Train the Tesseract OCR engine[how to do]

Training the Tesseract OCR engine is a complex and time-consuming process that involves several steps. Here is an overview of the process:

  1. Prepare your training data: This involves collecting a large number of images and their corresponding text. The text should be in the same font and size as the text in the images. You will also need to annotate the images with bounding boxes around each character or word.

  2. Generate training data: Use the Tesseract OCR engine to generate training data from the annotated images. This involves extracting features from the images and converting them into a format that Tesseract can use for training.

  3. Train the model: Use the generated training data to train a new OCR model. This involves running Tesseract with the training data and letting it learn from the data.

  4. Evaluate the model: Test the trained model on a separate set of images to evaluate its accuracy. If the accuracy is not satisfactory, you may need to adjust the training data and retrain the model.

  5. Install the new model: Once you are satisfied with the accuracy of the trained model, install it so that Tesseract can use it for OCR.

There are several tools available to assist with the training process, including jTessBoxEditor, tesseract-ocr-training, and Kraken. Each of these tools has its own strengths and weaknesses, so you may need to try several to find the one that works best for your needs.

posted on 2023-04-18 13:19  ekse  阅读(29)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
