一些让生活更容易的"常识":Music, Water, Breath, Mindset

Hello 网友们!这个还是听Andrew Huberman的播客时记的笔记。关于音乐、水、呼吸和心态。这次只是记录了可以直接行动的内容,都是一些知道了就立马就能让生活变得容易的信息,背后的原理和相关的研究可以去听播客,是否知道原理对效果有很大影响的(强烈推荐,🧱内可以在iPhone自带的播客应用听,安卓我暂时不知道了😑)。

其中有关Growth Mindset的内容,有篇发在Nature上的文章说只要知道有这回事就能大大提高受试者的表现,神奇。

Well 原文当然是发在这里先..



  • Music activates whole brain.
  • Listen to favorite music for 10-60 minutes per day: reduce resting heart rate, increase heart rate variability, activate features of parasympathetic nervous system, can it can sustained after stop listening.
  • 140-150bpm for 10-15 minutes: motivate before exercise or do cognitive work
  • Cognitive work : silence > faster instrumental music > music with lyrics > favorite music
  • When read, listen to words in your head as if they're being spoken (not that certain)
  • Listen music between bouts of cognitive work: performance enhancer
  • Music changes our mood: neurons fire and release neurochemicals at the same frequency as the music we listen to
  • Listen to new music: enhance the brain's neural circuitry and neuroplasticity for learning beyond music
  • ‘Happy music’ helps people subconsciously relax their facial muscles, and unfurrow eyebrows (sad music does the opposite)
  • The threshold for changing mood into a happier state through music: 9 minutes. Listen to sad music for 13 minutes or more to help process somber emotion.
  • Leveraging music to reduce anxiety: study participants experienced a 65% reduction in anxiety after listening to Marconi Union – Weightless for 3 minutes. This reduction in anxiety was as effective as benzodiazepine.


  • Temperature and pH of water are important determinants in how your body uses water.
    • higher pH water(not too high) is going to be absorbed more quickly, low pH water stays longer in gut. temperture also effect the absorption rate. BUT NOT IMPORTANT.
  • Hydration needs at rest: roughly 8oz(236ml) per hour when awake for the first 10 hours of your day. (independent of body weight)
    • cells of the kidney and gut are under strong regulation of the circadian clock gene: for the first 10 hours after waking, the kidney is working hard to filter fluid then efficiency reduces.
  • Reduce nighttime urination frequency:
    • hydrate sufficiently during the day
    • reduce fluid intake at night
    • sip water slowly at night if you drink

Cold shower

  • Key: warming up naturally, not in a hot shower or sauna.
  • The water should be cold enough that you're uncomfortable, but the temperature is safe enough to do so.
  • Deliberate cold exposure: 2 minutes of deliberate cold exposure/water immersion up to the neck + 30s of deliberate cold exposure, with cold shower 5x per week.
    • increase in catecholamines(mood and well-being), sexual satisfaction(probably from increase testosterone in men and women), reduction in anxiety, reduction in waist circumference in men, reduction in abdominal fat in men.


  • Use nose: the brain functions better when inhaling through the nose.
  • Use diaphragm: more efficient.
  • Physiological sign for relaxation and enhanced mood: 2 inhales through the nose (one big, one smaller) then 1 long exhale through the mouth until lunges are emtpy. ( cycled for 5 minutes or performed once for acute stree relief, can do it to alleviate exercise cramps)
  • Hiccups are a spasm of the phrenic nerve: inhale through the nose 3x in a row, hold your breath for 15-20 seconds, then exhale completely.
  • Cyclic hyperventilation: deep inhale through nose immediately followed by deep exhale through mouth x 25-30 then fully exhaling until lungs are empty and repeating cycle for 5 minutes. this allows you explore how to tap into a calm mind and body during stressful times.
  • Measure carbon dioxide tolerance: inhale though nose and exhale all the way 4x; take the 5th inhale as deep as you can, release as slowly as possible, and time; stop the timer when you can no longer exhale any more air
    • 20-25s or less, low carbon dioxide tolerance. TO IMPORVE: 3s box breathing repeat about 2min.
    • 25-45s, moderate, 5-6s box breathing repeat about 2min.
    • 50+s, high, 8-10s box breathing repeat about 2min.

Growth Mindset

(Dr. David Yeager的这个发在Nature上研究:“Yeager, D.S., Bryan, C.J., Gross, J.J., Krettek Cobb, D., Santos, P., Murray, J., Graveling, H., Johnson, M. & Jamieson, J.* (2022). A synergistic mindsets intervention protects adolescents from stress. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04907-7 *Denotes corresponding authors.”表明了单单是知道growth mindset和stress is enhancing mindset的信息,研究对象的表现就提高了,因此以下的内容可能看一看就变厉害了Lol)

Mindsets help us simplify complex reality and distill down our core assumptions that shape and orient our thinking and action.

  • we are constantly bombarded with infomation - mindset helps us understand how to organize and what to respond to in order to simplify our world.

Growth mindset: the idea that we can get better at things - our abilites are malleable and our brains can learn and change (neuroplasticity) to achieve more.

