
Posted on 2018-11-14 17:58  eilinge  阅读(336)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
pragma solidity ^0.4.10;

contract enumTest{
    enum ActionChoices{Left,Right,Straight,Still}
                    //  0    1       2       3
    //input/output  uint
    ActionChoices public _choice;
    ActionChoices defaultChoice = ActionChoices.Straight;
    function setStraight(ActionChoices choice) public{
        _choice = choice;
    function getDefaultChoice() constant public returns(uint){
        return uint(defaultChoice); //2
    function isLeft(ActionChoices choice) constant public returns(bool){
        if (choice == ActionChoices.Left){
            return true; //0
        return false; //1,2,3
contract StructTest{
    struct Student{
        string name;
        uint sex;
        uint age;
        //uint year =15;ParserError: Expected ';' but got '=':Cannot be assigned within the constructor,unless use constructor public{}
    Student public std1 = Student('lily',0,15);
    Student public std2 = Student({name:'lin',sex:1,age:17});
    0: string: name lin
    1: uint256: sex 1
    2: uint256: age 17
    Student [] public students;
    function assgin() public{
        students.push(std2); ='eilinge';
        0: string: name eilinge
        1: uint256: sex 0
        2: uint256: age 15

contract mappingTest{
    mapping(uint => string) id_names;
    mapping (_key => _values)
    constructor() public{
        id_names[0x001] = 'jim';//构造函数内声明的全局变量,任意函数都可以进行调用
        id_names[0x002] = 'eilin';
    function getNamebyId(uint id) constant public returns(string){
        string name = id_names[id]; //局部变量 name,仅能在本函数内使用,其他函数无法进行调用
        return name;

pragma solidity ^0.4.10;

contract modifierTest{
    address owner=msg.sender;
    uint public v3;
    modifier onlyowner(address own) {
        require(own == owner);
    function setv3() onlyowner(msg.sender) {
        v3 = 10;