n const connectHandler = {\n apply: function(target, ctx, args) {\n const [extensionId, connectInfo] = args || []\n\n // Define custom errors\n const errorPreamble = `Error in invocation of runtime.connect(optional string extensionId, optional object connectInfo): `\n const Errors = makeCustomRuntimeErrors(\n errorPreamble,\n `chrome.runtime.connect()`,\n extensionId\n )\n\n // Behavior differs a bit from sendMessage:\n const noArguments = args.length === 0\n const emptyStringArgument = args.length === 1 && extensionId === ''\n if (noArguments || emptyStringArgument) {\n throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID\n }\n\n const tooManyArguments = args.length > 2\n const incorrectConnectInfoType =\n connectInfo && typeof connectInfo !== 'object'\n\n if (tooManyArguments || incorrectConnectInfoType) {\n throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature\n }\n\n const extensionIdIsString = typeof extensionId === 'string'\n if (extensionIdIsString && extensionId === '') {\n throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID\n }\n if (extensionIdIsString && !isValidExtensionID(extensionId)) {\n throw Errors.InvalidExtensionID\n }\n\n // There's another edge-case here: extensionId is optional so we might find a connectInfo object as first param, which we need to validate\n const validateConnectInfo = ci => {\n // More than a first param connectInfo as been provided\n if (args.length > 1) {\n throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature\n }\n // An empty connectInfo has been provided\n if (Object.keys(ci).length === 0) {\n throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID\n }\n // Loop over all connectInfo props an check them\n Object.entries(ci).forEach(([k, v]) => {\n const isExpected = ['name', 'includeTlsChannelId'].includes(k)\n if (!isExpected) {\n throw new TypeError(\n errorPreamble + `Unexpected property: '${k}'.`\n )\n }\n const MismatchError = (propName, expected, found) =>\n TypeError(\n errorPreamble +\n `Error at property '${propName}': Invalid type: expected ${expected}, found ${found}.`\n )\n if (k === 'name' && typeof v !== 'string') {\n throw MismatchError(k, 'string', typeof v)\n }\n if (k === 'includeTlsChannelId' && typeof v !== 'boolean') {\n throw MismatchError(k, 'boolean', typeof v)\n }\n })\n }\n if (typeof extensionId === 'object') {\n validateConnectInfo(extensionId)\n throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID\n }\n\n // Unfortunately even when the connect fails Chrome will return an object with methods we need to mock as well\n return utils.patchToStringNested(makeConnectResponse())\n }\n }\n utils.mockWithProxy(\n window.chrome.runtime,\n 'connect',\n function connect() {},\n connectHandler\n )\n\n function makeConnectResponse() {\n const onSomething = () => ({\n addListener: function addListener() {},\n dispatch: function dispatch() {},\n hasListener: function hasListener() {},\n hasListeners: function hasListeners() {\n return false\n },\n removeListener: function removeListener() {}\n })\n\n const response = {\n name: '',\n sender: undefined,\n disconnect: function disconnect() {},\n onDisconnect: onSomething(),\n onMessage: onSomething(),\n postMessage: function postMessage() {\n if (!arguments.length) {\n throw new TypeError(`Insufficient number of arguments.`)\n }\n throw new Error(`Attempting to use a disconnected port object`)\n }\n }\n return response\n }\n }",_args:[{opts:{runOnInsecureOrigins:!1},STATIC_DATA:{OnInstalledReason:{CHROME_UPDATE:"chrome_update",INSTALL:"install",SHARED_MODULE_UPDATE:"shared_module_update",UPDATE:"update"},OnRestartRequiredReason:{APP_UPDATE:"app_update",OS_UPDATE:"os_update",PERIODIC:"periodic"},PlatformArch:{ARM:"arm",ARM64:"arm64",MIPS:"mips",MIPS64:"mips64",X86_32:"x86-32",X86_64:"x86-64"},PlatformNaclArch:{ARM:"arm",MIPS:"mips",MIPS64:"mips64",X86_32:"x86-32",X86_64:"x86-64"},PlatformOs:{ANDROID:"android",CROS:"cros",LINUX:"linux",MAC:"mac",OPENBSD:"openbsd",WIN:"win"},RequestUpdateCheckStatus:{NO_UPDATE:"no_update",THROTTLED:"throttled",UPDATE_AVAILABLE:"update_available"}}}]}),(({_utilsFns:_utilsFns,_mainFunction:_mainFunction,_args:_args})=>{const utils=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key,value])=>[key,eval(value)])));utils.init(),eval(_mainFunction)(utils,..._args)})({_utilsFns:{init:"() => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n}",stripProxyFromErrors:"(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {\n setPrototypeOf: function (target, proto) {\n if (proto === null)\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value')\n if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target) === Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {\n throw new TypeError('Cyclic __proto__ value')\n }\n return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)\n }\n }\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function () {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = (stack, stripFirstLine = true) => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => !(index === 1 && stripFirstLine))\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = (stack, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n anchor = anchor || `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Special cases due to our nested toString proxies\n err.stack = err.stack.replace(\n 'at Object.toString (',\n 'at Function.toString ('\n )\n if ((err.stack || '').includes('at Function.toString (')) {\n err.stack = stripWithBlacklist(err.stack, false)\n throw err\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}",stripErrorWithAnchor:"(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}",replaceProperty:"(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}",preloadCache:"() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}",makeNativeString:"(name = '') => {\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}",patchToString:"(obj, str = '') => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",patchToStringNested:"(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}",redirectToString:"(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n if (typeof ctx === 'undefined' || ctx === null) {\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",replaceWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get\n const fnStr = fn.toString() // special getter function string\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(fn, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { get: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj, fnStr)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterSetter:"(obj, propName, handlerGetterSetter) => {\n const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName)\n const handler = { ...ownPropertyDescriptor }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.get !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.get\n handler.get = function() {\n return handlerGetterSetter.get.call(this, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.get, nativeFn)\n }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.set !