observable operator example
from https://www.jianshu.com/p/b81a5ad72641
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import {Observable, fromEvent, from, of, interval} from 'rxjs'; import {filter, map, mapTo} from 'rxjs/operators'; @Component({ selector: 'app-cust', template: `<p><button type="button" (click)="runEx()">{{title}}</button><input id="name" placeholder="type here"></p>`, }) export class CustomersComponent { title = 'fromEvent - How to capture an event e.g. a keypress'; myObservable = of(1, 2, 3); // myObservable = from(1, 2, 3); myObserver = { next: x => console.log('Observer got a next value: ' + x), error: err => console.error('Observer got an error: ' + err), complete: () => console.log('Observer got a complete notification'), }; runEx(): void { interval(1000).pipe( filter(x => x % 2 === 0) ).subscribe({ next: (value) => { console.log('======filter操作符: ', value); }, error: (error) => { console.log('======filter操作符---Error: ', error); }, complete: () => { console.log('======filter操作符: complete'); } }); } }
/** * 例如: interval(1000).pipe(map(x => x + 1)); * -----0-----1-----2-----3--... * map(x => x + 1) * -----1-----2-----3-----4--... */ interval(1000).pipe( map(x => x + 1) ).subscribe({ next: (value) => { console.log('======map操作符: ', value); }, error: (error) => { console.log('======map操作符---Error: ', error); }, complete: () => { console.log('======map操作符: complete'); } }); /** * 例如: interval(1000).pipe(mapTo(2)) * -----0-----1-----2-----3--... * mapTo(2) * -----2-----2-----2-----2--... */ interval(1000).pipe( mapTo('mapTo') ).subscribe({ next: (value) => { console.log('======mapTo操作符: ', value); }, error: (error) => { console.log('======mapTo操作符---Error: ', error); }, complete: () => { console.log('======mapTo操作符: complete'); } }); /** * 例如:interval(1000).pipe(filter(x => x % 2 === 0)); * -----0-----1-----2-----3-----4--... * filter(x => x % 2 === 0) * -----0-----------2-----------4--... */ interval(1000).pipe( filter(x => x % 2 === 0) ).subscribe({ next: (value) => { console.log('======filter操作符: ', value); }, error: (error) => { console.log('======filter操作符---Error: ', error); }, complete: () => { console.log('======filter操作符: complete'); } });
import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable, of, interval, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { map, take, mapTo, filter } from 'rxjs/operators'; @Component({ selector: 'app-rxjs-demo', template: ` <h3>Rxjs Demo To Study! -- Operators操作符(map、mapTo、filter)</h3> <button (click)="originMapHandler()">origin map</button> <button class="mgLeft" (click)="mapHandler()">map</button> <button class="mgLeft" (click)="mapToHandler()">mapTo</button> <button class="mgLeft" (click)="filterHandler()">mapTo</button> <app-back></app-back> `, styles: [` .mgLeft { margin-left: 20px; } `] }) export class RxjsDemoComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { originMapSubscription: Subscription; mapSubscription: Subscription; mapToSubscription: Subscription; filterSubscription: Subscription; constructor() { } ngOnInit(): void { // 图谱 // ----- 代表一个Observable // -----X 代表一个Observable有错误发生 // -----| 代表一个Observable结束 // (1234)| 代表一个同步Observable结束 } map(source, callback) { return Observable.create(observer => { return source.subscribe( (value) => { try { observer.next(callback(value)); } catch (e) { observer.error(e); } }, (err) => { observer.error(err); }, () => { observer.complete(); } ); }); } originMapHandler() { // 1. 传统写法创建Map操作符 const people = of('Jerry', 'Anna'); const helloPlople = this.map(people, item => item + ' Hello~'); this.originMapSubscription = helloPlople.subscribe({ next: (value) => { console.log('======传统写法创建Map操作符: ', value); }, error: (error) => { console.log('======传统写法创建Map操作符---Error: ', error); }, complete: () => { console.log('======传统写法创建Map操作符: complete'); } }); } mapHandler() { /** * 例如: interval(1000).pipe(map(x => x + 1)); * -----0-----1-----2-----3--... * map(x => x + 1) * -----1-----2-----3-----4--... */ this.mapSubscription = interval(1000).pipe( map(x => x + 1), take(4) ).subscribe({ next: (value) => { console.log('======map操作符: ', value); }, error: (error) => { console.log('======map操作符---Error: ', error); }, complete: () => { console.log('======map操作符: complete'); } }); } mapToHandler() { /** * 例如: interval(1000).pipe(mapTo(2)) * -----0-----1-----2-----3--... * mapTo(2) * -----2-----2-----2-----2--... */ this.mapToSubscription = interval(1000).pipe( mapTo('mapTo'), take(3) ).subscribe({ next: (value) => { console.log('======mapTo操作符: ', value); }, error: (error) => { console.log('======mapTo操作符---Error: ', error); }, complete: () => { console.log('======mapTo操作符: complete'); } }); } filterHandler() { /** * 例如:interval(1000).pipe(filter(x => x % 2 === 0)); * -----0-----1-----2-----3-----4--... * filter(x => x % 2 === 0) * -----0-----------2-----------4--... */ this.filterSubscription = interval(1000).pipe( filter(x => x % 2 === 0), take(5) ).subscribe({ next: (value) => { console.log('======filter操作符: ', value); }, error: (error) => { console.log('======filter操作符---Error: ', error); }, complete: () => { console.log('======filter操作符: complete'); } }); } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.originMapSubscription) { this.originMapSubscription.unsubscribe(); } if (this.mapSubscription) { this.mapSubscription.unsubscribe(); } if (this.mapToSubscription) { this.mapToSubscription.unsubscribe(); } if (this.filterSubscription) { this.filterSubscription.unsubscribe(); } } }