Mac(m1)下npm install报错解决方案
npm ERR! code 1
npm ERR! path /Users/.../node_modules/chromedriver
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c node install.js
npm ERR! Only Mac 64 bits supported.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/.../.npm/_logs/2021-12-31T09_11_02_875Z-debug.log
npm install --ignore-scripts npm uninstall node-saas //卸载node -saas npm install node-sass --save-dev //重新安装node -saas
npm ERR! gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
npm ERR! gyp verb cli [
npm ERR! gyp verb cli '/usr/local/bin/node',
npm ERR! gyp verb cli '/Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js',
npm ERR! gyp verb cli 'rebuild',
npm ERR! gyp verb cli '--verbose',
npm ERR! gyp verb cli '--libsass_ext=',
npm ERR! gyp verb cli '--libsass_cflags=',
npm ERR! gyp verb cli '--libsass_ldflags=',
npm ERR! gyp verb cli '--libsass_library='
npm ERR! gyp verb cli ]
npm ERR! gyp info using node-gyp@3.8.0
npm ERR! gyp info using node@16.13.1 | darwin | arm64
npm ERR! gyp verb command rebuild []
npm ERR! gyp verb command clean []
npm ERR! gyp verb clean removing "build" directory
npm ERR! gyp verb command configure []
npm ERR! gyp verb check python checking for Python executable "python2" in the PATH
npm ERR! gyp verb `which` succeeded python2 /usr/bin/python2
npm ERR! gyp verb check python version `/usr/bin/python2 -c "import sys; print "2.7.18
npm ERR! gyp verb check python version .%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:3];"` returned: %j
npm ERR! gyp verb get node dir no --target version specified, falling back to host node version: 16.13.1
npm ERR! gyp verb command install [ '16.13.1' ]
npm ERR! gyp verb install input version string "16.13.1"
npm ERR! gyp verb install installing version: 16.13.1
npm ERR! gyp verb install --ensure was passed, so won't reinstall if already installed
npm ERR! gyp verb install version is already installed, need to check "installVersion"
npm ERR! gyp verb got "installVersion" 9
npm ERR! gyp verb needs "installVersion" 9
npm ERR! gyp verb install version is good
npm ERR! gyp verb get node dir target node version installed: 16.13.1
npm ERR! gyp verb build dir attempting to create "build" dir: /Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-sass/build
npm ERR! gyp verb build dir "build" dir needed to be created? /Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-sass/build
npm ERR! gyp verb build/config.gypi creating config file
npm ERR! gyp verb build/config.gypi writing out config file: /Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-sass/build/config.gypi
npm ERR! (node:28573) [DEP0150] DeprecationWarning: Setting process.config is deprecated. In the future the property will be read-only.
npm ERR! (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
npm ERR! gyp verb config.gypi checking for gypi file: /Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-sass/config.gypi
npm ERR! gyp verb common.gypi checking for gypi file: /Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-sass/common.gypi
npm ERR! gyp verb gyp gyp format was not specified; forcing "make"
npm ERR! gyp info spawn /usr/bin/python2
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args [
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '/Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'binding.gyp',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-f',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'make',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-I',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '/Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-sass/build/config.gypi',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-I',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '/Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-gyp/addon.gypi',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-I',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '/Users/zyq/.node-gyp/16.13.1/include/node/common.gypi',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dlibrary=shared_library',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dvisibility=default',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dnode_root_dir=/Users/zyq/.node-gyp/16.13.1',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dnode_gyp_dir=/Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-gyp',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dnode_lib_file=/Users/zyq/.node-gyp/16.13.1/<(target_arch)/node.lib',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dmodule_root_dir=/Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-sass',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dnode_engine=v8',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '--depth=.',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '--no-parallel',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '--generator-output',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'build',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Goutput_dir=.'