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.set\n handler.set = function(newValue) {\n handlerGetterSetter.set.call(this, newValue, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.set, nativeFn)\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, handler)\n}",mockWithProxy:"(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}",createProxy:"(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}",splitObjPath:"objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})",replaceObjPathWithProxy:"(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}",execRecursively:"(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}",stringifyFns:"(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}",materializeFns:"(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}",makeHandler:"() => ({\n // Used by simple `navigator` getter evasions\n getterValue: value => ({\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n // Let's fetch the value first, to trigger and escalate potential errors\n // Illegal invocations like `navigator.__proto__.vendor` will throw here\n utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n return value\n }\n })\n})",arrayEquals:"(array1, array2) => {\n if (array1.length !== array2.length) {\n return false\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {\n if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n}",memoize:"fn => {\n const cache = []\n return function(...args) {\n if (!cache.some(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args))) {\n cache.push({ key: args, value: fn.apply(this, args) })\n }\n return cache.find(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args)).value\n }\n}"},_mainFunction:"utils => {\n /**\n * Input might look funky, we need to normalize it so e.g. whitespace isn't an issue for our spoofing.\n *\n * @example\n * video/webm; codecs=\"vp8, vorbis\"\n * video/mp4; codecs=\"avc1.42E01E\"\n * audio/x-m4a;\n * audio/ogg; codecs=\"vorbis\"\n * @param {String} arg\n */\n const parseInput = arg => {\n const [mime, codecStr] = arg.trim().split(';')\n let codecs = []\n if (codecStr && codecStr.includes('codecs=\"')) {\n codecs = codecStr\n .trim()\n .replace(`codecs=\"`, '')\n .replace(`\"`, '')\n .trim()\n .split(',')\n .filter(x => !!x)\n .map(x => x.trim())\n }\n return {\n mime,\n codecStr,\n codecs\n }\n }\n\n const canPlayType = {\n // Intercept certain requests\n apply: function(target, ctx, args) {\n if (!args || !args.length) {\n return target.apply(ctx, args)\n }\n const { mime, codecs } = parseInput(args[0])\n // This specific mp4 codec is missing in Chromium\n if (mime === 'video/mp4') {\n if (codecs.includes('avc1.42E01E')) {\n return 'probably'\n }\n }\n // This mimetype is only supported if no codecs are specified\n if (mime === 'audio/x-m4a' && !codecs.length) {\n return 'maybe'\n }\n\n // This mimetype is only supported if no codecs are specified\n if (mime === 'audio/aac' && !codecs.length) {\n return 'probably'\n }\n // Everything else as usual\n return target.apply(ctx, args)\n }\n }\n\n /* global HTMLMediaElement */\n utils.replaceWithProxy(\n HTMLMediaElement.prototype,\n 'canPlayType',\n canPlayType\n )\n }",_args:[]}),(({_utilsFns:_utilsFns,_mainFunction:_mainFunction,_args:_args})=>{const utils=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key,value])=>[key,eval(value)])));utils.init(),eval(_mainFunction)(utils,..._args)})({_utilsFns:{init:"() => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n}",stripProxyFromErrors:"(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {\n setPrototypeOf: function (target, proto) {\n if (proto === null)\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value')\n if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target) === Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {\n throw new TypeError('Cyclic __proto__ value')\n }\n return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)\n }\n }\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function () {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = (stack, stripFirstLine = true) => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => !(index === 1 && stripFirstLine))\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = (stack, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n anchor = anchor || `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Special cases due to our nested toString proxies\n err.stack = err.stack.replace(\n 'at Object.toString (',\n 'at Function.toString ('\n )\n if ((err.stack || '').includes('at Function.toString (')) {\n err.stack = stripWithBlacklist(err.stack, false)\n throw err\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}",stripErrorWithAnchor:"(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}",replaceProperty:"(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}",preloadCache:"() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}",makeNativeString:"(name = '') => {\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}",patchToString:"(obj, str = '') => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",patchToStringNested:"(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}",redirectToString:"(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n if (typeof ctx === 'undefined' || ctx === null) {\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",replaceWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get\n const fnStr = fn.toString() // special getter function string\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(fn, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { get: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj, fnStr)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterSetter:"(obj, propName, handlerGetterSetter) => {\n const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName)\n const handler = { ...ownPropertyDescriptor }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.get !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.get\n handler.get = function() {\n return handlerGetterSetter.get.call(this, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.get, nativeFn)\n }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.set !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.set\n handler.set = function(newValue) {\n handlerGetterSetter.set.call(this, newValue, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.set, nativeFn)\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, handler)\n}",mockWithProxy:"(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}",createProxy:"(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}",splitObjPath:"objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})",replaceObjPathWithProxy:"(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}",execRecursively:"(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}",stringifyFns:"(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}",materializeFns:"(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}",makeHandler:"() => ({\n // Used by simple `navigator` getter evasions\n getterValue: value => ({\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n // Let's fetch the value first, to trigger and escalate potential errors\n // Illegal invocations like `navigator.__proto__.vendor` will throw here\n utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n return value\n }\n })\n})",arrayEquals:"(array1, array2) => {\n if (array1.length !