1.递归的深度是有限制的 -----开始查询最新价日期的股票时,遇到停盘n久或者退市的,会导致递归层数太多,超过350层左右就会退出
2.头文件互相包含或者包含重复,会导致error C4430: 缺少类型说明符 - 假定为 int 问题,有点很鬼
#ifndef _THIRD_METHODS_H #define _THIRD_METHODS_H #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <Windows.h> #include <WinSock.h> #include <mysql.h> #include <time.h> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #pragma comment(lib,"wsock32.lib") using namespace std; class quePrice { public: //与数据库建立连接 bool ConnectDatabase(); //释放与数据库的连接 void FreeConnect(); //查询历史最高价 float queryHighestPrice(string strStock); //查询最新成交日日期价格,即跳过停盘或者非交易日,离今天最近的一天的成交价 float newDayPrice(string dayTime,string strStock); //查询当天日期 string queryToday(); //设置递归深度 void setDepth(int n ); private: //查询昨天的日期 string queryYesterday(string dateTime); //查询某个月的天数 int queryMonthTotalDays(int year,int month); private: MYSQL mysql; char field[32][32]; //存字段名二维数组 MYSQL_RES *res; //行的一个查询结果集 MYSQL_ROW column; //数据行的列 char query[150]; //查询语句 int depth ; //控制递归查询的深度 }; #endif
#include "thirdMethods.h" bool quePrice::ConnectDatabase() { //Gets or initializes a MYSQL structure mysql_init(&mysql); // Connects to a MySQL server const char host[] = "localhost"; const char user[] = "root"; const char passwd[] = "Test_123"; const char db[] = "stockDataBase"; unsigned int port = 3306; const char *unix_socket = NULL; unsigned long client_flag = 0; if (mysql_real_connect(&mysql, host, user, passwd, db, port, unix_socket, client_flag)) { printf("The connection was successful.\n"); return true; } else { printf("Error connecting to database:%s\n", mysql_error(&mysql)); return false; } } //释放资源 void quePrice::FreeConnect() { mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(&mysql); } float quePrice::queryHighestPrice(string strStock) { float highestPrice = 0.0;//这边必须赋初值,因为万一有表没有数据会出问题 string strsql = "select * from stock_" + strStock + " order by closePrice desc limit 1 "; sprintf_s(query, strsql.c_str()); mysql_query(&mysql, "set names gbk"); if (mysql_query(&mysql, query)) { printf("Query failed (%s)\n", mysql_error(&mysql)); return false; } else { printf("query mysql_query success\n"); } res = mysql_store_result(&mysql); if (!res) { printf("Couldn't get result from %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql)); return false; } while (column = mysql_fetch_row(res)) { string tempHighPri = column[3]; highestPrice = atof(tempHighPri.c_str()); } return highestPrice; } //查询最新成交日日期价格 float quePrice::newDayPrice(string dayTime,string strStock) { if(--depth < 0) { //cout << "can not get " + strStock + " price." << endl; return 0; } float nNewDayPrice = 0.0; string tempQuery = "select * from stock_" + strStock + " where dateTime = '" + dayTime + "'" ; sprintf_s(query, tempQuery.c_str()); mysql_query(&mysql, "set names gbk"); if (mysql_query(&mysql, query)) { printf("Query failed (%s)\n", mysql_error(&mysql)); return false; } else { //printf("query success\n"); } res = mysql_store_result(&mysql); if (!res) //这边理论上需要优化,万一有只股票一直没有价格,就陷入死循环了 { //cout << "can not get result" << endl; } else { if(0 == mysql_affected_rows(&mysql)) { //cout << "can not get " + dayTime + " price." << endl; string tempDay = queryYesterday(dayTime); nNewDayPrice = newDayPrice(tempDay,strStock); } else { while (column = mysql_fetch_row(res)) { string todayPrice = column[3]; nNewDayPrice = atof(todayPrice.c_str()); } } } //cout << strStock <<" newDayPrice ok:" << nNewDayPrice << endl; return nNewDayPrice; } //查询当天日期 string quePrice::queryToday() { //query today date strToday time_t nowtime; tm * pt; char strTime[20]; time(&nowtime); pt = localtime(&nowtime); strftime(strTime,20,"%Y-%m-%d",pt); string strToday = strTime; return strToday; } //查询某个月的天数 int quePrice::queryMonthTotalDays(int year,int month) { if(2 == month && 0 == year%4) { return 29; } switch(month) { case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: return 31; case 2: return 28; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: return 30; default: return 0; } } //查询昨天的日期 string quePrice::queryYesterday(string dateTime) { string strYear = dateTime.substr(0,4); string strMonth = dateTime.substr(5,2); string strDay = dateTime.substr(8,2); int nYear = atoi(strYear.c_str()); int nMonth = atoi(strMonth.c_str()); int nDay = atoi(strDay.c_str()); int tempDay = 0; int tempMonth = nMonth; int tempYear = nYear; if(nDay > 1) { tempDay = nDay - 1; } else { if(nMonth > 1) { tempMonth = tempMonth -1; tempDay = queryMonthTotalDays(tempYear,tempMonth); } else { tempYear = tempYear -1; tempMonth = 12; tempDay = 31; } } string lianjiefu = "-"; //string tempDateTime = tempYear + lianjiefu + tempMonth + lianjiefu + tempDay; //c++不能像java直接+数字和字符串 char str1[10]; sprintf(str1,"%04d",tempYear); char str2[10]; sprintf(str2,"%02d",tempMonth); char str3[10]; sprintf(str3,"%02d",tempDay); string tempDateTime = str1 + lianjiefu + str2 + lianjiefu + str3; //error C2110: “+”: 不能添加两个指针,即 str1 + "-" + str2 也不行 return tempDateTime; } void quePrice::setDepth(int n) { depth = n; }
#include "thirdMethods.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char **argv) { clock_t startTime,endTime,consumeTime; startTime = clock(); const int stockFields = 15; float biaozhun = 0.33333; float highestPrice = 0.0; float nNewDayPrice = 0.0; float bizhi = 0.0; string strTodayDate = ""; cout.setf(ios::left,ios::adjustfield); ofstream oStockSelect("D:\\data\\python\\test\\select.txt",ios::app); quePrice oquePrice; oquePrice.ConnectDatabase(); for(long i = 600000;i < 604000;i++) { oquePrice.setDepth(20);// char stock[8]; sprintf(stock,"%d",i); string strStock = stock; cout << "query the " << strStock << endl; highestPrice = oquePrice.queryHighestPrice(strStock); strTodayDate = oquePrice.queryToday(); nNewDayPrice = oquePrice.newDayPrice(strTodayDate,strStock); //cout << "highestPrice:" << highestPrice << endl; //cout << "strTodayDate:" << strTodayDate << endl; //cout << "nNewDayPrice:" << nNewDayPrice << endl; bizhi = nNewDayPrice/highestPrice; if( bizhi < biaozhun) { oStockSelect << strStock << setw(12) << bizhi << setw(12) << nNewDayPrice << endl; } } oquePrice.FreeConnect(); endTime = clock(); consumeTime = endTime - startTime; cout << "consume Time:" << consumeTime << endl; system("pause"); return 0; }
为了可移植性,这次准备试下 windows 安装支持 pthread库,这样就可以再linux也用同一套多线的代码
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