  • embracing challenges
  • thinking about the body and brain's response to challenges in order to optimize performance
  • Distance your identity from the challenge you happen to be embracing now: develop distance from the performance so identity isn't solely wrapped in a single endeavor - it's necessary to attach motivation to the effort itself instead of the outcome.
  • combine growth mindset and stress enhancing mindset you and anyone it's been shown can vastly improve your performance in essentially anything.


  • Praise can undermine performance in children: intelligence feedback can stunt performance because it leads to selecting easier challenges to ensure success to receive praise
    • Intelligence feedback (tied to labels of identity): praise involving telling a child (or someone) they’re good at learning, picking something up easily, etc.
    • Effort feedback (tied to verb): praising persistence, praising effort, etc. (You tried really hard on that problem, it was great the way you applied effort, it was great the way you persisted, it was great the way that even when you got the wrong answer you spent 10 minutes thinking about it and then you tried again and again)
    • giving intelligence praise reduced performance in children versus effort feedback which improved praise
      • Children who receive intelligence praise take on fewer problems overall and limit the challenges they engage in
      • Children who receive intelligence praise tend to misrepresent themselves and even lie to make themselves look better than they actually performed (even if they performed well but not perfectly)

Leveraging Narrative

  • Shift narrative and self-talk toward effort-related narrative instead of labels
    • To further improve positive statement – instead of telling yourself ‘I have a great memory’ tell yourself ‘I spend a lot of time with information to build memory’
    • To improve negative statement – instead of telling yourself ‘I’m just not good at playing musical instruments tell yourself ‘I haven’t spent a lot of time practicing musical instruments to improve’
    • Can help you get better and prevent you from getting worse at something you’re already good at by detaching identity
  • Focus on what you can control: we can all control level of persistence and effort.

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

  • The brain actually engages in different patterns of activity in response to hearing they got something wrong or underperformed depending on whether you have a growth mindset or fixed mindset (some key words: P3 ACC error signal....)
    • Fixed mindset: traits remain relatively stable and cannot be changed over time.
    • Feedback & growth mindset: people-oriented toward understanding what error was, why they got it wrong, and how they can improve the next time.
    • Feedback & fixed mindset: people tend to have a more emotional response and surprise they were wrong, and are more likely to shy away from challenges to avoid negative feedback
  • Shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset response
    • A growth mindset is about processing then shifting energy towards effort.
    • A growth mindset is connecting motivation to cognition instead of just a feeling.


  • Study supported evidence for leveraging stress as enhancing mindset

    • Condition 1: people are exposed to true information about how stress can diminish performance and then given a task
    • Condition 2: people are exposed to true information about how stress can enhance performance when given a task
    • Result: people in condition 2 performed better – it’s all about mindset; stress shifts the ability to allocate resources and improve response
      • These results have been replicated across many groups in various settings
  • Stress as a means of mobilizing resources in the body: stress allows us to dampen stress response in real-time, stress heightens focus to pay attention, and allows us to adjust response in the future

  • When relax tends to be more peripheral blood flow.

  • When possible, it’s best for the teacher/student to both adopt stress as enhancing mindset; if you don’t have anyone else, write a letter explaining your growth mindset.

  • When giving praise or feedback to yourself or others, orient it towards process and verbs instead of labels.

  • When giving feedback about errors, think about what led to those errors instead of emotions related to those errors (take a day or two to process then move on)

  • Seek help to analyze errors in performance (IMPORTANT)

  • Reframe the idea that the mind is like a muscle; we won’t necessarily feel what it’s like to perform better as we would with exercising the body.




In index.md
 your head as if they're being spoken (not that certain)
"being spoken" may be passive voice on line 20 at column 56
ot too high) is going to be absorbed more quickly, low pH water stays longer in 
"be absorbed" may be passive voice on line 30 at column 45
oing to be absorbed more quickly, low pH water stays longer in gut. temperture a
"quickly" can weaken meaning on line 30 at column 62
Hydration needs at rest: roughly 8oz(236ml) per hour when awake for the first 10
"roughly" can weaken meaning on line 31 at column 27
        - sip water slowly at night if you drink
"slowly" can weaken meaning on line 36 at column 13
ree relief, can do it to alleviate exercise cramps)
"alleviate" is wordy or unneeded on line 47 at column 244
-20 seconds, then exhale completely.
"completely" is a weasel word and can weaken meaning on line 48 at column 129
deep inhale through nose immediately followed by deep exhale through mouth x 25-
"immediately" can weaken meaning on line 49 at column 52
p as you can, release as slowly as possible, and time; stop the timer when you c
"slowly" can weaken meaning on line 50 at column 133
e and what to respond to in order to simplify our world.
"in order to" is wordy or unneeded on line 60 at column 115
hat we can get better at things - our abilites are malleable and our brains can 
"things" can weaken meaning on line 63 at column 51
s response to challenges in order to optimize performance
"in order to" is wordy or unneeded on line 65 at column 61
lely wrapped in a single endeavor - it's necessary to attach motivation to the e
"endeavor" is wordy or unneeded on line 66 at column 163

posted @ 2023-12-20 15:32  EisenJi  阅读(30)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报