== array2.length) {\n return false\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {\n if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n}",memoize:"fn => {\n const cache = []\n return function(...args) {\n if (!cache.some(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args))) {\n cache.push({ key: args, value: fn.apply(this, args) })\n }\n return cache.find(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args)).value\n }\n}"},_mainFunction:"(utils, { opts }) => {\n utils.replaceGetterWithProxy(\n Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator),\n 'hardwareConcurrency',\n utils.makeHandler().getterValue(opts.hardwareConcurrency)\n )\n }",_args:[{opts:{hardwareConcurrency:4}}]}),(({_utilsFns:_utilsFns,_mainFunction:_mainFunction,_args:_args})=>{const utils=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key,value])=>[key,eval(value)])));utils.init(),eval(_mainFunction)(utils,..._args)})({_utilsFns:{init:"() => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n}",stripProxyFromErrors:"(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {\n setPrototypeOf: function (target, proto) {\n if (proto === null)\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value')\n if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target) === Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {\n throw new TypeError('Cyclic __proto__ value')\n }\n return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)\n }\n }\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function () {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = (stack, stripFirstLine = true) => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => !(index === 1 && stripFirstLine))\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = (stack, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n anchor = anchor || `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Special cases due to our nested toString proxies\n err.stack = err.stack.replace(\n 'at Object.toString (',\n 'at Function.toString ('\n )\n if ((err.stack || '').includes('at Function.toString (')) {\n err.stack = stripWithBlacklist(err.stack, false)\n throw err\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}",stripErrorWithAnchor:"(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}",replaceProperty:"(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}",preloadCache:"() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}",makeNativeString:"(name = '') => {\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}",patchToString:"(obj, str = '') => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",patchToStringNested:"(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}",redirectToString:"(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n if (typeof ctx === 'undefined' || ctx === null) {\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",replaceWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get\n const fnStr = fn.toString() // special getter function string\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(fn, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { get: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj, fnStr)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterSetter:"(obj, propName, handlerGetterSetter) => {\n const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName)\n const handler = { ...ownPropertyDescriptor }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.get !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.get\n handler.get = function() {\n return handlerGetterSetter.get.call(this, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.get, nativeFn)\n }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.set !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.set\n handler.set = function(newValue) {\n handlerGetterSetter.set.call(this, newValue, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.set, nativeFn)\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, handler)\n}",mockWithProxy:"(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}",createProxy:"(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}",splitObjPath:"objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})",replaceObjPathWithProxy:"(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}",execRecursively:"(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}",stringifyFns:"(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}",materializeFns:"(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}",makeHandler:"() => ({\n // Used by simple `navigator` getter evasions\n getterValue: value => ({\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n // Let's fetch the value first, to trigger and escalate potential errors\n // Illegal invocations like `navigator.__proto__.vendor` will throw here\n utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n return value\n }\n })\n})",arrayEquals:"(array1, array2) => {\n if (array1.length !== array2.length) {\n return false\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {\n if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n}",memoize:"fn => {\n const cache = []\n return function(...args) {\n if (!cache.some(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args))) {\n cache.push({ key: args, value: fn.apply(this, args) })\n }\n return cache.find(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args)).value\n }\n}"},_mainFunction:"(utils, { opts }) => {\n const languages = opts.languages.length\n ? opts.languages\n : ['en-US', 'en']\n utils.replaceGetterWithProxy(\n Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator),\n 'languages',\n utils.makeHandler().getterValue(Object.freeze([...languages]))\n )\n }",_args:[{opts:{languages:[]}}]}),(({_utilsFns:_utilsFns,_mainFunction:_mainFunction,_args:_args})=>{const utils=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key,value])=>[key,eval(value)])));utils.init(),eval(_mainFunction)(utils,..._args)})({_utilsFns:{init:"() => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n}",stripProxyFromErrors:"(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {\n setPrototypeOf: function (target, proto) {\n if (proto === null)\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value')\n if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target) === Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {\n throw new TypeError('Cyclic __proto__ value')\n }\n return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)\n }\n }\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function () {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = (stack, stripFirstLine = true) => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => !(index === 1 && stripFirstLine))\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = (stack, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n anchor = anchor || `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Special cases due to our nested toString proxies\n err.stack = err.stack.replace(\n 'at Object.toString (',\n 'at Function.toString ('\n )\n if ((err.stack || '').includes('at Function.toString (')) {\n err.stack = stripWithBlacklist(err.stack, false)\n throw err\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}",stripErrorWithAnchor:"(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}",replaceProperty:"(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}",preloadCache:"() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}",makeNativeString:"(name = '') => {\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}",patchToString:"(obj, str = '') => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",patchToStringNested:"(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}",redirectToString:"(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n if (typeof ctx === 'undefined' || ctx === null) {\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",replaceWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get\n const fnStr = fn.toString() // special getter function string\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(fn, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { get: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj, fnStr)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterSetter:"(obj, propName, handlerGetterSetter) => {\n const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName)\n const handler = { ...ownPropertyDescriptor }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.get !