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args ]
npm ERR! gyp verb command build []
npm ERR! gyp verb build type Release
npm ERR! gyp verb architecture arm64
npm ERR! gyp verb node dev dir /Users/zyq/.node-gyp/16.13.1
npm ERR! gyp verb `which` succeeded for `make` /usr/bin/make
npm ERR! gyp info spawn make
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args [ 'V=1', 'BUILDTYPE=Release', '-C', 'build' ]
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/ast.cpp:2:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/ast_fwd_decl.cpp:1:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/bind.cpp:3:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/check_nesting.cpp:4:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/check_nesting.hpp:4:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/color_maps.cpp:2:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/context.cpp:9:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/cssize.cpp:6:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/cssize.hpp:4:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/environment.cpp:2:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/error_handling.cpp:2:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/eval.cpp:10:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/eval.hpp:4:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/expand.cpp:5:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/extend.cpp:2:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/extend.hpp:7:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/file.cpp:23:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/sass_functions.hpp:6:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/functions.hpp:4:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/listize.hpp:7:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/functions.cpp:2:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/functions.hpp:4:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/listize.hpp:7:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/inspect.cpp:9:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/listize.cpp:6:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/listize.hpp:7:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/node.cpp:4:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/node.hpp:7:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/operators.cpp:2:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/operators.hpp:4:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/values.hpp:4:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/output.cpp:2:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/parser.cpp:2:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/parser.hpp:7:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/remove_placeholders.cpp:2:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/remove_placeholders.hpp:6:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/sass.cpp:11:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/sass_functions.hpp:6:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/functions.hpp:4:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/listize.hpp:7:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/sass_context.cpp:9:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/sass_functions.cpp:5:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/values.hpp:4:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/sass_util.cpp:2:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/node.hpp:7:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/sass_values.cpp:5:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/eval.hpp:4:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/source_map.cpp:7:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/subset_map.cpp:2:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/to_c.cpp:3:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/to_value.cpp:2:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/util.cpp:3:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/values.cpp:3:
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/libsass/src/values.hpp:4:
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:25: warning: loop variable 'numerator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1614:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto numerator : numerators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:25: warning: loop variable 'denominator' creates a copy from type 'const std::string' [-Wrange-loop-construct]
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! ../src/libsass/src/ast.hpp:1616:14: note: use reference type 'const std::string &' to prevent copying
npm ERR! for (const auto denominator : denominators)
npm ERR! ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! &
npm ERR! 2 warnings generated.
npm ERR! In file included from ../src/binding.cpp:1:
npm ERR! In file included from ../../nan/nan.h:58:
npm ERR! In file included from /Users/zyq/.node-gyp/16.13.1/include/node/node.h:63:
npm ERR! In file included from /Users/zyq/.node-gyp/16.13.1/include/node/v8.h:30:
npm ERR! /Users/zyq/.node-gyp/16.13.1/include/node/v8-internal.h:492:38: error: no template named 'remove_cv_t' in namespace 'std'; did you mean 'remove_cv'?
npm ERR! !std::is_same<Data, std::remove_cv_t<T>>::value>::Perform(data);
npm ERR! ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~
npm ERR! remove_cv
npm ERR! /Applications/ note: 'remove_cv' declared here
npm ERR! template <class _Tp> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS remove_cv
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! 1 error generated.
npm ERR! make: *** [Release/] Error 1
npm ERR! gyp ERR! build error
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:262:23)
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:390:28)
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:290:12)
npm ERR! gyp ERR! System Darwin 21.1.0
npm ERR! gyp ERR! command "/usr/local/bin/node" "/Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "rebuild" "--verbose" "--libsass_ext=" "--libsass_cflags=" "--libsass_ldflags=" "--libsass_library="
npm ERR! gyp ERR! cwd /Users/zyq/Documents/music-website-master/music-client/node_modules/node-sass
npm ERR! gyp ERR! node -v v16.13.1
npm ERR! gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.8.0
npm ERR! gyp ERR! not ok
npm ERR! Build failed with error code: 1
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/.../.npm/_logs/2021-12-31T12_13_43_252Z-debug.log
原因是node sass不支持当前的环境:arm。
用sass 代替node sass
删除掉package.jeson中"dependencies": {"node-sass": "^4.14.0"}
npm uninstall node sass
npm install sass
npm install
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