LPC3250 Stage 1 Loader (S1L)的命令:

SmartARM3250>help menu
help sys   Displays help and syntax for a specific command
core       S1L core system command group
image      S1L image processing command group
nand       NAND command group
mmu        MMU command group
hw         Hardware command group
SmartARM3250>help core
core       S1L core system command group
baud       Changes the system terminal baud rate
bwtest     Performs a bandwidth test on a range of memory
comp       Performs a bytewise data comparison between 2 data regions
copy       Performs a bytewise data copy between 2 data regions
dump       Dumps a range of memory
fill       Fills a range of memory with a value
info       Displays the system information and configuration
memtst     Performs 1 or more memory tests
peek       Displays a byte, half-word, or word value at an address
poke       Places a byte, half-word, or word value at an address
prompt     Changes the system prompt and autoboot timeout
rstcfg     Restores the default system configuration
SmartARM3250>help image
image      S1L image processing command group
aboot      Sets up the board autoboot configuration
boot       Boots with board with the current autoboot configuration
exec       Executes an image loaded in memory or at an address
load       Loads a file into memory from a source
ls         Displays files in the root directory of the block device
SmartARM3250>help nand
nand       NAND command group
erase      Erases a range of FLASH blocks
nandbb     Displays a list of bad NAND blocks
nburn      Stored the current binary image in memory to FLASH
nload      Loads the binary image stored in FLASH into memory
nsave      Saves the current binary image loaded in memory into FLASH
read       Reads raw data from FLASH to memory
write      Writes raw data from memory to FLASH
nrsv       Reserve a range of blocks for WinCE
nandrs     Displays a list of reserved NAND blocks
SmartARM3250>help mmu
mmu        MMU command group
dcache     Enables, disables, or flushes data cache
icache     Enables or disables instruction cache
inval      Flushes data cache and invalidates instruction cache
mmuenab    Enables or disables the MMU
map        Maps a range of physical address sections to virtual addresses
mmuinfo    Dumps page table and MMU info
SmartARM3250>help hw
hw         Hardware command group
clock      Sets the system clock frequencies
maddr      Sets the MAC address of the system
update     Updates the kickstart or the bootloader application


    通过S1L将U-Boot.bin固化到NAND FLASH中:

        load blk u-boot.bin raw 0x83fc0000
     此时已经将u-boot.bin固化到NAND FLASH中了,要设置从NAND FLASH启动:
        aboot flash raw 0x83fc0000
        prompt PHY3250> 1


smartarm3250>erase 12 2036 1
posted on 2012-04-27 20:09  风行雪舞  阅读(296)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报