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.get\n handler.get = function() {\n return handlerGetterSetter.get.call(this, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.get, nativeFn)\n }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.set !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.set\n handler.set = function(newValue) {\n handlerGetterSetter.set.call(this, newValue, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.set, nativeFn)\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, handler)\n}",mockWithProxy:"(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}",createProxy:"(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}",splitObjPath:"objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})",replaceObjPathWithProxy:"(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}",execRecursively:"(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}",stringifyFns:"(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}",materializeFns:"(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}",makeHandler:"() => ({\n // Used by simple `navigator` getter evasions\n getterValue: value => ({\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n // Let's fetch the value first, to trigger and escalate potential errors\n // Illegal invocations like `navigator.__proto__.vendor` will throw here\n utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n return value\n }\n })\n})",arrayEquals:"(array1, array2) => {\n if (array1.length !== array2.length) {\n return false\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {\n if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n}",memoize:"fn => {\n const cache = []\n return function(...args) {\n if (!cache.some(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args))) {\n cache.push({ key: args, value: fn.apply(this, args) })\n }\n return cache.find(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args)).value\n }\n}"},_mainFunction:"(utils, opts) => {\n const isSecure = document.location.protocol.startsWith('https')\n\n // In headful on secure origins the permission should be \"default\", not \"denied\"\n if (isSecure) {\n utils.replaceGetterWithProxy(Notification, 'permission', {\n apply() {\n return 'default'\n }\n })\n }\n\n // Another weird behavior:\n // On insecure origins in headful the state is \"denied\",\n // whereas in headless it's \"prompt\"\n if (!isSecure) {\n const handler = {\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n const param = (args || [])[0]\n\n const isNotifications =\n param && param.name && param.name === 'notifications'\n if (!isNotifications) {\n return utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n }\n\n return Promise.resolve(\n Object.setPrototypeOf(\n {\n state: 'denied',\n onchange: null\n },\n PermissionStatus.prototype\n )\n )\n }\n }\n // Note: Don't use `Object.getPrototypeOf` here\n utils.replaceWithProxy(Permissions.prototype, 'query', handler)\n }\n }",_args:[{}]}),(({_utilsFns:_utilsFns,_mainFunction:_mainFunction,_args:_args})=>{const utils=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key,value])=>[key,eval(value)])));utils.init(),eval(_mainFunction)(utils,..._args)})({_utilsFns:{init:"() => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n}",stripProxyFromErrors:"(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {\n setPrototypeOf: function (target, proto) {\n if (proto === null)\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value')\n if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target) === Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {\n throw new TypeError('Cyclic __proto__ value')\n }\n return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)\n }\n }\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function () {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = (stack, stripFirstLine = true) => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => !(index === 1 && stripFirstLine))\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = (stack, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n anchor = anchor || `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Special cases due to our nested toString proxies\n err.stack = err.stack.replace(\n 'at Object.toString (',\n 'at Function.toString ('\n )\n if ((err.stack || '').includes('at Function.toString (')) {\n err.stack = stripWithBlacklist(err.stack, false)\n throw err\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}",stripErrorWithAnchor:"(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}",replaceProperty:"(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}",preloadCache:"() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}",makeNativeString:"(name = '') => {\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}",patchToString:"(obj, str = '') => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",patchToStringNested:"(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}",redirectToString:"(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n if (typeof ctx === 'undefined' || ctx === null) {\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",replaceWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get\n const fnStr = fn.toString() // special getter function string\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(fn, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { get: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj, fnStr)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterSetter:"(obj, propName, handlerGetterSetter) => {\n const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName)\n const handler = { ...ownPropertyDescriptor }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.get !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.get\n handler.get = function() {\n return handlerGetterSetter.get.call(this, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.get, nativeFn)\n }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.set !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.set\n handler.set = function(newValue) {\n handlerGetterSetter.set.call(this, newValue, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.set, nativeFn)\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, handler)\n}",mockWithProxy:"(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}",createProxy:"(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}",splitObjPath:"objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})",replaceObjPathWithProxy:"(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}",execRecursively:"(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}",stringifyFns:"(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}",materializeFns:"(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}",makeHandler:"() => ({\n // Used by simple `navigator` getter evasions\n getterValue: value => ({\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n // Let's fetch the value first, to trigger and escalate potential errors\n // Illegal invocations like `navigator.__proto__.vendor` will throw here\n utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n return value\n }\n })\n})",arrayEquals:"(array1, array2) => {\n if (array1.length !