Are you ready for your dream job? Find the words or phrases with the meanings below. ff Available JOBS 阅读全文
Look at the ads for exercise equipment. which do you think is the best buy? Why? Yoga Mat for push-up Because it's too cold to do push ups directly on 阅读全文
What's the worst experience you've had while travelling? Describe what happened. Discuss with a partner plane time delay train delay 因为疫情的问题我不能回家 I ca 阅读全文
Quinn- China Xingwei- China Alice- China Eistert- China Fen- China Aaron- China What do american sound like? The speed of continuous reading will be f 阅读全文
Time 2022.11.14 Monday 23:30 - 00:15 Topic Facing a challenge What is the hardest thing you've ever had to do?how did you manage to ovvercome the obst 阅读全文