SELECT t.NAME AS 表名, SUM(p.rows) AS 记录数 FROM sys.tables t INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON t.OBJECT_ID = i.object_id INNER JOIN sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = p.index_id WHERE t.NAME NOT LIKE 'dt%' AND i.OBJECT_ID > 255 AND i.index_id <= 1 GROUP BY t.NAME ORDER BY 记录数 DESC
select sum(RowCounts) 总记录数 from( SELECT t.NAME AS TableName, SUM(p.rows) AS RowCounts FROM sys.tables t INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON t.OBJECT_ID = i.object_id INNER JOIN sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = p.index_id WHERE t.NAME NOT LIKE 'dt%' AND i.OBJECT_ID > 255 AND i.index_id <= 1 GROUP BY t.NAME ) tt