== array2.length) {\n return false\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {\n if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n}",memoize:"fn => {\n const cache = []\n return function(...args) {\n if (!cache.some(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args))) {\n cache.push({ key: args, value: fn.apply(this, args) })\n }\n return cache.find(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args)).value\n }\n}"},_mainFunction:"(utils, { fns, data }) => {\n fns = utils.materializeFns(fns)\n\n // That means we're running headful\n const hasPlugins = 'plugins' in navigator && navigator.plugins.length\n if (hasPlugins) {\n return // nothing to do here\n }\n\n const mimeTypes = fns.generateMimeTypeArray(utils, fns)(data.mimeTypes)\n const plugins = fns.generatePluginArray(utils, fns)(data.plugins)\n\n // Plugin and MimeType cross-reference each other, let's do that now\n // Note: We're looping through `data.plugins` here, not the generated `plugins`\n for (const pluginData of data.plugins) {\n pluginData.__mimeTypes.forEach((type, index) => {\n plugins[pluginData.name][index] = mimeTypes[type]\n\n Object.defineProperty(plugins[pluginData.name], type, {\n value: mimeTypes[type],\n writable: false,\n enumerable: false, // Not enumerable\n configurable: true\n })\n Object.defineProperty(mimeTypes[type], 'enabledPlugin', {\n value:\n type === 'application/x-pnacl'\n ? mimeTypes['application/x-nacl'].enabledPlugin // these reference the same plugin, so we need to re-use the Proxy in order to avoid leaks\n : new Proxy(plugins[pluginData.name], {}), // Prevent circular references\n writable: false,\n enumerable: false, // Important: `JSON.stringify(navigator.plugins)`\n configurable: true\n })\n })\n }\n\n const patchNavigator = (name, value) =>\n utils.replaceProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator), name, {\n get() {\n return value\n }\n })\n\n patchNavigator('mimeTypes', mimeTypes)\n patchNavigator('plugins', plugins)\n\n // All done\n }",_args:[{fns:{generateMimeTypeArray:"(utils, fns) => mimeTypesData => {\n return fns.generateMagicArray(utils, fns)(\n mimeTypesData,\n MimeTypeArray.prototype,\n MimeType.prototype,\n 'type'\n )\n}",generatePluginArray:"(utils, fns) => pluginsData => {\n return fns.generateMagicArray(utils, fns)(\n pluginsData,\n PluginArray.prototype,\n Plugin.prototype,\n 'name'\n )\n}",generateMagicArray:"(utils, fns) =>\n function(\n dataArray = [],\n proto = MimeTypeArray.prototype,\n itemProto = MimeType.prototype,\n itemMainProp = 'type'\n ) {\n // Quick helper to set props with the same descriptors vanilla is using\n const defineProp = (obj, prop, value) =>\n Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {\n value,\n writable: false,\n enumerable: false, // Important for mimeTypes & plugins: `JSON.stringify(navigator.mimeTypes)`\n configurable: true\n })\n\n // Loop over our fake data and construct items\n const makeItem = data => {\n const item = {}\n for (const prop of Object.keys(data)) {\n if (prop.startsWith('__')) {\n continue\n }\n defineProp(item, prop, data[prop])\n }\n return patchItem(item, data)\n }\n\n const patchItem = (item, data) => {\n let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(item)\n\n // Special case: Plugins have a magic length property which is not enumerable\n // e.g. `navigator.plugins[i].length` should always be the length of the assigned mimeTypes\n if (itemProto === Plugin.prototype) {\n descriptor = {\n ...descriptor,\n length: {\n value: data.__mimeTypes.length,\n writable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true // Important to be able to use the ownKeys trap in a Proxy to strip `length`\n }\n }\n }\n\n // We need to spoof a specific `MimeType` or `Plugin` object\n const obj = Object.create(itemProto, descriptor)\n\n // Virtually all property keys are not enumerable in vanilla\n const blacklist = [...Object.keys(data), 'length', 'enabledPlugin']\n return new Proxy(obj, {\n ownKeys(target) {\n return Reflect.ownKeys(target).filter(k => !blacklist.includes(k))\n },\n getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) {\n if (blacklist.includes(prop)) {\n return undefined\n }\n return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop)\n }\n })\n }\n\n const magicArray = []\n\n // Loop through our fake data and use that to create convincing entities\n dataArray.forEach(data => {\n magicArray.push(makeItem(data))\n })\n\n // Add direct property access based on types (e.g. `obj['application/pdf']`) afterwards\n magicArray.forEach(entry => {\n defineProp(magicArray, entry[itemMainProp], entry)\n })\n\n // This is the best way to fake the type to make sure this is false: `Array.isArray(navigator.mimeTypes)`\n const magicArrayObj = Object.create(proto, {\n ...Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(magicArray),\n\n // There's one ugly quirk we unfortunately need to take care of:\n // The `MimeTypeArray` prototype has an enumerable `length` property,\n // but headful Chrome will still skip it when running `Object.getOwnPropertyNames(navigator.mimeTypes)`.\n // To strip it we need to make it first `configurable` and can then overlay a Proxy with an `ownKeys` trap.\n length: {\n value: magicArray.length,\n writable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true // Important to be able to use the ownKeys trap in a Proxy to strip `length`\n }\n })\n\n // Generate our functional function mocks :-)\n const functionMocks = fns.generateFunctionMocks(utils)(\n proto,\n itemMainProp,\n magicArray\n )\n\n // We need to overlay our custom object with a JS Proxy\n const magicArrayObjProxy = new Proxy(magicArrayObj, {\n get(target, key = '') {\n // Redirect function calls to our custom proxied versions mocking the vanilla behavior\n if (key === 'item') {\n return functionMocks.item\n }\n if (key === 'namedItem') {\n return functionMocks.namedItem\n }\n if (proto === PluginArray.prototype && key === 'refresh') {\n return functionMocks.refresh\n }\n // Everything else can pass through as normal\n return utils.cache.Reflect.get(...arguments)\n },\n ownKeys(target) {\n // There are a couple of quirks where the original property demonstrates \"magical\" behavior that makes no sense\n // This can be witnessed when calling `Object.getOwnPropertyNames(navigator.mimeTypes)` and the absense of `length`\n // My guess is that it has to do with the recent change of not allowing data enumeration and this being implemented weirdly\n // For that reason we just completely fake the available property names based on our data to match what regular Chrome is doing\n // Specific issues when not patching this: `length` property is available, direct `types` props (e.g. `obj['application/pdf']`) are missing\n const keys = []\n const typeProps = magicArray.map(mt => mt[itemMainProp])\n typeProps.forEach((_, i) => keys.push(`${i}`))\n typeProps.forEach(propName => keys.push(propName))\n return keys\n },\n getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) {\n if (prop === 'length') {\n return undefined\n }\n return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop)\n }\n })\n\n return magicArrayObjProxy\n }",generateFunctionMocks:"utils => (\n proto,\n itemMainProp,\n dataArray\n) => ({\n /** Returns the MimeType object with the specified index. */\n item: utils.createProxy(proto.item, {\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n if (!args.length) {\n throw new TypeError(\n `Failed to execute 'item' on '${\n proto[Symbol.toStringTag]\n }': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.`\n )\n }\n // Special behavior alert:\n // - Vanilla tries to cast strings to Numbers (only integers!) and use them as property index lookup\n // - If anything else than an integer (including as string) is provided it will return the first entry\n const isInteger = args[0] && Number.isInteger(Number(args[0])) // Cast potential string to number first, then check for integer\n // Note: Vanilla never returns `undefined`\n return (isInteger ? dataArray[Number(args[0])] : dataArray[0]) || null\n }\n }),\n /** Returns the MimeType object with the specified name. */\n namedItem: utils.createProxy(proto.namedItem, {\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n if (!args.length) {\n throw new TypeError(\n `Failed to execute 'namedItem' on '${\n proto[Symbol.toStringTag]\n }': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.`\n )\n }\n return dataArray.find(mt => mt[itemMainProp] === args[0]) || null // Not `undefined`!\n }\n }),\n /** Does nothing and shall return nothing */\n refresh: proto.refresh\n ? utils.createProxy(proto.refresh, {\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n return undefined\n }\n })\n : undefined\n})"},data:{mimeTypes:[{type:"application/pdf",suffixes:"pdf",description:"",__pluginName:"Chrome PDF Viewer"},{type:"application/x-google-chrome-pdf",suffixes:"pdf",description:"Portable Document Format",__pluginName:"Chrome PDF Plugin"},{type:"application/x-nacl",suffixes:"",description:"Native Client Executable",__pluginName:"Native Client"},{type:"application/x-pnacl",suffixes:"",description:"Portable Native Client Executable",__pluginName:"Native Client"}],plugins:[{name:"Chrome PDF Plugin",filename:"internal-pdf-viewer",description:"Portable Document Format",__mimeTypes:["application/x-google-chrome-pdf"]},{name:"Chrome PDF Viewer",filename:"mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai",description:"",__mimeTypes:["application/pdf"]},{name:"Native Client",filename:"internal-nacl-plugin",description:"",__mimeTypes:["application/x-nacl","application/x-pnacl"]}]}}]}),!1===navigator.webdriver||void 0===navigator.webdriver||delete Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator).webdriver,(({_utilsFns:_utilsFns,_mainFunction:_mainFunction,_args:_args})=>{const utils=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key,value])=>[key,eval(value)])));utils.init(),eval(_mainFunction)(utils,..._args)})({_utilsFns:{init:"() => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n}",stripProxyFromErrors:"(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {\n setPrototypeOf: function (target, proto) {\n if (proto === null)\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value')\n if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target) === Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {\n throw new TypeError('Cyclic __proto__ value')\n }\n return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)\n }\n }\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function () {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = (stack, stripFirstLine = true) => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => !(index === 1 && stripFirstLine))\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = (stack, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n anchor = anchor || `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Special cases due to our nested toString proxies\n err.stack = err.stack.replace(\n 'at Object.toString (',\n 'at Function.toString ('\n )\n if ((err.stack || '').includes('at Function.toString (')) {\n err.stack = stripWithBlacklist(err.stack, false)\n throw err\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}",stripErrorWithAnchor:"(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}",replaceProperty:"(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}",preloadCache:"() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}",makeNativeString:"(name = '') => {\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}",patchToString:"(obj, str = '') => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",patchToStringNested:"(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}",redirectToString:"(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n if (typeof ctx === 'undefined' || ctx === null) {\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",replaceWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get\n const fnStr = fn.toString() // special getter function string\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(fn, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { get: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj, fnStr)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterSetter:"(obj, propName, handlerGetterSetter) => {\n const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName)\n const handler = { ...ownPropertyDescriptor }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.get !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.get\n handler.get = function() {\n return handlerGetterSetter.get.call(this, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.get, nativeFn)\n }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.set !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.set\n handler.set = function(newValue) {\n handlerGetterSetter.set.call(this, newValue, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.set, nativeFn)\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, handler)\n}",mockWithProxy:"(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}",createProxy:"(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}",splitObjPath:"objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})",replaceObjPathWithProxy:"(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}",execRecursively:"(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}",stringifyFns:"(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}",materializeFns:"(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}",makeHandler:"() => ({\n // Used by simple `navigator` getter evasions\n getterValue: value => ({\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n // Let's fetch the value first, to trigger and escalate potential errors\n // Illegal invocations like `navigator.__proto__.vendor` will throw here\n utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n return value\n }\n })\n})",arrayEquals:"(array1, array2) => {\n if (array1.length !== array2.length) {\n return false\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {\n if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n}",memoize:"fn => {\n const cache = []\n return function(...args) {\n if (!cache.some(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args))) {\n cache.push({ key: args, value: fn.apply(this, args) })\n }\n return cache.find(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args)).value\n }\n}"},_mainFunction:"(utils, opts) => {\n const getParameterProxyHandler = {\n apply: function(target, ctx, args) {\n const param = (args || [])[0]\n const result = utils.cache.Reflect.apply(target, ctx, args)\n // UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL\n if (param === 37445) {\n return opts.vendor || 'Intel Inc.' // default in headless: Google Inc.\n }\n // UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL\n if (param === 37446) {\n return opts.renderer || 'Intel Iris OpenGL Engine' // default in headless: Google SwiftShader\n }\n return result\n }\n }\n\n // There's more than one WebGL rendering context\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL2RenderingContext#Browser_compatibility\n // To find out the original values here: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.getParameter)\n const addProxy = (obj, propName) => {\n utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, getParameterProxyHandler)\n }\n // For whatever weird reason loops don't play nice with Object.defineProperty, here's the next best thing:\n addProxy(WebGLRenderingContext.prototype, 'getParameter')\n addProxy(WebGL2RenderingContext.prototype, 'getParameter')\n }",_args:[{}]}),(()=>{try{if(window.outerWidth&&window.outerHeight)return;const n=85;window.outerWidth=window.innerWidth,window.outerHeight=window.innerHeight+n}catch(n){}})(),(({_utilsFns:_utilsFns,_mainFunction:_mainFunction,_args:_args})=>{const utils=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key,value])=>[key,eval(value)])));utils.init(),eval(_mainFunction)(utils,..._args)})({_utilsFns:{init:"() => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n}",stripProxyFromErrors:"(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {\n setPrototypeOf: function (target, proto) {\n if (proto === null)\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value')\n if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target) === Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {\n throw new TypeError('Cyclic __proto__ value')\n }\n return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto)\n }\n }\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function () {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = (stack, stripFirstLine = true) => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => !(index === 1 && stripFirstLine))\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = (stack, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n anchor = anchor || `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Special cases due to our nested toString proxies\n err.stack = err.stack.replace(\n 'at Object.toString (',\n 'at Function.toString ('\n )\n if ((err.stack || '').includes('at Function.toString (')) {\n err.stack = stripWithBlacklist(err.stack, false)\n throw err\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}",stripErrorWithAnchor:"(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}",replaceProperty:"(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}",preloadCache:"() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}",makeNativeString:"(name = '') => {\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}",patchToString:"(obj, str = '') => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",patchToStringNested:"(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}",redirectToString:"(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function (target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n if (typeof ctx === 'undefined' || ctx === null) {\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n }\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(\n Function.prototype.toString,\n utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler)\n )\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}",replaceWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterWithProxy:"(obj, propName, handler) => {\n const fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get\n const fnStr = fn.toString() // special getter function string\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(fn, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { get: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj, fnStr)\n\n return true\n}",replaceGetterSetter:"(obj, propName, handlerGetterSetter) => {\n const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName)\n const handler = { ...ownPropertyDescriptor }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.get !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.get\n handler.get = function() {\n return handlerGetterSetter.get.call(this, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.get, nativeFn)\n }\n\n if (handlerGetterSetter.set !== undefined) {\n const nativeFn = ownPropertyDescriptor.set\n handler.set = function(newValue) {\n handlerGetterSetter.set.call(this, newValue, nativeFn.bind(this))\n }\n utils.redirectToString(handler.set, nativeFn)\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, handler)\n}",mockWithProxy:"(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}",createProxy:"(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}",splitObjPath:"objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})",replaceObjPathWithProxy:"(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}",execRecursively:"(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}",stringifyFns:"(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}",materializeFns:"(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}",makeHandler:"() => ({\n // Used by simple `navigator` getter evasions\n getterValue: value => ({\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n // Let's fetch the value first, to trigger and escalate potential errors\n // Illegal invocations like `navigator.__proto__.vendor` will throw here\n utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n return value\n }\n })\n})",arrayEquals:"(array1, array2) => {\n if (array1.length !== array2.length) {\n return false\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {\n if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n}",memoize:"fn => {\n const cache = []\n return function(...args) {\n if (!cache.some(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args))) {\n cache.push({ key: args, value: fn.apply(this, args) })\n }\n return cache.find(c => utils.arrayEquals(c.key, args)).value\n }\n}"},_mainFunction:"(utils, opts) => {\n try {\n // Adds a contentWindow proxy to the provided iframe element\n const addContentWindowProxy = iframe => {\n const contentWindowProxy = {\n get(target, key) {\n // Now to the interesting part:\n // We actually make this thing behave like a regular iframe window,\n // by intercepting calls to e.g. `.self` and redirect it to the correct thing. :)\n // That makes it possible for these assertions to be correct:\n // iframe.contentWindow.self === window.top // must be false\n if (key === 'self') {\n return this\n }\n // iframe.contentWindow.frameElement === iframe // must be true\n if (key === 'frameElement') {\n return iframe\n }\n // Intercept iframe.contentWindow[0] to hide the property 0 added by the proxy.\n if (key === '0') {\n return undefined\n }\n return Reflect.get(target, key)\n }\n }\n\n if (!iframe.contentWindow) {\n const proxy = new Proxy(window, contentWindowProxy)\n Object.defineProperty(iframe, 'contentWindow', {\n get() {\n return proxy\n },\n set(newValue) {\n return newValue // contentWindow is immutable\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: false\n })\n }\n }\n\n // Handles iframe element creation, augments `srcdoc` property so we can intercept further\n const handleIframeCreation = (target, thisArg, args) => {\n const iframe = target.apply(thisArg, args)\n\n // We need to keep the originals around\n const _iframe = iframe\n const _srcdoc = _iframe.srcdoc\n\n // Add hook for the srcdoc property\n // We need to be very surgical here to not break other iframes by accident\n Object.defineProperty(iframe, 'srcdoc', {\n configurable: true, // Important, so we can reset this later\n get: function() {\n return _srcdoc\n },\n set: function(newValue) {\n addContentWindowProxy(this)\n // Reset property, the hook is only needed once\n Object.defineProperty(iframe, 'srcdoc', {\n configurable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: _srcdoc\n })\n _iframe.srcdoc = newValue\n }\n })\n return iframe\n }\n\n // Adds a hook to intercept iframe creation events\n const addIframeCreationSniffer = () => {\n /* global document */\n const createElementHandler = {\n // Make toString() native\n get(target, key) {\n return Reflect.get(target, key)\n },\n apply: function(target, thisArg, args) {\n const isIframe =\n args && args.length && `${args[0]}`.toLowerCase() === 'iframe'\n if (!isIframe) {\n // Everything as usual\n return target.apply(thisArg, args)\n } else {\n return handleIframeCreation(target, thisArg, args)\n }\n }\n }\n // All this just due to iframes with srcdoc bug\n utils.replaceWithProxy(\n document,\n 'createElement',\n createElementHandler\n )\n }\n\n // Let's go\n addIframeCreationSniffer()\n } catch (err) {\n // console.warn(err)\n }\n }",_args:[]});
find_element_by_id 通过id查找
login_form = driver.find_element_by_id('loginForm')
find_element_by_name 通过name查找
username = driver.find_element_by_name('username') password = driver.find_element_by_name('password')
find_element_by_xpath 通过xpath查找
login_form = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//form[@id='loginForm']")
find_element_by_link_text 通过链接文本获取超链接元素
continue_link = driver.find_element_by_link_text('Continue')
find_element_by_partial_link_text 通过部分链接文本获取超链接元素
continue_link = driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text('Conti')
find_element_by_tag_name 通过标签名查找
heading1 = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('h1')
find_element_by_class_name 通过类名查找
content = driver.find_element_by_class_name('content')
find_element_by_css_selector 通过css选择器查找
content = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('p.content')
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//button[text()="Some text"]') driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//button')
ID = "id" XPATH = "xpath" LINK_TEXT = "link text" PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT = "partial link text" NAME = "name" TAG_NAME = "tag name" CLASS_NAME = "class name" CSS_SELECTOR = "css selector"
有些时候,我们需要再页面上模拟一些鼠标操作,比如双击、右击、拖拽甚至按住不动等,我们可以通过导入ActionChains 类来做到。
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
- 单击元素。如果没有传入参数,则在当前鼠标位置进行操作
- 在元素上单击鼠标左键并按住不放。如果没有传入参数,则在当前鼠标位置进行操作
- 在元素上进行右击。如果没有传入参数,则在当前鼠标位置进行操作
- 在元素上进行双击。如果没有传入参数,则在当前鼠标位置进行操作
- 在起始元素上按住鼠标左键,并拖动到目标元素上进行释放
- 鼠标点击元素,并按住偏移量进行拖放
- 鼠标从当前位置按照偏移量进行移动
- 鼠标移动到元素中间位置
move_to_element_with_offset(element, xoffset, yoffset)
- 鼠标移动到元素的指定位置,比如左上角move_to_element_with_offset(element, 0, 0)
- 松掉鼠标
def mouse_move(self,slide,tracks): '''鼠标滑动''' #鼠标点击滑块并按照不放 ActionChains(self.driver).click_and_hold(slide).perform() #按照轨迹进行滑动, for track in tracks: ActionChains(self.driver).move_by_offset(track, 0).perform() ActionChains(self.driver).release(slide).perform()
source = driver.find_element_by_id('source') target = driver.find_element_by_id('target') actions = ActionChains(driver) actions.drag_and_drop(source, target) actions.perform()
我们已经知道了怎样向文本框中输入文字,但是有时候我们会碰到<select> </select>
WebDriver的支持类包括一个叫做 Select的类,他提供有用的方法处理这些内容:
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select select = Select(driver.find_element_by_name('name')) select.select_by_index(index) #index索引从0开始 select.select_by_visible_text("text") #text是在option标签文本的值,是显示在下拉框的值 select.select_by_value(value) #value是option标签的一个属性值,并不是显示在下拉框中的值
Selenium WebDriver 内置了对处理弹出对话框的支持。在你的某些动作之后可能会触发弹出对话框,你可以像下面这样访问对话框:
alert = driver.switch_to.alert() # 切换进alert print(alert.text())# 打印alert文本内容 alert.accept()# 关闭弹框(接受) # alert.dismiss() 关闭弹窗(拒绝) # alert.send_keys('selenium') 向弹窗里输入内容
// 获取当前窗口句柄 now_handler = driver.current_window_handler // 打开新的窗口句柄 script = 'window.open(https://www/zhihu.com/)' driver.execute_script(script) // 切换到原来的窗口句柄 driver.switch_to.window(now_handler) // 再切换到新打开的窗口句柄 driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[-1])
driver.switch_to.frame('iframe的id') # 也可以传入子Frame节点对象 driver.switch_to.parent_frame() # 切换回父Frame
driver.forward() driver.back()
driver.add_cookie(cookie) #cookie为dict类型
现在的大多数的Web应用程序是使用Ajax技术。当一个页面被加载到浏览器时,该页面内的元素可以在不同的时间点被加载。这使得定位元素变得困难,如果元素不再页面之中,会抛出ElementNotVisibleException异常。使用 waits, 我们可以解决这个问题。waits提供了一些操作之间的时间间隔,主要是定位元素或针对该元素的任何其他操作。
Selenium Webdriver 提供两种类型的waits:隐式和显式。显式等待会让WebDriver等待满足一定的条件以后再进一步的执行。而隐式等待让Webdriver等待一定的时间后再才是查找某元素。
这里有一些方便的方法让你只等待需要的时间。WebDriverWait结合ExpectedCondition 是实现的一种方式。
from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.get("http://somedomain/url_that_delays_loading") try: element = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "myDynamicElement")) ) finally: driver.quit()
在抛出TimeoutException异常之前将等待10秒。 WebDriverWait 默认情况下会每0.5秒调用一次ExpectedCondition直到结果成功返回。 ExpectedCondition成功的返回结果是一个布尔类型的true或是不为null的返回值。
title_is # 标题是某内容,返回True或False title_contains # 标题包含某内容,返回True或False presence_of_element_located # 节点出现(并不一定可见),参数为定位元组,比如(By.ID, 'myElement') visibility_of_element_located # 节点可见(即元素有宽和高),参数为定位元组 visibility_of # 节点可见,参数为节点对象 presence_of_all_elements_located # 所有节点出现(并不一定可见),参数为定位元组,返回节点对象数组(其实就是find_elements) text_to_be_present_in_element # 节点文本中是否包含某文本,参数1为定位元组,参数2为文本内容,返回True或False text_to_be_present_in_element_value # 节点value属性中是否包含某文本(input框),参数和返回值同上 frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it # 参数为定位元组,如果能切换到给定的frame,则切换,并返回True,否则返回False invisibility_of_element_located # 节点不可见,参数为定位元组 element_to_be_clickable # 节点是否可点击,参数为定位元组 element_to_be_selected # 节点是否可选择,参数为节点对象 staleness_of # 判断节点对象是否在DOM树中消失,消失返回True,否则返回False,可用来判断页面是否刷新,参数为节点对象 element_located_to_be_selected # 节点可选择,参数为定位元组 element_selection_state_to_be # 判断节点的选择状态,参数为节点对象和状态,相等返回True,否则返回False element_located_selection_state_to_be # 判断节点的选择状态,参数为定位元组和状态,相等返回True,否则返回False alert_is_present # 是否出现警告提示框
from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.get("http://somedomain/url_that_delays_loading") driver.implicitly_wait(10) # seconds myDynamicElement = driver.find_element_by_id("myDynamicElement")
可以在加载完成的页面上使用execute_script方法执行js。 比如调用javascript API滚动页面到底部或页面的任何位置
driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);") #滚动到当前页面底部 driver.execute_script("document.documentElement.scrollTop=10000") #向下滚动10000像素
driver.execute_script('fun = function(a,b){return a * b};') # 以这种方式定义的函数,后续可继续使用,相当于window.fun = xxx() result = driver.execute_script('return fun(3, 4)') # 12 result2 = driver.execute_script('return fun(7, 8)') # 56 result3 = driver.execute_script('let a = 5, b = 10; return a + b') # 15
选择 <input type="file"> 元素并且调用 send_keys() 方法传入要上传文件的路径,可以 是对于测试脚本的相对路径,也可以是绝对路径。
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException, NosuchElementException
- --remote-debugging-port:指定远程连接端口号
- --user-data-dir:指定配置文件的目录,目录不存在则会自动创建,避免污染默认配置文件(该参数必须指定,否则无法连接)
- --headless:无头模式(可选)
import subprocess import time from selenium import webdriver def run(): # 1、打开浏览器 # process = subprocess.Popen('D:\path\to\chrome.exe --headless --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir="E:\path\to\指定目录"') 无头模式 process = subprocess.Popen('D:\path\to\chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir="E:\path\to\指定目录"') # 2、selenium接管浏览器进行相关操作 options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_experimental_option("debuggerAddress", "") driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options) driver.get('https://www.baidu.com/') time.sleep(3) print(driver.page_source) # 3、关闭浏览器进程 process.terminate() # 或者使用 process.kill() process.wait() if __name__ == '__main__': run()
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